Chapter 10

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I heard the door open right behind me and saw Lydia walking in with some coffee.
"Woah,you look like someone stole your wand,Granger."
"I thought someone kidnapped you,Lydia."
"Naah,I now know I am a banshee,whatever that is,so I guess I can take care of myself."
"Umm,that actually means you moan whenever someone dies."
"So no super power?"
"Nope.But how do you actually know this?"
"Aiden told me."
"So you're not gonna say he's lying or something?"
"Not really.Banshees are Irish,Irish people usually look like gingers,so do you.Also,they know when someone dies,and are said to scream,cry,moan and all that,and you're quite experienced with that as well.It fits."
"Okay.Whatever.Not my kind of superpower.Want some coffee,by the way?"
"Are you seriously asking me that?"
We spent the entire day at Lydia's pool,or playing with Prada,Lydia's adorable puppy,and when Scott told me that he had some stuff to do outside town with Isaac and Derek,we took our chance to go shopping.As soon as we got out the door we saw Stiles' car parked outside.
"He was totally spying on us."
"Yup.I think he'll say 'keeping an eye on us' but it is what it is."
"We should totally prank him."
"Agreed.Let's take him to a gay club,loose him and go shopping."
"I love how you think,Leah."
Our plan went pretty well,and after an hour and a half of intense shopping,I got a text from Stiles "You've totally seen me,haven't you?" and I replied with "It took you a while to realise that,Stilinski."We agreed that if he didn't tell Scott I went out possibly risking to get killed by a designer handbag,we'd forget about taking pictures of Stiles in a gay club.Eventually,Stiles picked us up and took ys back to the McCall residence,where everyone was casually eating some of my aunt's famous steak.
"Aww,honey,come help me out,I swear this werewolf thing really makes them eat like wolves.And then,there's Stiles who needs no help for that.Good look that Allison,Cora and Erica helped me our so far."
"Hi,Mrs. McCall."
"Take a seat,Stiles,I saved you a plate."
Seriously,what the hell?
Everyone was there,Dr. Deaton,the Argents,the Hales,the pack(which also includes the twins now,sort of),Stiles' dad plus Stiles,Lydia and I now.This wasn't something you'd usually see.
"Umm,can someone,anyone,please tell what's going on?There's barely enough air to breath."
"My mom insisted on having a party for our victory and everything." said Scott.
"Take a seat and shut up." said Cora,carefully placing me on a chair between her and Isaac.The meal was cool,I mean,at least we had good food.And I ate two huge pieces of chocolate cake.That was nice.But I have no words to describe what followed-we went out at a karaoke club.Lydia,Cora and I were basically the only ones not having fun(since we were waaay to busy to feel embarased for the entire gigantic group).You have no idea how much it hurt my sould to see Doctor D,Mr. Argent,chief Stilinski,Derek and Peter singing "I want it that way".Seriously,if the Backstreet Boys saw that,they'd shoot eachother in the head.Seing aunt Melissa singing Madonna was even weirder.Scott,Isaac and Boyd went for "Carry on my wayward son",which totally made me think about Supernatural.Alison and Erica went with "Girls just wanna have fun",and that made Lydia,Cora and I just laugh with tears streaming down our face.We were totally not having fun.Everyone went home pretty fast after that,and I think they were wasted.Even Scott and Stiles.

That morning,I went down and found a pair of teen wolves with serious head aches,drinking some coffee.I stared at them for about 2 minutes,then ended up laughing again.
"What's so funny?"
"Not what,who.And the answer is you two.McCall,Lahey,you are the worst party animals ever."
"Haha.Keep laughing."
I loved teasing those two,but I needed breakfast.I took some pankes with peanut butter and bananas and sat next to Isaac,giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"I like that much better than the teasing."
"Come on,you two,stop being like this already.My head hurts worse than when Ennis threw me in a wall."
We both laughed at that.Isaac felt like making some fun of Scott as well,so he just leaned closer and pressed his soft lips against mine.God,he tasted like coffee,what could be better than that?
"Seriously,guys,drop it.I'm so gonna puke."
"Well,you surely didn't say that last night while dancing with Allison."
"You do love making fun of me,don't you,Leah?"
"You have no idea."
"I think that making fun of us is her thing."
"Totally.C'mon,Isaac,let's have some bromance time,let her be mean alone."
"Good luck with that.I can bet you can't make it to the door without falling."
We kept on teasing each others,since that's such a fabulous family thing,and it was oh so us.
"Welcome to the McCall family,Isaac."
"Gosh,Scott,that sounded so darn lame."
"Shut up,Leah,seriously."

I think everyone took that day off for sleeping.Well,everyone except from me and Lydia,we went out for coffee and decided to watch a lame exorcism movie at the cinema.That was very much like us.Eventually,Lydia just left,because Aiden said he'd come by her place later that day.And there I was,bored and alone in front of the cinema.I walked my way home and was greeted by two serious wolves.
"Did you just walk around town as if nothing ever happened?"
"Leah McCall,that's so stupid of you.I am absolutely sending you to New York,I can't deal with you anymore.Seriously."
"Guys,we just had a yaaay-no-more-danger-atm party,I'm not falling for this.You can't trick a trickster."
"God,Scott,I told you she wouldn't fall for it."
"I guess I owe you 10$."
"That's so rude of you,how can you do that guys?"
"Crap,she's mad at us."
"Isaac,when I get to three we start running."
"You could've bet at least 50$,Isaac,you know I'm smarter than 10$."
They both ended up laughing.
"As good as usual."
"I know,I'm brilliant."

------Scott's POV-----

The three of us decided to get back to our old habits and just watch some horror movies until we fell asleep.That was nice,after everything.What was even better was getting rid of my head-ache from that morning.There was still one thing hard to get used to,and that's Isaac and Leah's cheesyness and romantism and holsing hands and everything.
"This movie is so lame,seriously.Where the hell did you get it Scott,the 'My little pony' collection?"
"What the hell do they make you watch at Hogwarts?Do they just make you cut dead wizard corpses in front of the class?"
"Haha,yes.I was the one who cut Voldemort's nose and started all the war in the magic world in the first place,you muggle."
"I hate to disturb this family feud,but you're actually a muggle as well right now,Leah."
"Always so lovely,Lahey."
Of course Leah was the first to fall asleep,just like the old times.On Isaac's chest.God,they were gross.We evetually fell asleep on the couch as well,but I ended up on the floor.Again.

I woke up at the sound of Leah's voice talking on the phone.
"Okay,sure.No,no,I get it,seriously."
She sounded a lot,well,not like herself.
Another pause.
This was totally something.
"I'm fine,really.No,everything's good."
Another short pause.
"Okay,I guess I'll see you soon.Bye."
She just let herself fall into one of the chairs,holding my mom's hand for a while,with a blank look on her face.She looked lost.Something was totally wrong with her,I hadn't seen Leah like that in a long while.Isaac must've noticed it too,so we just went in the kitchen,with what I guess were some worried looks on our faces.
"Is everything all right?" asked Isaac.
"Who was it,cous?"
"It...It was my dad,Scott.He says he's coming here."

Loving a wild thing (Teen Wolf/Isaac Lahey fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now