Chapter 5

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"How on Earth would you even know that?"
"Long story.Let's just say that her daddy was friends with Peter and Deaton and they've helped her to figure it all out and she's still learning.We realised what danger that puts her in,so she started training with me and Cora,self defence basics.She also started to do some research about it with thise two,and she ended up bringing Boyd and Erica back to life,sort if like it happend to Peter,I don't know.That pretty much drained her,so she needs a lot of rest."
We were both speechless by now.
"I guess she was right to say it would take a while for you guys to figure it out,since you'd never ask her about it.C'mon,go,I know you're gonna play good cop,bad cop on her."
And we did that.We didn't talk about it much on the way,we were both pissed,dissapointed and a little bit proud too.It was really hard to say.

----Leah's POV----

I was up in my room,watching some horror movie on my laptop.The scary part was supposed to come,when I saw my door opening and freaked out,knowing that I was supposed to be alone.Then,I saw Isaac coming in,and gave him a smile.Until I saw Scott coming in serious as hell,and I knew I was probably in bug trouble.
"What did I do this time?"
"What did you do,Leah?What did you do?You should try why didn't you do.Oh,that would be telling us about you."
"About me...?"
"About you being a witch."
It hurt so bad to hear Isaac saying something with that much,I don't know what that was,sadness,dissapointment in his tone.
"Ummm,first,because neither of you dorks even asked ME,I mean,you probably looked online,or in Derek's bestiary,I don't know."
Now they looked embarassed.
"And second,that's not the term."
And now they were confused.I was almost laughing,but I decided not to.
"It's not correct to say 'witch'.Deaton says the correct term is actually 'Priestess of the Old Religion'.He may dare to even say 'High Priestess of the Old Religion'."
"That sounds very arthurian.Or something."
Isaac,you geek,I knew you were a secret nerd.
"It is.My mom's British,you know?It's a druid thing or whatever."
"Are you mad?I'm totally calling aunt Sarah to send your ass back home."
"Ummm,you're not,she's in Africa.And now you listen up,kiddos,okay?I came here in the first place to save your asses.You can only beat fire with fire,and that's what we're counting on.If we could also kick the Alphas' asses,it would make a nice bonus."
Isaac just came near me and gave me one of the don't-worry-about-it slash everything-will-be-fine hugs.Scott just gave me a sorry look and said he had to find Allison.
"Just you and I,stranger."
"Just you and I,Isaac."
"What were you watching?"
"Some random movie."
"Werewolf movie?Witch,sorry,druid thing whatever, movie?"
"Try bug movie."
"Need a watching pal?"
"I'd like it better if we just stayed here."
He didn't push the previous subject any further,he just held me there,not saying anything.It was nice,but I knew he had something on his mind.
"Just ask me."
"Ask you what?"
"What you've been dying to as me for about an hour now."
"Oh,Isaac,that's the question we may live a full life and die without its answer.You'd have to be more specific."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because you didn't ask,I told you that.Also,because you wouldn't let me do anything."
"You think so?"
"I'm pretty sure,Isaac.You're too much of a hero to let me do something that reckless."
"I guess you're probably right."
He just pressed his hot lips on my forehead and then looked thoughtfull again.
"Thanks,for,you know,Boyd and Erica."
"Don't worry about it.I knew they were everyone's friends.Or whatever.And Erica seems really cool,honestly."
"Yeah,I guess you're gonna be good friends."
We just layed there for a while,and I could see that Isaac was still not himself,but I knew it would be hard for people to process it.(Except from Lydia who had known it since forever ago.)At one point he eventually fell asleep(not knowing how I'd tease him about that later on).He looked peacefull now,but it was hard not seeing his pretty blue eyes that I loved so much.I spent a little time playing with his curls and looking at him,but I returned to my movie in the end.I put my headphones on and kept watching.
Close to the end,I could feel Isaac's arms grabbing me from behind.He was finally close to okay now.
"Why did you leave me sleep?"
"You seemed tired.Plus,you look pretty adorable while sleeping.However,I guess most guys wouldn't just fall asleep when they're alone with a girl.Just saying."
"Suggesting anything,McCall?"
"You so wish.Plus,I'm sorry for you,but Scott is coming back from Allison's."
"How do you know that.Is it a witch thing or....?"
"It's called texting,but yeah,I guess wolves don't know about that yet."
We were watching the movie,when a brilliant prank came to my mind.
"Take off your shirt."
"Just do it,I wanna trick Scott for calling me a witch and getting mad at me."
And he obeyed.(And God he looked good.)
I took his shirt a went to the bathroom,where I put on some lace PJ shorts and his shirt.I then had to tease my hair a little,and then went back.Isaac's jaw almost dropped,but he didn't say anythig.Happily,his hair was in the right way,because of sleeping.Then we just waited for Scott to come.Je knocked on my door and it was on.
"Hey,I.....What the hell?Did you guys just,you know?"
Isaac got my game and he joined,so we just both tried to look guilty.
"Isaac,I am so killing you!And you,you're totally going back to New York."
Scott was really mad so we both ended up laughing.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Well,what about 'I'm Leah McCall,and you've just been punk'd '."
"So,umm,you didn't,you know?"
"Nope.She said this would be payback for calling her a 'witch'."
Now we were all laughing.
"You've totally got me,but next time try something else.I was going to kick his ass.Now just give him his shirt back.Actually,you should change first."
When I came back and sadly gave Isaac his shirt back,the two guys were talking.About me,I could bet.
"So,what are we doing tonight?"
"Well,not much to do when it's past midnight.And I sort of got bored with horror movies."
"Then what about we go out and you show us your moves.Derek said you've bee training for a while now."
"I don't really know what to say about that."
"C'mon,it's gonna be fun.Plus,like Scott said,we want to see what you can do."
"Ohh,very well.Let me change,then.Again.And I think you guys should do the same,since I'm not fighting plastic manequins again."

"Let me be clear,no wolf superpowers, okay?"
"No wolf super powers."
That being said,we proceeded.Isaac and I were up first and it was really weird to fight with him,especially when we had to get close.I didn't get my ass kicked that much,which was good for a beginer.Then Scott came and he really made me get some bruises.
"You know,not everyone has werewolf healing powers,do you have any idea how much I'll have to wait for these to heal?"
"Can't you just heal them?"
"I probably could do that,but magic shouldn't be used like that,for any little thing.It may also get me on the radar,you know?"
"What do you mean?"
"I think she means that the main idea was for her to stay undercover."
"Yup.Was.All until this full moon.Anyway,we need all the help we can get,and it was only a matter of time anyway."
"Does that mean you're in even more danger?"
"Why?Would you like to send me off to New York?I was born in danger,Scott.I was in danger when I came here,I'm always in danger,okay?"
"Told you."
"I know,but that doesn't mean I can't fight it."
"Guys,let's just leave it alone.I think we're in actual trouble."
And we really were.Alphas.Kali and the twins.
"So,finally I get to meet the famous witch I've heard so much about."
"I know it's an honour for you,but back off,seriously."
"Oh,look boys,Harry Potter right here thinks she can scare us.Let's show her how we work."
"Scott,Isaac,get the twins.NOW.No buts."
They gave me a look,but decided to do as I said.
"Kali ran her way towards me,but as my eyes turned purple,she just flew her way back.
"It's either Hermione or Luna,Alpha lady.I ain't no Harry Potter."
Now I was the one going towards her.She was still on the ground,not able to get up because of some tree roots that grew and sort of tied her up.
"Didn't papa Alpha learn you not to fight with people stronger than you?And just so you know,I'm not a freaking witch."
I could see terror in Kali's eyes as they webt from red to black to yellow than stoped as chocolate brown.
"What did you do,you witch?"
"Pulled you out of your misery.Sadly,it's only going to last for two days.Then,you either die or go back to being human.You will have some big changes,though."
By that time everyone was looking at us with enormous eyes.
"Aiden,Ethan,take her and don't come back.Ever."
We watched them getting lost in the shadows and then knew that we were safe,for a while at least.Safe and sound.I knew I had done what I needed to and I let go.I felt the ground getting away from my feet and I let go,fallin to the ground.
When I woke up,Isaac was holding me as if I were a little child and Scott was at the foot of my bed.
"What the hell,guys?"
"God,you're okay!You scared me a hell,Leah.Never do that to me again."
Then Isaac held me even tighter.
"You sure New York doesn't sound good anymore?"
"Yeah,Scott.Don't worry,this always happens after doing something big,I'll just need to rest for a while now.And eat lots of sugar."
My cousin gave me a kiss on the forehead and then left.
"How are you now,for real?" asked Isaac after a little.
"Cold.And tired."
"What did you actually do there?It looked pretty amazing,but ..."
"No what?"
"No,I can't do it for you and Scott."
"I wasn't going to ask you that."
"I know,but you were going to ask yourself,over and over and over.It's dangerous and stupid.And I am not going to be able to so that again."
"But why did you waste it on Kali then?"
"To scare them off.And sort of get a balance.Boyd and Erica came back to life,Kali will die.Two Betas for an Alpha.Seems like a fair trade to me."
"So it's like bringing back the balane of nature?"
"Yeah,sort if like that."
We got silent,maybe because I was really tired and I had to fill my mouth with those Oreos and some orange juice.

A few days later,we all met at Derek's place.We found out that Kali was dead and the Alphas were really pissed now.Most of our guys seemed proud by it,but Derek and Peter were pissed.Especially Peter.
"You could have kept it for Deucalion,kid."
"I know,I know.But I had to restore the balance soon.And I have another thing in mind for Deucalion."
"Mind sharing?I actually do."
"Peter,end it.You could've saved it for later,but what you did so far was all good.And we have other things to worry about."
"Umm,Derek,hi,we don't all speak Alpha versus Witch." said Stiles(serious as usual).
"The druid gone mad,Stiles.He may or may not work with them.And now he surely knows I'm here.And he's coming for me and for you guys."
"What do we do now,Derek?" said one of the wolves.
"We fight.We all fight."
The answer came from Dr. Deaton and Mr. Argent,who just came inside.
Derek repeated-"We fight."

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