Chapter 4

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"I have to,umm,go find my mom.You two just,ahh,take your time." said Scott while going downstairs.
We just sat there in silence for a few moments without saying anything.
"Look,Leah,I ..."
"I really really like you.A lot.And I know that this probably wouldn't be any good for you.." He didn't get the chance to finish his sentence when I cut him off.
"Isaac,shut up,please,just shut up.I really like you too,and I think I've said it a milion times,but I'll say it again,I'm not scared,okay?I'm not scared of werewolves,or druids,or whatever,okay?"
He smiled.
"You... like me?"
I rolled my eyes a little bit annoyed.
"I think I've just said that,yes."
He took a few stepts closer and looked at me for a few moments.I bit my lips nervously when he leaned towards me,pressing his lips against mine.He tasted like cinnamon,and God,he was handsome.A cold breeze got through Scott's window,making Isaac go one step behind,and I was almost sure he got a short look at my purple eyes.
"Damn."I said with the little breath I still had.
I kissed Isaac on the cheek and ran straight to my room with a smile on my face.I texted Lydia and she was finally proud of something I did.Well,she was actually proud of something Isaac did,but it was still good enough.After a while,Scott came in my room.
"What was that about?"
"I,ummm,you know I'm shy.I didn't really know what to do after,well,whatever."
"So it's not like you're not interested,right?"
"Then let's go downstairs,watch some movies,try to be charming."
We went down and I saw Isaac blushing,sitting on the couch.I don't even know why,but that made me blush as well.
"What are we watching?Is it 'The Notebook'?Please say it is."
"Ummm,more like some horror movies,actually,cous.And you know I'd never watch that movie."
"Fine,just get me something to eat then.I do like Oreos,just so you know."
"I know,I know."
Scott went to get me some Oreos that happily were in the kitchen and I was left alone with Isaac on that couch that seemed waaaaay too small in that awkward moment.
"Please say something." I said,unfortunately,out loud.
"What do you want me to say?"
Why did he say that with a half smile on?Did he even realise how it affected my poor heart?
"I...I don't know.Anything,I guess.Or,you could say nothing,I that's what you want."
"I do want to say something,okay.Umm,why,...,why did you run off?"
"Because I don't want to screw this.And I think I already have,since you can almost touch the awkward tension between us."
"We should find a way to get rid of that."
"We should."
I did have an idea in mind for that.I just looked at him for a second and then decided to kiss him again,just to get things straight.
"You guys really move fast." asked my brilliant werewolf cousin.
We just laughed at that and then silently watched the movie.Isaac did a few tiny,but sweet, moves during the movie,like holding my hand,or just getting some of my hair off my face,and I just let my heat fall once again on his shoulder,but this time I didn't fall asleep on that couch.It was really nice to have Isaac right now,but I had some huge problems coming,and I needed to get ready.

----Scott's POV----

It's nice to have my cousin around,and even if it can be weird to see her with Isaac,I'm glad she's happy.But,this last couple of days she started acting weird,as in Beacon Hills weird,which was always a bad thing.She goes out a lot,and I can almost bet it's not with either Isaac or Lydia.Now,more than ever,Isaac has to help me take care of her.
After lacrosse,Isaac and I had to talk.
"Where the hell is she always going,Isaac?"
"How would you like me to know?She your cousin."
"Well,maybe because you're dating her?Whatever,we need to know what's going on with her."
"Maybe she's just going out for coffee,or shopping,or to the library,I don't know."
"Yeah,because that's what we do in this town,right?"
"You do have a point there."
"Of course I do.Come at my place on Friday,we're absolitely going to interrogate her."
Isaac didn't tell her anything about Friday at school,so I thought the plan would work.That only worked until on Friday evening my mom told me Leah was having a sleepover with one of her friends.
Isaac came anyway.We were both asleep when,around 3 in the morning my phone started ringing.
"Go on Skype.NOW.Both of you.-Leah."
And we did.She wanted me to accept her video call.An image appeared,and there they were,Allison and Leah,laughing and giggling.
"Oh,Scott,there you were,finally.Okay,so,basically,as the fierce independent women that we are,we decided that WE should ask YOU guys on a date."
"Ar-are you guys drunk?"
"Cousin,I am going to virtually slap you for that.Anyway,we'll pick you up at 10 tomorrow morning.We're going to Disneyland!Yeeey."
And just like that,they signed out.
"Well,Isaac,I guess we're going on a double date tomorrow."
"Don't look at me,I'm still in shock."
At 10.00 in the morning I could hear a car's horn.Isaac and I got out of the house and we saw this red retro-looking convertible that Leah was driving.
"Mommy sent me a present." she said with this angelic look on her face.She got off her seat,and told me to drive,leaving Allison beside me,while she and Isaac sat in the back of the car.The ride was pretty interesting,but uneventfull.Allison turned on the music and both girls started singing some random happy songs,as if they were already having the time of her life.
When we got there,I could see that my cousin was taking the Disney theme seriously,she was dressed as a Minnie Mouse person,or whatever,and she got some mouse ears there,so she was adorable,I'd give her that. She had so much fun that day,just walking around randomly,holding Isaac's hand(which was pretty weird to watch) and eating some cotton candy.She wanted to go for one last ride before going home,but Allison and I decided to wait for them at a slushie.We did have some events as well.We eventually worked everything out and got back together,all while Leah and Isaac were at their roller coaster thing.
Leah also insisted on going to the beach for a little,because she just wanted to watch the sunset for a bit,something about the sun going down in the water,I don't know.She eventually got tired and feel asleep on Isaac(which was a serious distraction,adding Allison to the list),but I did get everyone back to town safe and sound.
I asked Isaac to stay at our place that night,because my mom was at work and I did not want to leave her alone,even if just for driving Allison home.However,I ended up spending the night at her place.
Isaac called me really worried the next morning.
"What do you mean she left,Isaac?What did I ask you to stay there for?"
"I mean she had left before I woke up.She left me a not saying she'd be back soon and asked me not to worry about it."
"How the hell does she want us not to worry?Was it that hard to say where she was going?....Did you call her?"
"Yes!For about 30minutes,that's why I called."
I hung up and started dressing up.Allison wanted to help us look for her,but it was no help,we couldn't find her anywhere,but I got a text from her 'Don't worry about me,I'm fine,just needed some time alone.Be home around 9pm.XO' and she still wouldn't pick up her phone.
Allison went home,and we went to Derek's.There are no words to say how weird it was to see Leah standing there,training with Cora.Isaac and I both just watched them silently for a moment,then relaxed at seeing her safe.However safe she could be with Cora.It took them a while to see us there,and when they finally did,Cora just went to the shower and Leah seemed annoyed that he had to talk to us.
"What the hell,Leah?Do you have any idea how worried we were?How many times did I tell you how dangerous this place is?Don't ever do this to me again."
"I'm sorry,Scott.I didn't think it was such a big deal."
She went over to Isaac and kissed him.
"Nice moves,though" Isaac whispered to her ear.
"Isaac,are you going to make her feel better about this?"
"Right,sorry.Nice moves.Never make me feel this worried again,okay?I thought Deucalion had you.I was freaking out."
"Gosh,don't be like that.I left you a not,remember?A girl has to keep a little bit of mystery around her."
I took her out of there as fast as I could,before she could flirt some more with Isaac.I eventually let it go.I was worried when the next full moon came,since Leah insisted on sleeping at Lydia's place.Isaac said it wasn't such a big deal,but I knew it was,she never really did things randomly.
It was a Saturday,and she returned the next day looking more tired than ever,but still happy and proud of herself,and I could swear there was a tiny trace of purple in her eyes.Isaac came over and they watched a movie in her room(which was really annoying,I'm serious).
Monday,at school,I was freak,I was thrilled at seeing Boyd and Erica both casually walking around at school.I could read shock and happiness on Isaac's face and I could see Leah holding his hand.I knew he just wanted to run and see if they were real on that very moment,but he needed to wait,to calm down or I knew he'd get all werewolf. Leah helped him a lot more with that,I guess,and we got to talk to them through Chemestry class.
"Who's this pretty girl?" Erica asked playfully.
"She's my cousin,Leah.And she's Isaac's girlfriend."
"Uuh,Isaac's got a little girlfriend."
"Stop it,Erica,really.Don't you see the way they're looking at us?Guys,look,neither of us has any idea what happened,all we know is we were dead,and then we were not,we just woke up at Derek's old place and stayed there for a day."
"Yup.Then we just decided to go back to our old lives and you know,stay in the shadows."
"Guys,I'd love to hear this amazing story,but we may have some guests."
And Leah was right.The twins were looking weird at us.Maybe they couldnzmt believe that their kills were coming back now.We all had to go to English then,and I could see Aiden and Ethan sitting right next to Leah and Isaac.I think it wouldn't be an exageration to say that Isaac was pissed and ready to wolf-up any second.
"Don't." said Leah,and surprisingly he obeyed.
I saw Aiden lean towards Leah and whisper something in her ear.She gave him one of her sarcastic smiles and turned to face Ms. Blake.
"Today,kids,we are going to talk about something I believe you like.Teen fiction.Current best-sellers.What makes you and people your age like them so much.What do they all have in common?Now,I'd like you to think about it for a minute,then tell me."
It was a deadly silence for a while,and all I was parying for was Leah not actually answering this one.But of course she did.
"Yes,Miss McCall."
"Well,I think that the reason we,teens,(the ones that actually read books) like these so much because,despite all the fantasy thing going on,they are very relatable.There are always a boy and a girl falling for each other,while the world is falling apart,and in the end they have to fix it."
Then Lydia came in.
"Yes,and they have to save the world and save each other,but also protect the other people they love.That's old school,and clichee,but still relatable."
"I like your perspective girls,very well.And,because I think noone else is going to say anything else,I'd like the others to start writing an essay about your favourite teen fiction book,now."
That class passed so damn slow.I was just watching Lydia and Leah wasting time randomly sketching on their notebooks,while we had to start writing our paper.
After class,we were all waiting for Leah to put some things in her locker,when Aiden and Ethan came towards her.Then next thing I heared was "Back off now,Ethan,seriously."But he didn't,so her eyes turned purple for one second and then some sort of breeze pushed Ethan back.We all knew she wouldn't talk about it,so during the break,Stiles and I did the smartest thing possible.Well,maybe not so possible.
"Lydia,we need to talk to you."
"Again?How about 'no'?"
"C'mon,Lydia.I know Stiles can be pretty annoying at times,but this is serious."
"Yeah,I can be really annoying,but I choose not to,I just go for cute,most times."
"If it has anything to do with the word 'psychic',I'm out."
"No,no,no.Well,we don't actually know that."
"Thanks,Stiles.Look,Lydia,it's about my cousin,something's up with her,and you know it."
"I know nothing,and even if I did,I wouldn't tell you.I need to go to class now,but have fun,Sherlock."
And that was our last lead.Until Stiles came up with an idea.
"What if you go to Derek's and ask him to borrow you that bestiary thing or whatever,the one he had when Jackson was,you know,a lizard thing."
"That may be a brilliant idea,actually."
"I know,I'm really just underrated."
So that's where we headed after school.Derek agreed,and Isaac and I spent hours trying to find something about,well,we didn't have much,so we looke for purple eyes and bad-ass attitude.We eventually gave up,and then Derek asked us what was the actual thing we were looking for and couldn't find.
"There's something wrong with Leah.Her eyes turn purple and even the twins seem to be a little freaked when she's around.And now Erica and Boyd suddenly come back."
"Scott's right,Derek,there's something wrong here."
"You're kidding,right?"
He started laughing.Why would he start laughing?Really laughing.
"You are telling me that after all this time you guys don't know that your cousin/ girlfriend is a freaking witch?"
"She's a what?!"

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