chapter 3

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It's finally here and I'm so excited. It's the day we fly out to California for Warped tour. I've been talking to Chris everyday and we're really close friends now. I walk down stairs with my bags to find Lily face timing Andy. They haven't stopped talking and it's been very annoying. The more they talk the more I think there is something off with him. He is just too perfect but I keep my mouth shut for Lily. "Lets go! You can talk to him when we get there. Bye Andy!" I say as I hang up her phone. "Hey, what the hell? "she says. "You can go a few hours without him. I can't imagine what it would be like if you guys were dating, I would never be able to talk to you again." I say. She just rolls eyes and grabs her bags. We get in my car and drive to the airport in silence. "Ready to go spend your summer with some of your favorite bands?" I ask as we are going through security. "Yeah. Are ready to be spend your summer with Chris?" she asks. She has been messing with me ever since he left our house. "Yeah, it's going to be fun." I say. "Have you told him you like him yet?" she asks. "No and I'm not planning on it." I say. "Why not? For all you know he might like you back." she says. "I highly doubt that. He probably has a girlfriend and we're just good friends." I say. We get on the plane and I start to freak out. God, I hate flying. "You're going to be fine. Remember, your doing this for Warped." Lily says. After we land we head to baggage claim. As we round the corner we see the members of BVB standing by the bags. Lily runs over to Andy and jumps on him. I walk over awkwardly. After Lily and Andy are done with their whole love fest Andy turns to me. "Hey Alison, Chris wanted to come but he had to help load up. The guys wanted to meet you." "Well, that was Lily and I'm Alison." I say waving. "Hey, I'm Ashley. Are you also staying on our bus? We can share a bunk if you want." Ashley says smirking. "Back of Ash, she's with Chris."Andy says grabbing our bags. "Damn, everytime." Ashley says. "Umm.. just to let you guys know I'm not with Chris, we're just friends. I'm also staying on his bus." I say grabbing my bags. We walk out to the bus while Lily is holding hands with Andy. Cc walks along side me. "Sorry about Ash, he can be very forward sometimes. I'm CC." "I know who you are and he's fine. I feel bad for you guys you get to deal with that every morning." I point to Andy and Lily. "It's not bad now but it can get pretty annoying." "I know. I have to fight him to get off the phone and pay attention to us during practice." he says. "You think that's bad, just wait." I say. he just shakes his head and we get on the bus. The guys are really nice. I think me and CC are going to be good friends. When we arrived at the venue I grab my bags and run off the bus with CC right behind me. "Do you know where Chris's bus is at?" I ask. "Yeah, it's over there. " he says. "Thanks. good luck." I say. "Yeah, you too. If you ever get bored over there I'll be here and your welcome to come to our bus anytime." he says. He hugs me and starts to walk back to the bus. When I turn towards Chris's bus I see him getting off the bus. I run over to him and give him a hug. "Hey. Long time no see." I say. "Hey, are you ready for an awesome summer?" he asks. "Hell, yeah." just then I see a girl get off the bus and give me a death glare. she clears her throat making Chris turn around. "Oh, Alison this is Ashley Costello. A good friend of mine. Ashley this is Alison, she the new merch girl for the Tour." He says. She just keeps staring me down. "Hi. I'm a big fan." I say. She just gives me a sarcastic smile and walks away. What was her problem? Were they together? "Anyway, want to see the bus?" he asks. "Sure." I say. We walk on to the bus and the whole band is sitting there. "Hey guys, this is Alison. She's one of the new merch girls for warped and a good friend of mine." I wave shyly. "Oh, so your the girl he's always on the phone with, Hi I'm Balz." "I know who you guys are. I'm a big fan." I say. "Cool, so are you staying on here?" He asks. "Yeah. My friend Lily is on the BVB bus and I didn't know anyone else so Chris offered." "Well, I'll show you your bunk." Balz says. He leads me to the back of the bus to the bunks. "Sorry but the only open bunk is the top but I'm sure someone will switch if you want." he says. "I'll be alright." I say. The bunk was hard to reach but I didn't mind. I threw my stuff on my bunk and walked back out to the guys. "Want to go see where you'll be working? We could go grab lunch after if you want." Chris asks. "Sure." We walk off the bus and start walking to the merch stands. "What have you been up too? Anything new?" he asks. "Nothing really. Lily and Andy got more annoying but other than that nothing. You?" I ask. "Nope. Has Nick tried talking to you? " He asks. "Yeah but I just ignore him. Thanks again for comforting me that night. You didn't have to do that." I say. I hate being people's charity. "I know but I didn't want to see you sad and you started smiling when I hugged you so I guess it helped." he says. I smile while looking at the ground. "See you either smile or blush whenever your around me. It's cute." he says. "No it's not and stop saying I'm cute." I say. "Why? You are." he says. "Well your girlfriend looked like she was going to murder me this morning. If me being on the bus is going to make her mad I'll go stay with Lily." I say. "Who, Ashley? She's not my girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend. " he says. "Really? I figured you would." I say trying not to look too relieved. "No I had a girlfriend but we broke up 3 days ago." he says. "Oh, I'm sorry." "Don't be, she made me miserable. I didn't realize it until I met you." he says. "Well then it's her loss. Your an amazing guy and anyone would be lucky to have you." I say. "You think so?" he asks. I nod. We stop at a stand and it looks like Chris is about to say something when a guy with a clipboard walks up. "Hi Chris this must be Alison. You are going to be working at the Motionless tent the next few days but tonight you and a few others aren't needed. I want you to meet some of the people you are going to be working with." He says guiding me toward a group of people but Chris stops me. "Can we talk later? I have somethings we need to talk about." he says. "Yeah of course." He smiles and turns back towards the buses. I follow the guy over to the group of people. "Everyone this is Alison. Alison, this is Haley." he says pointing at a girl with bright blue hair. "Hey, that's Sophia." she says pointing to a girl with red hair. "And we'll being working together all summer so if you need anything ask one of us." she says. Lily walks over with some guy. "Hey this is Devin, he's the merch guy for Tonight Alive." she says. "We were all about to go get lunch would you want to join?" he asks. "sure thanks." We all go to a pizza place not far away. They all seem really cool but I can't stop thinking about what Chris wanted to talk about. "What are you thinking about?" Lily asks. "Chris said he needed to talk to me about something but I don't know what it could be." I say to Lily. " I'm sure it's nothing." she says. "Wait, Chris Motionless?" Sophia asks me. "Yeah." "Oh, I'm dating Balz. I'm sure whatever he has to say will be fine." she says. "Who are you dating Haley?" Lily asks. "Well no one right now but I've dated Kellin Quinn and Vic. I'm still good friends with both of them though." she says. "What about you Devin?" I ask. "I'm dating Jenna McDougall." he says smiling. "What about you guys?" Sophia asks. "Well, I'm single and Lily has a thing with Andy Biersack." I say. "No we're dating. He asked me when you left." she says smiling. "And you like Chris but are too scared to tell him." I just roll my eyes. "I almost told him earlier but I chickened out." "Well, you should tell him soon because I saw the way Ashley was looking at him and you might miss your chance." She says."I'll tell him as soon as we get back." When we got back to the venue I went to the bus to find Chris but Ricky and Balz were getting ready for tonight's show. "Hey guys, do you know where Chris is? I really need to talk to him." I ask. "No but he said that if I saw you to tell you to be at our set tonight." Balz says. "OK thanks." I say. I go to the BVB bus and CC lets me in after giving me a hug. "Hey will you help me get ready? Chris told Balz to get me to go to their set tonight." I tell Lily. "Sure BVB is going on soon so I'll help you get ready if you go with me to their set so I'm not alone." I agree and we walk to MIW's bus. She picks out a motionless tee and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. She straightens my hair and does my makeup. "Now lets go watch your boyfriend, you lucky bitch." I say. She just smiles as we walk to the stage. We show the security our passes and go back to the dressing rooms. Andy and Ashley were doing their makeup and hair. Lily walks up behind Andy and kisses him making Ashley disgusted. "Hey guys. Good luck tonight, I know it'll be great." I say. "Thanks. Are you watching the show?" Ashley asks. "Yeah I kinda have too. I made a deal that if she helped me get ready for Chris's set then I would stand with her during your set." I say. "Well we'll be going on any minute so if you guys want a good spot you should go out there." he says. Lily pouts but Andy kisses her making her smile immediately. I drag her out before I get sick. We find a spot close to the stage as their intro starts playing. It was a good set for the most part except for this one girl trying to start a fight with Lily because she screamed to Andy that she loved him. Security had to step in before I hurt this girl. Some fan girls get crazy. After their set I watched the other bands until Motionless In White came on. They were pretty cool. Once Motionless's intro started I moved up as close to the stage as I could. Once Chris and Ricky stept out a huge group of girls went nuts. I couldn't help but laugh at how crazy they were acting. Lily met up with me and we sang and danced around during their set. "OK this last one we haven't done in awhile but it's for a very special girl. I haven't known her for very long but I feel like I've known her forever. If she's out there this one is for you." He said as they played Iris.This is my favorite song. I sang along to the whole song and some how managed to work my way to the front of the crowd. Chris looked down and smiled at me as he sang the last verse of the song. They said goodnight and got off stage. I went back to the bus to wait for the guys. I really need to talk to Chris soon. A few minutes later, The guys came back without Chris. "Where's Chris?" I ask. "He said that he would be back soon. He went to go talk to someone." Balz says. The guys ended up going with a few of the other bands to eat. I am about to go to my bunk when I hear the door open and in walks Chris with a rose. "Hey." I say. "Hey, this is for you." he says handing me the flower. "Thank you. it's beautiful." I say giving him a hug. "Where are the guys?" he asked. " They went to eat a few minutes ago." I say. "So did you like the show ?" he asks. "Yeah it was great ." I say. "Thanks." he says. "How did you know that I love that song?" I ask. "I asked Lily." he says. I just nod. "So what did you want to talk about?" I ask. He sits down next to me."You heard what I said tonight right?" he asks and I nod. "Well, you are very special to me and I feel like I've known you forever. The first moment I met you I wanted to know more about you and when I found you that night after your call from Nick, you looked so sad. I wanted to hold you and comfort you and after I found out what Nick was like I wanted him to never talk, look, or,even, think about you again because I wanted to make sure he could never hurt you again. Then you fell asleep in my arms and I knew that I wanted to stay that way forever. I felt very protective of you and I know what it was like being in a relationship where the love is one sided. I probably sound cheesy but whatever. I didn't realize how miserable I was until I saw you smile and saw how it made me feel. As soon as I got home I told her that it was over. I just wanted to tell you that no matter what I will always be here for you and make sure no one ever hurts you again. I know that we haven't known each other for long but I'm starting to fall for you." he says. I can't believe this. Is he trying to mess with me or is this a dream? I don't even know what to say, I mean, of course I like him but he can't be serious. I'm nothing special but he makes me feel like I'm actually worth something. I feel safe when I'm around him and I love the way he makes me feel. I just was so shocked I didn't know what to say. I could see fear in his eyes."I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you all that. I just thought maybe you felt the same and now I've scared you off. Just forget I said anything." he says. He starts to get up but I grab his hand. "No, you didn't scare me, you just surprised me. I didn't expect you to think of me as anything more than a friend." I say. "Why?" "Because you're Chris Motionless, the rock star that has millions of girls drool over him. Why would he want me? I'm nothing special." I say. "Your wrong, you are special. Your not like most girls. You are quiet at first but then you don't shut up, you order a burger instead of a salad when we go out, your not afraid to show people the real you. You are a great girl Alison, I don't know why you don't see it." he says. "All my life everyone has pointed out my flaws and told me I wasn't going to amount to anything so after awhile I just stopped believing in myself. Then I finally told myself to suck it up and move on. Then I met you and I realized that I could be happy. You got me out of my shell and after a few minutes with you I wanted to tell you every secret I had. I felt like I could trust you. Then when you comforted me at the house I felt safe in your arms. As soon as I met you I had a crush on you but every time you open your mouth I fall for you more and more. I have been wanting to tell you this all day so hear it goes. I really like you Chris and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way." I say putting my head down. Chris is silent for a few minutes. He puts his hand on my cheek and I pick my head up to look at him. He leans close and presses his lips to mine. I kissed him back, The cold from his lip rings and the warmth of his lips send chills down my spine. He pulled away. "Wow." was all that I could say. " Anyway, Do you want to watch a movie or something?" He asks. "Umm I'm going to go to bed it's been a long night." I say still processing what just happened. "Yeah, I should probably too. Long day tomorrow." He says. He follows me to the bunks. "Well goodnight." He says slipping into his bunk. I turn to get into mine but I can't reach it. "You can come down here if you want." Chris says. I climb in next to him. "Can we talk about this tomorrow over breakfast?" I ask. "Yeah." "Good. I'm glad we talked." I said. "Me too. Good night Beautiful." he says. "Good night Chris." I say and I drift off to sleep smiling.

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