Chapter 1

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"Leah,you're gonna miss the plane,hurry up!"


Hi,my name is Leah.I'm a weird 17 years old from New York.My mom and I moved here when I was 7,and now,it wastime for me to go back home-Beacon Hills,California.My mom and I have been on our own for a while now,and she got a great job offer as a field reporter,which meant they would send her on and off all over the world.I really wanted her to take this chance,so I decided to move with my aunt and cousin.

I was actually really nervous,I had only been to Beacon Hills for a few times since moving,and there were about 5 people I knew there.My cousin,Scott, and his best friend,Stiles,(who happens to be the funniest person ever) promised to pick me up at the airport..I was really happy to see them goofing around with a sign that said "LEAH,IS THAT YOU?".I waved and gave them one of my awkward looking smiles.

"Grown up much,boys?"

"Well,you're pretty changed yourself." Scott said."And I'm guessing Stiles probably wants to marry you right now,so we'd better get going."

"Oh,c'mon,Scott,you know girls can't resist the Stiles-factor."

It was Saturday night when we finally got to my aunt's house.So much time,and the house was still the same.And so was my aunt.Her chocolate cookies got even better,though.

"It's really good to have you around,Leah.Maybe my Scott right here will learn something from you."We all giggled.

"Oh,mom,you know I blush when you make such compliments."

Yup,clearly the McCalls were all the same.We kept eating cookies and telling each other stories,trying to catch up.Scott promiesd to introduce me to some of his friends,but I think aunt Mel was pretty serious when she said I'd better make my own pals.Happily,there was this one person I knew and loved,the one person that hid nothing from me and filled me in on everything going on(or so I thought).So that night I went to bed in my new room.It was nice,you could totally feel the love my aunt put into decorating it and went to sleep with the intention of spending the next day(the first real day in my new-old town) shopping.

That Sunday,I was ready to give my friend a call,when I just woke up with Lydia coming inside and giving me a bear-hug.

"You should have asked me to pick you up!"

"I've missed you too,Lydia."

"Anyway,any plans for today?"

"Well,I though we could go shopping and maybe even meet some nice guys."

"You have totally read y mind,lovely young lady!I'll wait for you downstairs,but don't make it take too long,since things with Scott are awkward.You know,he's my friend's ex-boyfriend and things are just,well,you know."

"Be there in five."

And indeed I was.Lydia gave me a proud smile,but Scott looked uncomfortable seing me dressed as an actual young lady,and not his little cousin.Iguess my studded black high-heeled boots,my short faux-leather skirt and the Ramones black shirt could make him realise how much I had grown up.

"Thanks God mom isn't home.You sure you don't want to change or anything?" said Scott.

"Oh,be serious,in what,nun clothes?Your cousin is a candy,Scott.Let her be."

"Don't worry,big guy,I've been living in NYC for a long while.I can absolutely take care of myself."

"Okay,okay,just be sure to be back home early,okay?"

"Okay,dad."And,as a nice little girl,I gave him a kiss on the cheek before going out with Lydia.

Lydia and I had spent our day buying tons of stuff,and casually flirting with a few guys(at least Lydia surely did),when we finally stopped at Stabucks to grab some Lattes.

"How are you holding up,after Jackson,and everything?"

"Well,I've been better,I've been worse.I just try not to think too much about it."

" 'Life's to short for so much sorrow.' "

"More like,'there are always more hotties to be found around the corner.' "

"That too.Speaking of,anyone I would like?"

"Well,how about we go to lacrosse practice after class and watch,and I also introduce you to people at lunch?"

"Sounds good." Beep.Beep. "I think we'd better go,my beloved cousin's freaking out."


"Scott?I'm home.Scott?"

"Right here.Hey,my mom said she has to stay at work tonight,so I ordered some pizza.Is that okay?"

"I can't belive you got it right!I have to go change and I'll be back."

I did that pretty fast,then came back.I took a few bites of my pizza,and a few sips of my Cola,then decided to make some fun of poor Scott,who looked like he wanted to kill himself.

"So,any nice guys you want to introduce me to tomorrow?"

"Yeah,his name's Stiles,and we're gonna keep an eye on you."

"I was just kidding,don't worry.You know I'm more of the nerdy tipe."

"Well,so is Lydia,but she has a lot of free time,you know?"

That was most of the talk we had that night,before a crappy horror movie.

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