Chapter 11

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Then I realised Isaac didn't know just about how much weirder our family could get.
Happily,Scott was ready to explain everything.
"Okay,so her dad is my dad's brother.He left Leah and her mom a few months after they moved to New York.Never called,never came to see her,just e-mails her on Christmas and her birthday."
"He also sends me gifts from time to time."
"Mainly Starbucks gift cards,but that's still something."
"And I thought my family was weird."

-----Isaac's POV----

Leah was really messed up,even if she wouldn't admit.She wanted to go sleep right away and didn't get up until around noon.Scott's mom seemed a little surprised herself,and Scott,well, he was Scott,he was always worried about his cousind,and honestly,so was I.As soon as she came downstairs,I could see her eyes red from probably crying all night long,her hair messier than ever and she was still wearing her PJs.
"Please just tell me I don't have to go outside to get coffee."
"Thanks God."
"More like thanks Isaac,couz,he went to Starbucks earlier to get you like four sorts of coffee to choose from."
They were five,but his mom actually looked like she needed one as well.
"God,Isaac,you're amazing."
Of course I was,but this time she didn't mind even hugging me for that,or whatever.
She wasn't fine.
We heard a knock on the door and instantly froze.
"Umm,guys,are you gonna get that?I'm so not getting up from this chair."
Scott took responsability and went to see who was there.
"God,are you okay?I brought some donuts.I knew they'd get you coffee."
"Lydia,I love you."
"I know,I know,I'm awsome."
I never thought I'd say that,but I was actually happy Lydia was there because a)she always managed to make Leah feel better and b)because there wasn't an intimidating biker like looking angry Leah's dad at the door.And I could guess that Scott was feeling the same way.Maybe all guys feel like that,but I didn't wanna meet Leah's dad.Especially considering he was friends with Peter,who's not really one of my favorite people to be around to.I'm just saying.

I found Leah laying on the roof again.
"Are you okay,Leah?"
"Yeah,just,you know,hanging around here."
"You know what I mean."
"Look,Isaac,if there's anyone who knows about crap dads,that's you,so I really don't wanna screw with your head as well,or seem rude or I don't know."
"C'mon,you always seem rude."
"Shut up,Lahey."
Her tone was the usual payfull teasing one,but she wasn't into it this time.Truth is,I really had a lot of experience with crap dads,but nothing she could possibly say would make me have a bad opinion about her.
"What are you thinking about,Isaac?"
"Nothing.It's just ... nah,nothing."
She rolled over,facing me.
"C'mon,tell me."
"It's nothing,really."
"You're the worst liar ever.Just tell me now."
"Okay,okay,God.I was thinking that ..."
"That?God,you're also the worst story teller ever."
"Jesus,I was thinking that you look really good in this light.I mean,you're finally so,umm,human and sensitive and everything and I suck at protecting you."
Now she got my chin in her hand.
"Isaac,you worry too much.Oh,and I know one thing you at which you do not suck."
"And that would be?"
She leaned over and kissed me.
Even while she did that I could feel that she needed someone right now,she needed me.
"Yup,you totally own that one,Lahey."
"You're not that bad yourself.Now seriously,how are you?"
"I'm ... not fine."
"Talk about it."
"I hate talking about it,okay?Basically, the only reason why I didn't shout at him at the phone was that I didn't even recognise his voice and I was in shock.He left us and thinks that buying me a Harley when I'm 16 will and sending some other gifts now and then will make up for it.What's worse is that Peter and Deaton say they've been talking to him every now and then.Good thing he has time to call them to check up on them."
"Sorry,but he's a jerk."
"Yup,total duchebag.He'a also visited Peter in hospital a while ago,avoiding ever being seen by my aunt."
"What does your mom say?Have you told her?"
"Yeah,she says that if he doesn't say he was abducted by aliens or something as good as that,I should hit him with a cream pie."
"So you totally are like your mom."
"Yeah,my mom's cool."
"So are you."
"And you,Sir,are way too serious to have this conversation with me at this time.However,you still can if you get me a bottle of Jack or Bourbon."
"Not happening.C'mon,let's get you to bed."
She made me stay there,next to her until she finally fell asleep-and so have I,to be honest-,her head on my chest.
'I'm probably dreaming,screw that.'
'Maybe I should get that in order not to wake Leah up.She really needs to get some sleep.'
The door opened before I could even get up,and a really tall guy -that's something,considering I'm pretty tall myself- walked in.Okay,I was intimidated.He looked from a waking-up Leah to a I-hope-not-so-freaked me.Leah was sort of awake by the time he stretched his arms as if he was going to get one of those movie-like hugs and said "Leah,baby?" and had a look of complete horror on her face.
This was insidious.I have to say this guy looked,well,like Scott,just that he was about 20 years older.
"D-d-daddy?" she said whitout moving,grabbing my arm until her nails got into my flesh.
I said nothing.
"Daddy's home,Leah,and I'm not gonna be leaving for a while."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2013 ⏰

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