14. Feastings and Forthcomings

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Shortly after Dumbledore announced the arrival of the first years, the doors to the Great Hall blew open once more, a silver-haired McGonagall leading a very long line of curious first years to the front of the hall. Their eyes wandered in amazement at their older peers, the professors, and the beautiful interior of the castle, their brains trying to comprehend it's mystery. Dumbledore welcomed them graciously before beginning the sorting ceremony.

Most of the students were sorted into Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, leaving only a handful of them to join either Gryffindor or Slytherin. One slytherin in particular was brave enough to come sit right next to me and introduce herself as Riley Renee Pickett. I was only slightly envious of her outspoken attitude. I could tell we would get along.

As soon as all of the first years were sorted and seated at their designated tables, Dumbledore allowed for the feast to begin. With just a few words, all of the tables were covered in all sorts of Medieval type foods, all of it looking delicious. Riley quickly noticed the lack of meat on my plate to which I explained my lifestyle to her. Rather than being judgmental like most of my slytherin peers, she seemed very intrigued. We spent the rest of the meal getting to know each other. I was so enthralled in our conversation that I didn't notice the constant, protective stare of Severus Snape.

After dinner, we were all instructed to follow our prefects to our common rooms. Seeing the reactions of all of the first years reminded me of my own amazement when I had first seen the castle.


Once in the safety of my quarters, I slipped off my shoes and made my way to the bathroom where I stripped out of my attire, showered, and prepared for tomorrow. Once I was finished with my night routine I made my way to my bedroom where I stared at the desk that covered the section of the wall where my balcony used to be. I missed the peaceful view of the impossibly black lake every morning.

I laid in bed trying my hardest to shut off my anticipation for the next day. Once I realized I couldn't, I slipped on my robe and threw my purple hair up in a messy pony tail before silently sneaking out and making my way to the potions classroom.

I slipped sneakily into the apothecary where I gathered the required materials before returning to the desk where I began brewing my sleeping draught. Once I was finished, I scribbled a note that read, "I was having trouble sleeping, I know you said I was always welcome to brew some when in need, but I just wanted to notify you so that your inventory wasn't off. Thanks again. -RK"

I had no idea the consequences that waited for me the next day because of that one little potion....


Sorry for A filler but I'm baaaack. Finally done with high school 👩🏻‍🎓 time to write!

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