Bubbles and Butterflies

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Akira's POV

"Right, If you end the mission when you drop me ashore. There will be no bridge. They'll assassinate me before I reach home." Tazuna looked each one of us in the eye.

I looked at everyone's faces. Naruto and Sakura were sweating and Sasuke and Kakashi seemed indifferent. I kinda felt bad but it wasn't really our problem, we should have gone back when we could have.

"But, don't feel bad about that. Of course my sweet little grandson will be upset, he'll cry ' Granddad I want my Granddad.' " He made his voice sound like a whiny brat near the end.

'I can't believe a grown man is trying to play the guilt card.' I look around and watched as Naruto and Sakura began to give in.

'Okay so far it looks like me, Kakashi and Sasuke are still okay. Emo boy probably has no conscious so he'll be fine, Now all that's left to worry about is Kakashi and myself.'

"Oh and my daughter will condemn the ninja of the hidden leaves denouncing and blaming you for abandoning her father and leaving her life in sorrow."

'So...It's starting to work.' I look at Kakashi and see that he's doing fine. Naruto and Sakura were practically crying and Sasuke looked like he was actually going to help.

"Ah well. It's not your fault, forget it." Tazuna said.

'How can we after you've told us that sob story? Evil old man.'

I watched as the others all looked at each other rather sadly.

Kakashi turned, "Well, I guess we have no other choice we'll have to keep guarding you."

I looked at him with wide eyes. 'He's giving in! Traitor you were the one I was getting hope from.'

"If we give in now he'll just use this against us again later." I said while glaring at Kakashi like he was a traitor.

"But if we don't he dies." Kakashi says back.

I sit back down and cross my arms. "Yeah, okay. Do whatever you want."

"Oh, I'm very grateful." Tazuna turned away and made the peace sign over his shoulder.

I could practically hear him saying "I win". 'I can't believe he used such a low trick.' I sat in silence all the way to the docks just glaring at the old man. I couldn't help but smirk whenever he shifted uncomfortably or avoided eye contact. 'I really want to push him out of the boat.'

After a while I became bored and zoned out until I heard Naruto's excited voice cut through my thoughts. I glanced around 'Looks like the fog has miraculously disappeared. How convenient.' I thought slumped over the front of the boat slightly.

We got off the boat and said good bye to Tazunas friend before we continued on our way to Tazunas house. I watched Sasuke and Naruto's pathetic excuse for rivalry until I got bored yet again and scanned the surroundings for something to do.

Suddenly, Naruto ran ahead of us and threw his kunai into the bushes. Everyone besides me and Sasuke were shocked. I was more confused and Sasuke didn't seem to care.

He then tried to act cool by saying, "It was just a mouse."

This excuse did not go over well with the others.

Sakura was the first to yell something about Naruto being 'so obvious'.

"Naruto, those are kunai knives, they are dangerous." Kakashi said as Tazuna growled sounding like a lawn mower and Sasuke just looked away ashamed to be on his team.

Tazuna then yelled insults at Naruto as Naruto continued to ignore him. Before throwing a second kunai into another bush. I sighed as I watched Sakura punch Naruto for what seemed like the fifth time since we got here.

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