one | vreekar [sneak peek]

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 It was no secret that the Earth women had arrived an hour ago. Such a short span of time, and yet the word traveled faster than light. Every Frivrok man on the ship might as well had gone to see them. This was the first time the matching ceremony was opened to all Frivrok men. Vreekar hadn't been on his planet for four years now, but he still remembered the years prior to the second voyage.

He recalled with the slightest irritation how the streets of the Mustav market, just below the citadel of lights were nearly stampeding with energy. The air was still warm despite the hours belonging to the night. Spices and body musk filled the air, other Frivrok packing together, moving tightly through each other like a swarm. Vendors were yelling, others gambled on the sidewalks, communal bars were lit, the music was jolly- everything was irritatingly upbeat.

Vreekar nearly hissed at one of the Frivrok men who shoved him out of the way, in a hurry somewhere. With great irritation, Vreekar swatted some dust off of his deep blue robes. The long strip of gold detailing seemed to sparkle each time he moved. Keeping up with Solhelk was hard enough, the throngs of people seemed to part for him, whilst Vreekar had to shove and shimmy his way, despite being the only son of Kiptav. Not that it mattered, who needed more sons when women were a rarity?

Solhelk had turned to wait for Vreekar to catch up, chuckling as he saw the look of irritation on his nephew's face. He wore an ugly scowl that made a poor attempt to make his nephew's face less amiable. It was no secret that Vreekar was handsome, and the long, healed gash from the top of his brow to the bottom of his cheek added to such beauty. His eye had gone clear from the wound, in contrast to the deep blue of his other eye. It was beauty, because of the story behind it. But it was also beauty, because on Vreekar's face, there was something alarming. Their people called it dumaafja, enjoying the feeling of something that gave you fear or anxiety because it signaled the call to a new adventure. That love for strangeness is what called their people to exploring Despite not being born female, Vreekar had his fair share of suitors begging for his hand. Strange to others, because Vreekar always refused. Not to strange to Solhelk, because he knew his nephew's heart.

When Vreekar saw his uncle chuckling at him, he grit out "Troev detroko sohel morsoh grzria sotmiko umievri troak egr hovtro." The city is irritatingly upbeat tonight.
Solhelk chuckled once again. Their language was sharp and guttural, but when Solhelk spoke it sounded like a story spoken to children, "You must know why. You're smarter than your sisters."

Vreekar frowned, and continued to sulkingly pace after Solhelk. He hated how his uncle seemed to favor him without reason, "One does not need intelligence to be able to hear, ikdmii. It is no secret you and the others have opened up the matching system to every Frivrok male on the entire planet." Another man shoved passed Vreekar eagerly. Eager, because all around them were words of the application process, of excitement, hope, and dreams.

It was true. Every city on the planet was bustling. For the next two years, every male on the planet that wanted a wife would be submitting their application. For the next two years, each city and their councils would come together to put a list of 2,000 Frivrok men across the globe to board on the second matching voyage to Earth.

They were walking up a bridge now, illuminated by oil lamps, "You do not seem to happy, kiproevri." Solhelk commented, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

Vreekar swatted a fly away from his face. They paused at the bridge, and looked down at the glistening river that traveled below them. "It is ridiculous." Vreekar said finally, "You are just putting more work for yourselves. All of you, and those applying, are foolish." His words were laced with an anger that only a few knew.

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