A New Trainer for an 'Impudent' Child

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Akira’s POV

“…So that’s why I need a note signed by you, saying that I can be in the Genin Exam.” I said after explaining Iruka’s stupidity towards his analysis of my own skill.

 ‘I think I can figure out whether or not I can do the exam on my own.’

“Akira, I cannot, and will not, just sign this note. Iruka is a very good teacher and knows what is best for his students. You are a new student in a new field. You can’t expect to just wake up with the same abilities as the other students. You don’t even know how to use chakra yet. So tell me, how would you pass?”

I maintained a determined face. Refusing to give in on this topic. If I can’t wake up with the abilities then I just have to work to gain these skills. While others sleep, I’ll train until I reach the same level as them.

“I will learn.”

“In one night?! That’s impossible.” Ibiki said in disbelief. He walked up to me, “Even if you had been a student for a few years it would still be difficult, and you, you impudent little brat, think that you can possibly learn years of curriculum in one night. Even if you managed that you wouldn’t have nearly enough chakra to even walk to the exam let alone do a jutsu.”

“You can’t know that as you don’t even know me. Don’t make assumptions. They tend to be childish, wrong and plain stupid.” I glared up at him from my position on the desk. He just glared back at me.

“Alright you two enough.” Gramps said calmly puffing away at his pipe. “Akira, say I do sign this note for you, What will you do then? Who would train someone so last minute?”

“I would get the perv to teach me and I would train from the time he said yes to the exam.” I say calmly.

Hokage’s POV

‘I can see a determination in his eyes, a determination long since lost in this world. Maybe this will be good for him.’

“Alright,” Both Ibiki and Akira look at me in expectation. Ibiki waiting for Akira to be denied his request and Akira expecting me to sign the note. I sighed. “Akira, hand me that paper and quill will you?”

Akira’s face instantaneously lit up like a thousand stars in the night, while Ibiki’s face showed shock. ‘Hahaha, poor Ibiki, he has no idea why I granted this. Well, maybe one day soon he’ll find out why.’

Ibiki’s POV

‘Why?’ was the only word in my thoughts. ‘Why did Lord Hokage give in? He could have just thrown the kid out of his office or denied the request, although it was more like an order. What’s so special about this kid?’

“Also, Ibiki,”

“Yes, Lord Hokage?”

“I want you to train Akira.”

“WHAT?!” Me and the brat yelled. The hokage just smiled his all knowing smile.

"No way am I training with him.” The kid said while pointing his thumb over to me.

“And I refuse to train some ignorant brat.”

“Oh yeah. Ignorant am I? Well, at least I’m not some uptight jerk who spends his free-time picking on innocent people.”

“Ha! Innocent, that’s a laugh. Kid you are anything but innocent.”

“Ahem-” The Hokage tries to get attention.

“Hey, Guess what?” the brat asks childishly.


“You didn’t even deny a single word I said about you.” He whispered evily.

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