Chapter 6

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Everyone looked confused at this point.Except Lydia and I.Plus Derek,Peter,Deaton and Chris,of course.
"Can someone please explain this to those of us who have an IQ lower than 170?"
"Yes,Stiles.We are all in this together,because,you see,if this druid gets what he wants,the entire city will be in danger." said Peter.
"And after that,the world." continued Deaton in a really creepy tone.
"That won't happen as long as we're around."
"Well,Scott,for that,someone will have to be with your cousin every moment of every day.If she goes away,I'm not sure there will be any chance of geting out of it."
"Wait,you did not mention that when we talked."
"You never asked."
Then came the see-how-that-feels look from Scott and Isaac.
I didn't have any chance of getting out of this,so I had to agree,the plan was to stay alive until the next full moon,when everything was going to be as messed up as usual.

"What?!Scott,you're my cousin,and I love you,but you and Stiles aren't going to sleep in my room,seriously."
"Well,I guess I could do that for tonight." said Isaac coming in the room with a grin on.
"That,I could live with."
"I'd still like you to keep Stiles.Just in case,you know."
"Stiles isn't much help,okay?No offence,Stiles."
"None taken.Plus,we all know why he doesn't want Isaac to stay.But seriously,Scott,if anything happened between them,you'd totally hear it."
"Okay,fine.You're up tonight,Isaac.But I'm totally watching you two."
And then they went out to grab something to eat.Isaac just stood there giggling at me.
"Nothing,I'm just laughing at you."
"Yeah,I guess they didn't have this sort of problems at Hogwarts."
"If you'd go tell Potter about this,he'd be like 'What's a Stiles?' "
"Absolutely.And let me tell you,I love it when you speak geek."
"I know."
He came closer and put his arms around me.
"And I like that as well."
He leaned to kiss me,but decided not to let him do it.I gave him a kiss on the cheek and ran to the kitchen to get a Diet Mountain Dew.
"You know that teasing is annoying,right?And you should also know that's really unhealthy."
"Not for witches or Lana Del Rey.It has tons of sugar and that sort of things,so it works for me,plus 'Diet Mountain Dew,baby,New York City,never was there ever a girl so pretty.Do you think we'll be in love forever?Do you think we'll be in love?' "
"I am pretty freaked out by that,but yes,I'd love to be in love with you forever."
"Nice try,Lahey.Maybe next time."
Scott and Styles came back with some pizzas.
"Plus caramel coffee and a chocolate filled donut for you."
"Sounds much better."
"Butttt,Deaton told us to make sure she eats a lot this days,remember,Scott?"
"Oh,right.No coffee until you eat some pizaa,Miss."
"Thanks a lot,Isaac."
"How do you like teasing now?"
They made me eat three slices of that freaking pizza and then I freaking got my coffee and donut.I made them watch "Sherlock" with me until I finally had to return to my homework.
"Is this teasing as well?"
"Nope.That's me doing homework while I'm mad at you,Lahey."
"Why?What did I do again?Oh,wait.Okay,I am very sorry for getting between you and your coffee."
"Not good enough."
"And I promise to take you to Starbucks before school next morning."
"Much better."
After getting the homework part done,Isaac wanted to watch another horror movie.That may be because I told him that romantic movies were for girls' night.And he like how close we were while watching those movies.
"What?It's not even the scary part."
"Not that,Isaac,look on the TV."
"Bugs.Damn it."
"Not any bugs,these are freaking dark-druid-sort-of-bugs.Won't stop coming if you kill one."
"Get out of the room,now."
"Isaac,don't look,but there's one right on your shoulder."
Ugh,I could feel the tension,I didn't like bugs,especially not on Isaac.I felt the purple glow coming to my eyes,and there they were fireflies coming in,making the hideous creatures go away,and then dissapearring themselves.
"What the hell was that?"
"A warning,if I'd have to guess.Either that or he was dumb enough to think I'd be taken away by his magic bugs."
"I don't like the way that sounds.I'm gonna call Derek."

"Great,superhero.Now I'm not stuck with Stiles,but with you,Derek,Cora and Peter.Brilliant plan."
"Now that you're telling me about it,..."
"You do know that we can actually hear you two,lovebirds,right?"
"Yes,Derek,we're quite aware of that.Now tell me,when can I go back home?Sorry,guys,but you're boring as hell.And,you suck as hosts."
"What would you like yo make your stay nicer,kid?"
I guess the others hadn't really seen Peter acting nice before.It did look weird for them.
"Well,I'd love some coffee,please.And an interesting book.And I'm tired."
"Oh,God.Cora,go grab some drinks from Starbucks for everyone.I'm not sure Derek here has any books,and you can go to Isaac's room to rest,I suppose."
Cora seemed a little pissed that Peter was bossing her around,but she still went to get us coffee.And Derek actually had a huge library in his room,and I chose an old copy of 'Dracula' to re-read,then headed to Isaac's room with the coffee that Cora had brought.I really loved the book,it was a nice copy and also had some drawings now and then.I was almost halfway through the book when Isaac came in.
"You're not asleep yet?I guess the coffee really works for you."
"Nah,I'm just reading.What hour is it?"
"A little past midnight,I guess.I just came to say 'Goodnight'.I'll be on the couch if you need me."
"Seriously?You know that I could sleep there,right?Or,we could just share the room."
"Yeah,I don't think Derek would like any of those."
"Chillax,he won't mind.Just sleep here."
He didn't wait for me to say that again.But he didn't sleep,he just looked at me from time to time and giggled.
"What now,Lahey?"
"You said that you were tired hours ago."
"Well,I felt like reading,so I kind of fogrot how time passes.But I am pretty tired now,I guess.What about you?I thought you wanted to sleep."
"Well,I like looking at you more than sleeping."
"Why is it that I think you're thinking about more than looking?If I were you,I'd drop it,since Derek is about one wall away and he'll totally kick you out again."
He just laughed.When he leaned to give me a kiss,I just turned my cheek towards him.
"Teasing much,Miss McCall?"
"Of course.I heard that playing hard to get is fun."

"Wake up,guys.Seriously."
Cora came into the room,pissed as hell.
"What on Earth is wrong with you?It's 5am."
"Don't tell me that,tell your friend with bugs that.Oh,and if I were you,I'd come right now to the living room."
We hurried our way there and in the middle of the room was a body.Isaac tried to cover my eyes with his hand,but I didn't let him.I walked towards the body lookind at it.Dead bugs all around,walking,crawling and flying.It was a lady's body,no shoes,wearing a flowery dress and glasses.Blood stains all over and deep wounds on her wrists and neck.There was also blood dripong from her beautiful red curls.Also her green staring eyes were injected with blood.I gasped.
"What?" said Cora.
"Did you know her?" continued Derek.
"She absolutely did." answered Peter in a hurry.
"Leah,this is important,do you know her or did you know her?" asked Deaton on a much friendlier tone.
"I-I did know her.Way back."
"What does all this mean?Is it a threat?What the hell?"
"It means that silence will fall,Isaac.That's what it means.We have to be prepared."

Loving a wild thing (Teen Wolf/Isaac Lahey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now