9: Sleeping In and Sorting Hats

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The weeks began flying by as I continued working as hard as I could to test out of years 1-4 and not lose my sanity. The school year was now just a week away; a sense of anxiety clouded my mind as I envisioned how different things would be once the school year started. Lockhart had been fired immediately after the incident. That left Snape as the only qualified individual to take over my Dark Arts lessons while Dumbledore searched for a replacement. As soon as Snape took over I quickly learned defensive spells and I also learned how to duel, which I was surprisingly good at. Due to my busy schedule I wasn't able to see Snape outside of class and we never spoke of the night I fell asleep in his embrace.

Dumbledore had decided that it would be best to complete years 5-7 during the actual school year and to give myself a break for this last week. I woke up on that misty Monday morning and rolled over in my white duvet. I opened my eyes slightly to let them adjust to the light that was streaming in through the balcony door. The grey clouds shielded the land from the soft blue sky hiding behind them. A slight drizzle fell silently onto the lawn below and left a crystal-like dew on everything in it's reach.

I threw the duvet off of my resting form before swinging my legs over the side of the bed and moving to stand up. I quickly got dressed for the day in a white t-shirt and black leggings. I threw my hair into a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I slipped on my black and white tennis shoes and headed out of my little apartment and to the kitchens. I grabbed a piece of fruit and made my way to Dumbledore's office.

I heard talking coming from inside so I knocked gently to alert them of my presence. The door came open and I was surprised to see all of my professors chatting casually amongst themselves in Dumbledore's office.

"Ms. Kettle, how are you this morning? The professors and I have decided that we simply cannot wait and would like to find out which house you belong to." The kind old wizard spoke. I was advised to sit on a wooden stool and before Dumbledore placed the hat on my head each of my professors casted their votes.


"Gryffindor, for sure."

"Gryffindor. No doubt in my mind."

Severus rolled his eyes at the rest of them. "Clearly she's a Hufflepuff." He scoffed.

Dumbledore smiled and looked to me before placing the ancient hat atop my head.

"Hmm.. quite like your father. You would do great things in any house but I think you'll do exceedingly well in... SLYTHERIN!"

Xxx sorry for the filler chapter. A lot has changed since I have last updated but now's not the time to talk about it. I just wanted to update something so you all know I didn't forget about you xxX

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