chapter 8

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 I took a deep and squeezed Alex's hand as we reached the bus. You could hear the music from a mile away. "Remember I'm right here with you." he said squeezing my hand one last time. I opened the door and step inside dragging Alex. I headed straight for the alcohol. If I was going to make it through the night, I was going to need some liquid confidence. I take a swig of the closest hard liquor I could find. "Never would have taken you as a Hennessey kind of girl." I turn to see Ricky smirking at me. "Ricky!" I hug him almost forgetting I was mad at him, key word almost. "Why the hell would you ask for me to come back as your merch girl? You know I can't stand being around them." I said as I push him away. I took another large swig. "I know but it's not fair to the rest of us that we can't see you anymore. We miss you Ali, so does Chris whether he wants to admit it or not." he said. "I figured he just needed a little reminder." I didn't want to think about that tonight, so I chug what's left in my cup and grab a bottle of Jack. "Let's go do something!" I said as I grabbed Alex and dragged him to the other side of the bus. I chugged half the fifth before Alex snatched it away. "Hey! Take it easy Ali! You're gonna want to remember the fun you had tomorrow morning." he said sitting the bottle down. Just as it hits the table, my favorite couple comes waltzing in. "Well hello everybody!" Chris screams obnoxiously while Ash hangs from his neck. I sink down in my seat hoping he won't see me. Alex put an arm around my waist to comfort me. Chris immediately notices and decides to walk my way. " Well if it isn't my favorite power couple. How's it going over in the old love bus?" he snickers.  "Are you drunk?" I asked. He hates drinking. This was so unlike him. "What's it to you? " Ash snaps back. I could feel Alex's grip tighten. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked Chris. " Alone!" I said snapping my attention towards Ashley. "Look I get you're like obsessed with my man, but you need to realize Chris is happy where he is and you should probably just realize that Alec over here is obsessed with you! Maybe he's more you're speed."
Ashley smirked as Chris just smiled. I can't believe he didn't say anything. "I think it's funny how I'm talking to Chris but his head's so far up your ass, you're talking for him now." I said as I stand up. The liquid confidence was definitely doing it's job. "I think it's funny you think Chris could ever want you. You know you're really hurting Alex's feelings. Can't you see he's the only one who wants your raggedy ass? Why only god knows." she snarled as she stepped in my face. I look at Alex to see him staring at the ground. I looked at Chris and am met with a snarky smirk. " Really? Well at least I'm not Alex's second choice!" I said directly to Chris. His smirk was wiped off his face, which gave me the urge to continue. "Oh and by the way since Chris over there wants to stay quiet. I think you should know He was cheating on your dumb ass with me during the first part of tour! " I screamed at her. Chris's entire face froze. Ashley just chuckled. " oh you poor girl, you're sad and delusional. Why would Chris ever want to be with someone like you?" she asked as she stepped closer to me. "You know what? I don't know. All I know is I was the one sleeping in his bunk every night! Maybe you should ask him, and while you're at it, maybe you should ask him why his corny ass had sex with me if he was going to stay with you!" I smirked. She looked at him to find reassurance that I was lying but all she saw was Chris's shocked face. You could tell by the angered look on her face, Chris was in for a long night. "Now if you'll excuse me, this sad, delusional girl would like to salvage what's left of her night and spend time with people that actually care about her. Have a good night you two." I said grabbing the rest of the fifth off the table and grabbing Alex's hand as I pushed past Ashley. Maybe I had a little too much liquid confidence, but I didn't care. I needed to speak my mind. I turned toward the puzzled couple. "Let me know when the Chris I met gets back, I need to talk to him. I miss him so much and He at least owes me an explanation for breaking me." I said.

The walk back to the bus was a silent one. "I'm sorry about tonight." I said to Alex. "It's fine. It's not the worst party I've been to." he said smiling at me. "I'm also sorry Ashley kept bringing you into our argument. She has this crazy idea that you want to be with me." I said taking a swig of what's left of the bottle. "Yeah." is all he replies with. "But hey, the night's still young. Let's see what the guys are doing. Maybe we can watch a movie or something." I said. "Sure." he said emotionless.He snatched the bottle out of my hand and began to chug it walking faster than his previous pace.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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