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Akira’s POV

Turns out that hand sign saved us from falling asleep and I vaguely remember Jaraiya teaching me it but I wasn’t paying attention at that time. I looked around the stadium to see Gaara running off with Sasuke close behind trying to continue the fight. What is wrong with his head? I was about to go after them but Kakashi grabbed my shoulder pulling me out of an enemy nin’s way.

The enemy stumbled a second before lunging at us again. It was then that Gai appeared, kicking the enemy away as he then proceeded to give his stupid thumbs up pose glittery teeth and all. I felt myself move instinctively to hide behind Kakashi. Kakashi just raised an eyebrow in amusement before pushing me towards the others. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that there was a purple box sitting on the roof of the Kage’s box. It looked like a barrier, one that stretched about 30 feet into the sky and spanned the entire roof. As I looked closer I could see Gramps and some weird girl standing across from one another as Anbu swarmed in around the box.

Well, they have anbu. They can handle it. I turned back to the immediate vicinity just in time to be pulled into Naruto as Kakashi killed yet another enemy. Gai was doing his fair share as he ushered Sakura and Shikamaru towards a gaping hole on the wall. Naruto grabbed my hand and began to drag me over to it but Kakashi intervened.

“Naruto, Akira has to stay here. If he goes too far he could be captured.”

“I can take care of-“

“No he’s right…” Naruto said sadly as he dropped my hand. “I can’t help Sasuke if you get captured.”

“But, oh alright…” I said. “You had better come back alive alright? None of this I’m in a coma in the hospital stuff or worse I’m dead in a casket.”

He laughed, “You got it.”

I gave him a short hug before he disappeared with Sakura and Shikamaru. Was that Pakkun? Oh yes it was, well at least they have someone to follow now. I looked over to Kakashi and Gai who were both locked in combat. They seem fine but those Anbu seem troubled, I observed from their hunched over positions with their hands balled into fists. I took a quick glance at Kakashi before disappearing among the rows of people and chairs.

An enemy attacked from my left but fell dead as one of my kunai hit his neck. I didn’t have the nerve to retrieve it so I continued through the rows, crawling when I felt there were too many ninjas for me to handle and fighting when it was only one or two.

When I reached the purple box I crouched down near two of the only anbu left, all the others were fighting elsewhere as there was really nothing they could do with this barrier. They whispered to each other urgently before one of them stood, rushing at the barrier with all his might. The moment he made contact he was set aflame. The scent of his flesh hit my nose causing bile to rise in my throat and tears to come to my eyes. It was just like that time. The anbu rolled back falling off the roof as he did so. Now it was only me and the last anbu. He finally noticed the small child on the roof and tilted his head in the rhetorical fashion of what the hell? His body was covered in a tan cloak and his face was covered with a white animal mask.

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