"Finn is cute, don't you think?" Hannah asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me as she takes out her lunch from her bag.
"Mhm," I mumble through my mouthful of sandwich.
"I'm taking that as a yes," She grins before taking a bite of her lunch.
"Han, don't you have something better to do like, I don't know, study for that math exam we have tomorrow?" I ask her.
She shrugs.
"For a 12 year old, you're a rebel," I laugh. I know not studying for a test isn't really much of a rebellious act. I don't study for most tests at all since I saw no point in learning what you already knew except for when you're a little bit confused by it, but I call her out on it anyway.
"And for a 12 year old, you're mature," She sticks her tongue out at me.
"I'm taking that as a compliment," I tell her.
"Hey Hannah," a voice snaps us out of our conversation, "Hey Regan,"
At the sound of my name, I look up to find Ian smiling down at us.
"Hi Ian," I greet him. Ian wasn't a complete stranger to us; he was the student that was friends with everybody because he was considered a class clown.
"Mind if we sit with you?" He asks, looking around the canteen to show us that there were no other tables available for our grade level range.
"We?" Hannah asks.
Before Ian could even answer Hannah's question, Finn pops up from behind him.
"Oh, we," Hannah grins, suddenly having a French accent on the word 'we'.
Ian takes it as a yes and sits beside Hannah as he gestures for Finn to sit beside me since it was the only vacant seat left.
"Guys, I mean, girls, this is Finn," Ian says, gesturing towards the person beside me as if we weren't all in the same class.
"Hannah," Hannah says, stretching out a hand towards Finn's direction.
"I know, we're from the same class," Finn says, grinning, before stretching his own hand towards Hannah's to commence a hand shake.
As they let go of each other's hands, Hannah gestures towards me, "I'm guessing you know her name, too, Mr. We're-from-the-same-class?"
Ian chuckles.
Finn turns to look at me and it was then that I notice his bright brown eyes.
"Regan," he grins, "right?"
I nod, surprised that he knew my name.
"You don't seem as someone who pays attention in class," I tell him honestly.
He shrugs, "I don't, but I pay attention when something interests me, and your name gets called on a lot,"
"Oh," I say. I didn't know what else to say. I wanted to talk to him more; Finn had that aura that made you want to be noticed by him, but I just had nothing else to say to him so I decide to drop the conversation.
He was easier to talk to than I expected, though. When Finn first appeared in our class a few weeks ago, I thought he was some kind of a snob emo kid with his short answers and fringe, turns out, he was actually approachable.
It wasn't hard for him to make friends. I don't think it's ever hard for guys to make friends, because I noticed Finn being surrounded by guys by the end of the first day.
"So, Finn," Hannah starts, "Do you happen to fancy anyone around?"
I roll my eyes at the typical Hannah that loves gossips.
"I do, actually," Finn says, and for some reason, it intrigued me.
My ear was in on their conversation as I try to make it seem like I didn't care by finishing off my sandwich.
"Really, now?" Hannah asks, her left eyebrow raising in interest.
"Yeah, I quite fancy Ian," he says, winking at Ian as Ian did the same back to him.
I choked on my sandwich, but I coughed it off to make it less obvious that I was surprised.
Finn's gay?
Hannah, on the other hand, made no effort to hide the fact that she was surprised as her mouth hangs open, her head turning back and forth from Ian to Finn.
The boys start laughing at Hannah's reaction before Ian spoke up, "He's joking, Han,"
"Could have fooled me," I said, shrugging.
"What can I say? I'm a great actor!" Finn says.
"You've got a very nice ego there," I tell him.
"Thanks, I take good care of it," he grins.
Well then. Isn't someone just full of himself?

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