Chapter 28

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"They have no idea how beautiful the darkness really is."



    My eyes peeled open with effort. Kaiyus had kept me awake for most of the night, trying to force me to eat surgery substances that he called desert.

I shook my head, and began to get ready.

Last night was...different, but I couldn't have nights like those anymore.

We had a mission to endure,  and I couldn't become distracted.

After brushing my teeth and hair, I pulled on a tight black tank made of stretchy material and black pants.

I slid on my lace up boots and began making my way to the training room that Kylo told me was located at the East wing.

It was a well spaced area, with matts set up on one side.

Along the walls were spears, staffs, knifes, and swords.

I began stretching when I sensed a presence outside the training room.

I turned to see Kaiyus with an ear-to-ear grin.

"Leave." I growled at him as I turned around and walked over to the weaponry.

I sensed his determination as he walked over to me.

"Can I train with you?"


"Why? I can teach you stuff, you can teach me stuff. It'll be fun."

"Get. Out."

I picked up two of the throwing knifes.

He walked into my line of vision, and I sighed when I saw that he was wearing workout gear

This guy was fucking annoying.

I ignored his cries as I began working on my form, but his voice was bleeding through my concentration.

He needs to leave. Now.

Suddenly I felt his arm grab me, and I immediately grabbed his forearm and kicked at his feet. He flew to the ground and I pressed the blade to his neck.

His eyes were wide, his mouth open from shock.

"Leave me alone, Kaiyus." I said carefully.

His shock lasted only a few seconds, because the second I released my grip on him, he attacked me.

What. The. Fuck. Is. He. Doing.

He grabbed my waist and I dropped the knifes in my hands.

I kicked at him as he began to swing me around the room, almost as if he was trying to mock me.

Bad choice, Kaiyus.

I rammed my elbow into his jaw. He released his grip on me, and I flung out of his arms.

He wiped a smudge of blood from his mouth, and ran at me, all the humor was gone from his eyes.

I ducked a blow that he threw at me, and I used my small size to my advantage to make a blow to his abdomen.

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