6: Spa Days and Sleeping Draughts.

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The weekend had finally rolled around and I couldn't be more thrilled. My first week of classes had dragged by and left me overwhelmed and exhausted. Dumbledore had left in the early hours of the morning to attend his two day meeting discussing the safety precautions that will be taken during the school year with the minister of magic. Dumbledore's absence rests my fate in the hands of a raven haired potions master, something I was anxious about.

I woke up that morning at around 7:30 and took my time in getting out of bed. I made myself a cup of tea with milk and requested for Merril to bring me some fruit for my breakfast. I spent the morning tidying up my chambers and making sure everything was put in it's proper place, stopping only to sip my tea or savor a piece of fruit. Once I was done cleaning, I changed out of my pajamas and into a tank top and leggings. I then slipped on my tennis shoes and headed out. I walked around the grounds, enjoying the peace and quiet that came with being one of few people at Hogwarts. The dew covered grass glittered under the rising sun, swaying slightly in the breeze. The black lake looked just as ominous as it does every day, I kept expecting to see the sun reflecting off of the water, but it never happened. After making a few laps, I decided to return to my room and slide my shoes off before heading to the bathroom.

I am a huge believer in treating yourself so I figured it was the perfect time for a pamper routine. I massaged coconut oil into my hair before tying it up into a messy bun, allowing the coconut oil to deeply condition and soften my hair. I then grabbed my rose petal facial sugar scrub and exfoliated my skin before rinsing it off and using my charcoal cleanser. I then applied a lavender infused mud mask and giggled at my appearance. While both masks were sinking in, I made myself another cup of hot tea with milk, sipping it slowly to allow the herbs to relieve my stress. Once the mask on my face had hardened to the point of me hardly being able to blink, I ran a hot shower and stepped under it's stream, rinsing away the coconut oil and lavender mud from my hair and face. I then proceeded to clean my body and shave my underarms and legs before turning the water off. I then walked over to the bath tub and ran warm water, filling it up slowly. I always had to shower before I took a bath, I hated the thought of bathing in my own filth.

I poured in some lavender bath salts, honeysuckle bubble bath, rose petals, and a gardenia bath bomb. While the tub was filling up, I grabbed a few candles from around my chambers and lit them before placing them around the tub and turning the lights off. Time to relax...


It was around 11 o'clock at night when I was laying in bed, completely wide awake despite my countless efforts to fall asleep. I was what I liked to call a part time insomniac, meaning some nights I was perfectly fine whereas others I couldn't fall asleep to save my life. It was at random too, I never knew when it would happen. I decided that sleep just wasn't an option so I decided to get up and explore the castle. I walked down each hallway, surveying every room I passed and trying to pick up on every minor detail, completely enthralled with it's many mysteries.

I guess I was too busy focusing on the minor details that I missed the major details, or detail rather. I bumped into a firm, cold, cloaked figure. I looked at it's feet before travelling up to his raven eyes. I stood frozen to the spot once I comprehended his cold glare.

"What are we doing up at this hour, hmm?" He said in his monotonous yet gravelly voice.

"I-I umm..." I was embarrassed as he had caught me in my pajamas.


"I couldn't sleep..." I managed, looking everywhere but his stern demeanor.

"Follow me." I obeyed as we weaved through the impossibly tricky corridors of Hogwarts. Eventually we reached the potion's classroom where he motioned for me to sit at the front desk whilst he looked through various viles of potions.

"Watcha lookin' for?" I asked.

"I must have used the last of it last night... I'm looking for the sleeping draught but I appear to be out, I'll brew some more."

He gathered all of his necessary ingredients and began preparing the ingredients. I sat where he told me even though I couldn't see what he was doing. I stretched my neck and leaned in order to see it better when he broke the silence, "Why don't you come sit right there instead of breaking your neck." He motioned to the seat across the table from him. I obeyed excitedly.

I watched him in awe, fascinated by the preciseness of potion making.

"What caused your passion for potions?"

"It's simply something I'm good at."

"I don't believe that, there has to be something more to it than just tha-"

"My passion lies with Defense Against the Dark Arts." My jaw fell open and my eyes grew wide. He looked up at me with a look of surprise on his face, "what?"

"You mean to tell me that you could have been my DADA teacher, but instead I'm being taught by some... some GOON?!" he smirked at my response.

"This isn't fair! Lockhart is scared of his own shadow!" This earned a slightly bigger smirk.

"There." He says as he pours the potion into the vial. "I will lead you back to your room, this is a very potent potion that will knock you unconscious within a matter of moments. I would also like to make sure you don't have a reaction to it." He explained and I nodded before standing up from my seat and leading him up to the astrology tower and into my chambers.

"Welcome to my humble abode," I joked before leading him into my room and getting in bed. He handed me the vial and commanded me to drink it. I looked at the potion before looking back at him, "Thank you." I smiled at him before chugging the potion.

"Goodnight Ms. ..."

"Kettle. Rose Kettle." I smiled once more before falling unconscious.


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