10: Babysitters and Bad Blood

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It came as quite a shock to everyone in the room that I was sorted into Slytherin, but nobody could match the disbelief of Severus Snape. He seemed worried and upset but his cold features remained indifferent. Eventually everyone had left, well, almost everyone. Professor Snape, Professor Dumbledore, and I remained in the headmaster's office. Dumbledore motioned for Snape and I to take a seat across from him before he began talking.

"As you are both aware, the school year is just a few days away and I have yet to find a replacement for the Defense Against the Darks position. This requires me to leave the castle for a few nights to try and convince somebody who has the required knowledge to join us at Hogwarts this year. I planned on leaving you here in the hands of the house elves, but Severus has volunteered to stay here to watch over you." Dumbledore looked at Snape with an emotion I couldn't quite identify. Snape maintained his grimace and cleared his throat before speaking.

"She is still new to this world and will likely burn the entire castle to the ground if she were to be left alone." I glared at him before Dumbledore pulled me from my thoughts.

"I will be leaving tonight and will return as soon as I can, however there is something else I need to discuss with you. When the school year starts, all of the students are placed into shared rooms, but you seem quite happy with where you are at. I don't want any of the other students to think you are receiving special treatment so I would like to ask for your permission to move your living arrangement into the Slytherin common area. Your rooms will be near everyone else's however you will not have to share it." I agreed that his idea would be best and allowed for him to order for my living quarters to be moved.

"Now this will take at least 24 hours to complete so I would like for you to stay with Severus tonight as the student's rooms are being set up as well."



Dumbledore had left around an hour or so ago. He allowed for me to grab what I needed from my room before he allowed the house elves to get to work. I had made my way down to the dungeons where Severus stayed with my hands full of the things I brought from my quarters. He opened the door and gave me a disapproving glare before allowing me in.

"How much do you need? You aren't planning on moving in are you?" He spoke in a monotonous tone.

"Ha. You wish." I winked at him before setting my stuff down on the table. He just rolled his eyes.

After I got settled in, Severus and I were sitting on opposite sides of the couch reading. He was reading a very old looking leather bound book that had no writing on the cover. I was reading through my potions book once more, still trying to move ahead. My stomach let out a rather loud rumble letting me know it was time to eat.

Severus looked at me shocked and startled at the noises coming from my body. I saw the look on his face and instantly started hysterically laughing. I could've sworn I saw a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.


We sat across from each other at the kitchen table eating tacos and making light conversation. I was asking him questions about potions and about Hogwarts. He was actually quite an enjoyable person to be around once you got him to open up the slightest bit. The issue was that every time he would notice himself opening up to me he'd get scared and shut down.

After dinner I took a shower and put on my soft, white, silk pajamas. I made my way back out to the living room where he sat reading. He didn't acknowledge my presence so I sat next to him, leaving very little space between us.

"Why did you act the way you did when I was sorted into Slytherin?"

"Slytherin is not a house full of good people. You're a good person. Annoying, yes, but good. I don't understand how you could possibly fit in with the rest of them. You're too pure."

"You're from Slytherin. You're a good person." He scoffed.

"You don't know me."

"I'm trying to. You just refuse to let me in and I don't understand why. I don't expect you to either. Just know that I wouldn't do anything to bring harm to you in any way. I'm here when you need somebody. Always."

He remained silent and I didn't push him any further. I began reading along with him and we eventually both fell asleep, my head on his shoulder, his head on top of mine.

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