two | vreekar [sneak peek]

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The days leading up to springtime on his planet were brighter as warmth began to creep back in gradually each morning. Today the sun was partially blocked by clouds, but enough so that the halls surrounding Vreekar's family estate were lit. 

The corridors that ran along the parameter of the estate were lined with smooth stone pillars which were wrapped with vibrant green vines. The birds were awake and singing their morning song, and in the distance there was laughter.

Solhelk had requested Vreekar's presence on the pavilion atop his family's estate. It was there where he would find out if he would be one of the chosen to take upon an Earth woman. 

The news of the chosen 2,000 had arrived, and with that there was a collective resurgence of hope for the future. A hope, that seemed to elevate everyone's spirits, along with the eagerness to find out who would be picked. 

There was a certain zest in the morning air that had everyone bustling about with more light in their steps. 

The eagerness was contagious, so much so that Vreekar was dragging his right leg in stride down the corridor, "Ē dookkatro kimiēivri Vrekari riēma gritro u riēfri!" I cannot believe Vrekari will get a wife! The spirited voice below him exclaimed in a dreamy voice.

 Vreekar rose an eyebrow, looking down at his youngest sister who clung to his leg. She was only six years in age, and it was a miracle that their mother was able to push her out. Surely after Vreekar, they had thought they would be done. She flashed him a big smile, and yelped with joy each time Vreekar swung and dragged his leg. It required great effort, but his sister enjoyed taking up his time to play games, and Vreekar enjoyed amusing her. 

A warm, deeper voice chuckled next to Vree, "That is only if he was chosen, Sohfri." As the eldest daughter, Kavitro had already taken upon an air of elegance and maturity at an early age, and by the time she was ten, she already had a maternal nature about her. Being eight years his elder, she had practically raised Vree, as well as the other siblings, alongside their parents. 

"Of course he was chosen. And even if he wasn't, ikdmii Helkari will put him in anyway." Treah was practically skipping alongside Vree, her silky black hair swaying with each step, the long breathable fabric of her dress sashaying along with the movement. 

Kavitro clicked her tongue at the comment, "We must not rely on ikdmii for everything, Treah." 

She let out a loud sigh as if bored with her sister, stretching her hands behind her back and picking up pace, going ahead of her siblings, "You know it's true!" She sang out, beginning to do little dances and hops in front of them. 

Vreekar glanced at Kavitro, who shook her head at their sister with an amused smile. All three of Vreekar's sisters were continuously following him around and fussing over him ever since they were young. All their lives, they were an inseparable team. Almost instinctively Vreekar had taken upon a paternal role towards them as well. As the moon had different phases, Vreekar learned to cope with theirs whilst also being a helper and provider around the estate. Whether it was helping redecorate a room, braid hair, or taking them to the market and supervising, Vreekar dutifully did it for them. The girls, in return, had showered Vreekar with love and nurture, filling his life with the gift of home and merriment. It was one of the few things that were right in their world. 

Today was no different, even if the occasion was more special than others. All of his sisters were looking forward to the news. They all looked quite similar, smooth black hair the texture of silk. Equally black irises, as black as their pupils, and fairly tanned skin. 

Kavitro was slightly taller than her younger brother, slender and delicate in form. It was a wonder how she was able to push out three children. They had almost lost her with the second, and their father urged her not to try again. But similar to Vreekar, Kavitro was a woman of duty, and were it her fate to die during childbearing, she would gladly accept it, so long as it meant that a child would be brought into the world upon her leaving it. The third child was nothing short of a miracle. 

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