eleven |

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The next couple of days played out as they normally would. I woke up, went with Vree to get food, went home, left again for food a little later on, showered, went to bed.

Solhelk had called me "the mouth of the people", or whatever- and I admit I was fooled into thinking maybe I was special somehow. But as the days became longer and longer, more and more insufferable, I found I was ultimately, undeniably, bored.

I'd make small talk with Vree, but even he could tell I wasn't feeling up to my usual nosy self. I don't think he minded anyways.

As we were walking down the hall to get dinner once again, he said, "I've observed you seem to be tired of this ship. There will be more to do on my planet, when we get there."

I said nothing, instead my stomach seemed to curl in on itself and flip- my heart stuttering in response. His planet.

The idea scared me. I wasn't feeling as adventurous as I once had. I tried to sound enthusiastic but my voice came out dry, "Can't wait."

We walked the rest of the way to the dining hall in silence, Vree glancing at me every now and then. It had been days since I made him the bracelet, and I still never gave it to him.

I followed him as he went and got us food, then sat down in front of him at a picnic bench to eat in silence.

Vree just had to be chatty today, "You may find work on my planet if you wish. There are many things for women to do. You will like it, it is--"

"Look," I interrupted tiredly, "I appreciate the effort in a conversation but talk about moving to some strange planet a bajillion light years away from the only home I've known is not the kind of conversation I wanna have before breakfast." I shoved some bland white cream soup in my mouth and looked away.

He paused, then proceeded to eat as well, swallowed, then attempted to speak again, "I am just attempting to give you something to look forward to." He said in a measured tone.

I dropped my spoon in the bowl and looked up at him, feeling incredulous. "You're kidding, right?" I paused but didn't give him enough time to answer, "I'm a prisoner here, Vree. Something to look forward to?!"

I felt myself shaking, I guess I had more tension and things hiding deep inside me than I thought. I felt my eyes start to sting.

My voice became a bit angrier, louder even, but I made a point of not starting a scene by drawing attention. My body stayed rigid.

I continued, furious, "Why would I ever look forward to being a prisoner on your planet?! I've lost everything I ever cared about and loved! My friends, my family, my cat! Hell-- I even miss watching my annoying ass youtubers eat food on camera!! I'm tired, I'm bored, I feel trapped-- I feel like I'm being choked! We're obviously going nowhere, you and I, so you can drop the whole 'you're my responsibility' shebang, because you're just giving me false hope by showing me kindness and I don't want it! Especially now! I'm confused-- I want to cry--"

I stopped, feeling tears pricking my eyes. Vree sat there, obviously trying to mask any reaction behind his usual stony face, but his eyes widened in the slightest.

"I've upset you-" He began.
I sighed heavily, frustrated beyond belief, "No."

I blinked hard. I told myself to get it together because the last thing I wanted was pity. I immediately wished I could take back everything I said. I hope he didn't catch the part about "us" but it was highly doubtful. I didn't want him to change his mind about me because he pitied me. If he did ever change his mind about me, which is doubtful, I want it to be because he likes me. Not because he felt sorry for me.

Abducted | Book 1 | VreekarWhere stories live. Discover now