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Being locked in a tiny room in a spaceship gave me no sense of time. I woke up assuming it to be morning, but I had no way of telling. When I stepped out of my room, the lights were bright. I looked around the walls for some sort of switch to dim them, but couldn't find any, so I made my way to the bathroom.

I looked back at the girl staring at me in the mirror. Her normally glossy dark brown curls were dry and tangled. Her eyes were puffy from crying, her lips set in a frown. With a sigh, I washed my face, then resolved to shower.

After taking a long hot shower, I made my way back out to the living room. I had put back on my dirty clothes I came here with, white shorts and a white shirt that we were all dressed into upon being taken from Earth.

My hair dripped wet, but I kept the towel around my shoulders so I didn't soak my clothes.

I walked towards the kitchen, and opened the fridge. After yanking the sleek stainless steel door, I examined the fridge contents. One jar of white liquid. I presumed it to be milk, but I didn't touch it.

As if upset with the lack of food, my stomach growled. I gave a small frown. The entire place was silent, and I didn't think Vree was anywhere around. In fact, I'm not sure if he had come back at all.

"Then again, why would he?" I murmured to myself, "He does hate you, after all."

With a sigh, I walked back into the living room and plopped myself down on the couch.

Seconds passed by and I couldn't keep myself from being restless. With frustration, I stood and began to pace.

There was nothing to do and everything to worry about. 

I couldn't afford to worry. If I worried, I'd only grow more upset, I'd only spiral into darkness. 

I bit my lip and found my resolve. I put my hair up in a knot on top of my head, smoothed out my clothes, and went up to the main door.

I pressed my palm against the door, half expecting it not to open, half praying that it would.

Luck was on my side as a light on the door blinked green, and it slid open, revealing the stark white corridors. 

I stepped out and held my breath, slightly anticipating someone to come out and yell at me. I looked around, not a soul in sight. I took a deep breath and took a left, then began walking down the long corridors retracing my steps from my vague memory of how Vree walked me through this intricate ship. 

Eventually, I miraculously found the same rounded corridor with the archways leading into a round, dome shaped room. It looked to be like some sort of picnicking dining hall. I watched as large Frivrok men placed their palms on screens on the walls, and began pressing away on the screens, food sliding down from a slot below moments after. 

Some Frivrok men were showing their Earth women how to work the screens, others lounged on grass or picnic tables. Despite this, it was hard to ignore the even larger amount of Frivrok men without women, who also lounged around and chattered amongst themselves, eating, or just relaxing. 

I began to notice that me standing here awkwardly as I tried to take everything in began drawing attention. I glanced around as I began noticing the stares from the Frivok men, some murmuring in to themselves while holding their stares. 

One of them locked eyes with me. After a few seconds he began marching over to me, grumbling something loudly in his language. I felt myself freeze at the obvious threat, but relief flooded into me when I heard someone shout my name.

I snapped my attention to the side where Julie was waving at me, walking briskly with Grivak's hand in hers. Her pace brought her quickly to me, she beamed at me with a great smile, "Naomi!" 

Abducted | Book 1 | VreekarWhere stories live. Discover now