8: Wood and Spice

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I woke up the next morning in my bed as normal with a weird memory of being held in a strong and warm embrace, the scent of burning wood and spice surrounded me. I rolled over half expecting to see someone in my bed next to me, only to see that it was empty as always. I soon remembered that it was Monday morning and my first class of the day started in less than 20 minutes. I scrambled around my quarters trying to get ready as quickly as possible, tying my hair up in a messy bun and not worrying myself with makeup.


Classes that day seemed to drag on slower than usual, due in part to the fact that I couldn't help but returning to the weird dream I had last night. I enjoyed the sense of safety this stranger's embrace evoked in me... even if it was a dream. All of my professor's noticed my absence of conscious today as well.


The time for potions had rolled around and I anxiously awaited the arrival of Ms. Kettle, hoping that she would have no recollection of the night before. I snuck out of her chambers in the early hours of the morning, being extremely cautious so as not to wake the girl.

"I guess the brat thinks she's too skilled for this class," I scoffed, clearly annoyed by her absence. What a waste of time.

After around 15 minutes of waiting I started worrying, trying to think of who's class she attends before this one. Lockhart. I immediately felt a strong sense of dread and worry as I rushed to the classroom which appeared to be empty.

I turned to leave when I heard a giggle come from his office. I stormed in to see Gilderoy standing in between the legs of Ms. Kettle who was sat on his desk, kissing him passionately, her arms wrapped around his neck and his on her hips. I cast a spell that sent Lockhart flying away from her and into the wall. He scrambled away before I could do further damage when I noticed a small vial on his desk that held a liquid that I quickly identified as amortentia. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Rose and the vial before heading up to Albus' office.

I explained the situation to him, a look of shock and anger took over his usually peaceful features. "I will deal with Lockhart, the Ministry will be notified immediately and he will be sent to Azkaban. As for Ms. Kettle, give her the counter potion as well as a calming draught and keep her in your chambers until tomorrow morning." And with that, we were dismissed.

We started heading down the hallway and towards the dungeons when she suddenly stopped moving. I looked back at her to see her standing there with an angry expression on her face. "What are you doing you silly girl, let's go." I snapped, she still didn't move and I wasn't up to arguing so I grabbed her and threw her kicking form over my shoulder and carried her into my office. I sat her on my desk before grabbing the vial of the counter potion and forcing her to drink it.

Almost immediately she started sobbing and apologizing profusely. "I'm so sorry oh my God, Severus please I'm so so sorry, I just-" I cut her off, already tired of her whining and trying my best to ignore her use of my first name. "Sorry for what? Gilderoy's idiocy?" I snapped at her.

Before she could speak another word, I grabbed the calming draught and handed it to her and she chugged it desperately. Her tears finally stopped and she smiled sadly at me.


After administering the 2nd potion he grabbed my hand and led me into a door attached to his office that led into his private quarters where Dumbledore requested I stay for the night. He sat me down on the couch before walking down the short hallway and returning with a fluffy emerald towel. He motioned for me to follow him and brought me into his bathroom where he started the water for a shower and then opened the other door from the bathroom that led to his bedroom. "When you're done with your shower, come in here, I will have some clothes for you laying on the bed. I will be in the living area." And with that, he left without another word, leaving me to my thoughts.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped under the hot stream of water, scrubbing at my body as if to rid myself of the memory of today. After I was thoroughly clean, I stepped out, turning the water off and drying myself with the emerald towel. I wrapped the towel around me and headed into the bedroom where a large white t-shirt was laid on the bed, folded neatly. It fit me like a night gown so it posed no need for pants. After I was dressed, I made my way out to the living room to see Snape sitting at the dining table with a plate of Spaghetti in front of him and one across from him, waiting for me. He was no longer in his usual attire but instead in a black on black t-shirt and pajama pants.

We ate in silence other than the occasional comment here and there. As soon as we were done, I grabbed my plate and his and took them to the sink where I washed and dried them before putting them away much to his protest.

"I will be right back, I forgot the sleeping draught, it's still in storage."

"Do you have anything that won't cause me to have weird dreams? Vivid dreams at that. I could've sworn I wasn't alone in my room last night... It felt so real." He wordlessly nodded before leaving the room, only to return a moment later with the potion in hand. I made my way to the couch where I saw a blanket laying neatly across it.

"I'm sleeping there. You will sleep in my bed. No argument." I just nodded and walked to his room, too tired to argue, and laid down in the Black sheets when the scent of burning wood and spice filled my nose and everything from last night came flooding back.

"I-It wasn't a dream, was it?" I asked unsure. He shook his head and looked down, his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I grabbed the potion out of his hands and set it on the bedside table next to me before turning back to him and grabbing his wrists, pulling him down onto the bed next to me, expecting him to protest. He never did.

"I want to try something." I said to him before turning the lights off and pulling him closer to me before wrapping myself in his arms and snuggling into his chest.

"What are you trying, other than my patience?" He asked but I never heard him as I was already sound asleep, feeling safe in his arms and not needing a sleeping potion.

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