nineteen |

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A huge shoutout to my patrons who are supporting me on Patreon! I can't tell you guys enough how grateful I am for each of you, thank you so much always for your support and believing in me <3.  

. : * SUPER HUGE THANKS * : . to Kelsey V in my co-pilot squad !

And shoutouts & thanks to Chels4ey in my astronaut squad!

& thanks to everyone in my robot squad, Aruan, Marie, and Brittney! 

Remember to keep checking my page cause I leave some updates and treats for you guys, as well as early access chapters & monthly online movie screening invitations! 

. : * : . 

I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling in my empty room. If I was quiet enough, I could hear the soft murmur of the space ship, a barely there hum that seemed to resonate everywhere, softly enough to remind me that I was really in space. Really on a spaceship. With aliens. Going to an alien planet. 

Vree and I decided that arguing had made us tired, and we'd try to start over again tomorrow, the banquet and celebrations would go on for another two days. 

I had just woken up, though I don't know if I could call what I did for the past eight hours sleeping considering I kept rolling around, knocking myself on the head for even confessing how I felt in the first place. That nagging, negative part of me that always had to doubt myself was telling me that things would've been better if I hadn't said anything and pretended like being roomies was my dream come true.

In my silent contemplations I realized that I didn't like arguing, I didn't want to have to keep starting over. I just wanted to maintain the peace. Which probably would've happened had I not confessed, because now I felt like things were even more stiff between us.

Vree was less talkative then usual. I didn't know someone could be less talkative than his normal mute gruffness. I felt weird, because I didn't flat out get rejected, but he didn't accept my feelings either. 

"You are a selfish selfish human being Naomi. Why can't you just be happy with telling the guy your feelings like all the other chicks in the dramas do? You know, the, ' I don't care if you love me- as long as you're happy and you know I love you. . .' crap." I groaned, then covered my face with my pillow. 

Somehow, fessing up to how I felt made me even more flustered around him. Like it just amplified my feelings even more. 

I lifted the pendant that laid on my chest and stared at it. Did he get this because I'm kinda like the sun to him? I felt my face get hot. Yeah, definitely. I'm too hot, he's always squinting at me in irritation. I snorted at myself, a small smile playing on my lips. I couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of it laying against my chest. 

I stared at the dress he'd gotten me, draped over the footboard of my bed. I sprung up, and stretched, exhaling a big sigh. "Dress and a necklace, here to have sex. Call me Anastasia Steele."  I muttered dryly. 

With a yawn, I dragged my feet over to my door, then out to the living room where I examined the silence. I probably slept in, and if Vree didn't wake me for breakfast, or leave me any, then that meant. . .

A banging on the main door snapped me out of my thoughts, "Yep." I nodded to myself, and walked over to the door idly. 

Upon opening it, Julie threw her arms around me and nearly screamed my ears off, "Naomi it feels like it has been years since I last saw you! Grivak and I looked for you and Vreekar, and then everyone was saying you two went and argued, and-" 

Abducted | Book 1 | VreekarWhere stories live. Discover now