Chapter 7

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Its been about a week since I've talked to Chris and I have been miserable. I try to hide it with a smile but Jack, Alex, and Lily all see through it. I haven't turned my phone on in a couple of days either. The first two days it was mostly Chris asking if I would let him explain and I almost did. It was the morning after we broke up and he said that he was sorry and wanted to be with only me and asked if we could talk after his show and me, like an idiot, believed him yet again. So I did my hair and makeup and headed to the backstage area. As I got to the dressing area, I could see Ash all over Chris. It made me sick. I just turned around and left before anyone saw me. I've been hiding out on the bus every chance I can get. Alex has been trying to get me to go out and have fun but I always think back to the last time we all went out and turn him down. I don't want him to get hurt again for sticking up for me. It's weird but when I'm around Alex, I almost feel okay. Today is an off day and I find out the next band I get to work with. I decided enough is enough. I got up and took a shower then got dressed in real clothes for the first time in 3 days. I head to the breakfast area and grab some food and head to the table that Sophia, Haley, lily, and Devin are sitting at. "Look who's finally leaving her bunk, we thought you might of died."Haley said hugging me. " yeah, sorry I haven't talked to you guys. I just had to get my head cleared." I said hugging devin. "So are you going to come hangout more, cause we really miss you. " Devin said sitting back down. " Yeah, I've realized that there is no need to hide away and feel sorry for myself. I need to start living. I mean how many people can say that they got to hangout with their favorite bands for the summer?" I said sitting next to Lily. "So does this mean the old Alison is back?" Lily asked hopefully. " Hell yeah." I said. " Good, welcome back. How's it been living with All Time Low the past two weeks? "Sophia asked. "It's been great actually, they're really awesome guys." I said smiling. "So what have I missed while I was in hiding?" We talked for a little till Dave came over with his clipboard. "Good morning guys. Want good news or bad news first?" He asked. " good news." I said. " well you only have two changes left then you'll be with the last band the rest of tour and you get to pick who it is." "And the bad news?" Lily asked. " lily your with Black Veil Brides and Alison is with motionless for the next two weeks." He said slowly hiding behind his clipboard. " No, I can't. You have to switch me out with someone." I said shaking my head. " I tried, trust me. Kevin wants it that way, someone asked him if you could work there table once more." He said. " who?" I asked confused. "I'm not supposed to say but," he said leaning closer, "it was Ricky." He whispered. "What?" "But you didn't here it from me." He said walking away. "Well isn't this just great. I just got to the point where I can leave the bus, now i have to work with them?" I said putting my head in my hands. "Look at it this way, we get to hang out with you more." Haley said. I just shake my head and get up. "I'm going to go look for Jack and Alex, see you guys later." I said heading toward the bus. Luckily, Jack and Alex were just walking off the bus. "Hey Alicat, I'm glad you finally are out of that dungeon of yours." Jack said hugging me. " yeah, I just got some great news, I'll be working with Motionless for the next two weeks." I said. "What? Get them to switch you with someone. " Alex said. "I tried, he said that Ricky requested me to work with them one last time." I said. "That's bullshit! I'll go talk to Dave and-" Alex started but I cut him off. "It's fine, I'll have to face him eventually right?" I said. " I'll try and help you out as much as I can." He said hugging me. "Thanks Lex, but you don't have to. " I said. "I know but I want to, I want to be the one who protects you." He said. "Thanks but there's somethings You won't be able to protect me from." I said. "I can try." He said. "Anyway ..." Jack says changing the subject," Want to go grab lunch with us? We're also going to the beach since we don't leave till later." " Yeah give me five minutes to grab my swimsuit." I said running onto the bus. I put on my bathing suit and pulled on some shorts and my jagk shirt and grabbed a towel. As I headed off the bus I could hear them whispering about something. I was about to step off when I heard my name. I sat next to the door and tried to listen. "Dude why don't you just tell her?" "Look, it's complicated right now. She still has feelings for Chris and I don't want to be just a rebound." "You really like her don't you?" "Yeah, I have ever since we first met her. I don't know what it is about her but I want to be the one she chooses in the end." I decide to leave the bus before they say anymore. "Ready to go?" I asked walking off the bus. "Yeah. what sounds good for lunch?" Jack asked putting his arm around my shoulders. "Food." I said. He just laughs and gets us a taxi. My mind is spinning at the moment. Does Alex really like me? I mean he's a great guy who can get any girl he wants, why would he like me? Do I like him? Again he's a great guy and we do have a lot in common but could I like him more than Chris? My thoughts were interrupted by Jack pulling me into the cab, I sat in the middle while Alex was sitting as close to the door as possible. "I don't bite ya know, you can scoot over." I said laughing. "I don't want to crush you." he said. I rolled my eyes and pulled him closer. "So, where to first?" I asked.

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