Chapter 3

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The town was destroyed, the dead corpses of the towns people littered the grounds.

It reeked of fresh, and stale blood.

The second that I had stepped off the ship, I had sensed him.


His presence was strong, and dark.

He was the biggest threat that I had.

We began walking through the city. Our hundreds, upon hundreds of storm troopers marched along through the abandoned, dead area.

We stopped when we came to a clearing.

And I saw him.

He was dressed in all black, his hood covering his mask, his hands containing a blood red light saber such as mine.

His saber was drawn, and so I drew mine.

Red upon red.

He was...thin.

Not the kind of build you would think a Sith Lord would have.

But it was hard to tell, his cloak shielded him.

The numerical amount of trooper's he had with him was...surprising.

No more than thirty.

They were dressed in black metal suits, their guns drawn.

They stood in a formation, so that Drakon stood in the middle.

He took a step forward, "Nice of you to join, Kylo Ren." He spat.

I noticed his voice was very deeply altered, like mine, except even with the altering, I could sense an accent.

In fact if it weren't for the different shape of the saber, the thinner build, and more eery feel.
This man could be my copy-cat.

"Thank you for the Invite, Drakon."
There was no need for me to call him lord, because he did not call me as so.

Formalities seemed to be the last thing on this dïck's mind.

I raised my hand, pushing my fingers forward into a kind of "point." Motioning for my men to attack.

He did the same.

I watched as it all played out, and as much as I hate to admit it, his men might be less in numbers, but they were greater in skill.

Nevertheless, my men would win, there was no question.

He was down to maybe 16 men? And I still had hundreds.

I could tell by his hesitation that he wanted to join the fight. To help his men.

I wouldn't let that happen.

And I was the first to strike.

My weapon drawn, when our blades collided, sparks exploded.

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