chapter 2

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Lily was right, Andy is great but, he's only been here for 20 minutes and they are getting on my nerves with their flirting. I'm not trying to sound like a bitch but I hate being the third wheel. "So, what are we doing for dinner?" I ask trying to get Lily's attention. She just waves me off. I'm about to go up to my room when someone knocks on the door. I run to the door and open it to see a smiling Chris. "Sorry it took me so long to get here." he says. "Come in, make yourself at home." I say as we walk into the living room where Andy and Lily have not moved from their spots. "Have they been like this the whole time?" he asks. "Yeah, it was getting awkward. thanks to you I'm no longer the third wheel." I say as I smile at him. "Oh, Hey Chris. Are you joining us for dinner?" Lily finally turns her attention from Andy to us. "Sure. If that's OK with you." he says. She smiles and winks at me. "Well, Alison will you come with me for a minute? I have a problem that I need your help with." she says. Before I can answer she is dragging me up the stairs and into her room. "Tell me what happened earlier, I need details." she says shutting her door. "Nothing, we just went and got lunch and talked. We actually have a lot in common." I say grinning. "Well you must really like him because you are grinning like a fool and you were earlier when you came back from lunch. You also can talk to him like you would talk to me. You should tell him how you feel." she says smiling. "Yeah, OK maybe I like Chris but I'll give you 3 reasons why it doesn't matter. One he's famous and would never settle for something ordinary like me.Two, We are ten years apart, and three, we just met." I say. "One, you are more than ordinary.Two, age is but a number and three, you guys can get to know each other with time." she says. "Well thanks to you he's now going to dinner with us. I want him to go so I'm not a third wheel but I also don't want him to go because I'm going to embarrass myself somehow. Maybe I should just stay home." I say putting my head in my hands. "No. Let's get ready and I bet you'll change your mind once Chris sees you." she says. "Fine but your helping me." She smiles from ear to ear. She runs into my room and comes back with an outfit."Go get ready and I'll do your hair and makeup to make you look all pretty." she says. "Thanks Lil." I run and get dressed. When I come out I'm in a pair of ripped black skinnie jeans and a black tube top. Lily straightens my hair and does my makeup. "I was wrong you don't look pretty, you look hot. " she says grinning. I look in the mirror and love the outfit. I turn and hug Lily. "Thanks Lil." "No problem Chris isn't going to be able to keep his eyes off you. Now I have to go get ready but don't go down without me I want to see his reaction." She says and runs off. When she gets out we walk down the stairs together and we see Andy first. He smirks at Lily and can't take his eyes off her. He pulls her close and starts whispering something in her ear making her giggle and blush. I don't need to watch this. I turn around to find Chris and I run right into him. "I'm sorry. I'm a cluts." I say looking at the ground. When I look up he just staring at me with a smirk on his face."What?" I ask. "Nothing. You just look really beautiful." He says. I start to blush. "Thanks to Lily and her makeup magic." I say. "No it's not because of the makeup." he says. I can feel the heat rising into my cheeks. "You must really like me because you blush whenever I talk to you." he says smirking. I panicked and didn't know if he was just messing with me or not. "Maybe.. Maybe not. the world may never know." I say smirking at him. I walk past him and grab my leather jacket. "Hey can we get going? I'm hungry." I say to snap Lily and Andy out of lovey dovey land. "Oh yeah, sorry." lily says and we all get into my car. Lily and Andy get in the back leaving Chris to sit up front. We drive to a buffalo wild wings and get a table. Lily and Andy act as though they're the only ones in the room. It's crazy they didn't know each other a few hours ago and now they can't keep their hands off each other. Chris and I sit and talk about random things trying to pass the time. "Are you excited to be working Warped?" he asks. "Yeah it's been one of my dreams to go to Warped let alone work it. Now I cross it off my bucket list." I say. "What bands will you be working with?" "Umm... Falling In Reverse, All Time Low, Black Veil Brides, and you guys." I say. "What bus are you staying on?" he asks."You sure ask a lot of questions." I say. "Yeah, I'm a nosy guy. Answer the question." he says. "Why do you want to know?" I ask. "I'm curious. I want to know more about you. I'm intrigued by you." he says. "I don't know what bus I'm going to be on. I still have to find out and I'm guessing Lily has already chosen. I'm not going to want to be on that bus and have to deal with that every morning." I say pointing to Andy and Lily who are whispering and giggling. "I understand why. I would say stay on our bus but I don't want your boyfriend to be pissed." he says. "I don't have a boyfriend." I say. His face brightens up. "Wait..What? How? I thought you were at least with that Zack guy. He made it seem like you guys were together." He says. "What? Eww no. Zack is just a friend. Nothing romantic there ever and never will be." I say."And as for anyone else most guys don't look at me like that. " " Oh well then your welcome on our bus anytime." he says smiling. "I actually might take you up on that offer." I say smiling."And just to let you know any guy would be lucky to call you his." He says. I start blushing. "So, what are you guys talking about?" Lily asks grinning. I guess Andy went to the bathroom."Tour. I figured that you were going to go on the BVB bus so Chris offered to let me stay with them." I say smiling. "Great. Oh, Chris where are you staying tonight because Andy's coming to our house so if you want we have a spare room."She says. "Oh thanks my flight leaves tomorrow at 3 so I won't stay long." he says. Then Andy comes back and we all head home. We are walking up to the house when my phone goes off. It's a message from a restricted number. I read it and realize who it is. Why of all nights, why does he want to talk to me now? I call the number and wait for him to pick up. "Hey Babe." he says all cheerful. "What do you want Nick?" I ask."I miss you like crazy and I'm so sorry about what I did.You know I love you." he says. "I don't even care anymore I'm over you. Good night Nick." I go to hang up but he starts screaming. " Dont hang up on me you bitch. Remember, I know where you live. Don't forget who you belong to."I laugh. "Don't forget who I belong to? I'm not property! I belong to myself and have you been drinking? because the last time I checked you were the asshole that cheated on me with my own family. You don't scare me anymore Nick. In fact I should thank you for cheating on me because that's when I realized that you never loved me. Tell Tori I say hi. Goodbye Nick." I hung up and started to cry. Memories from the last month came rushing in. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Chris looking very concerned. "Are you alright?" I shake my head and Chris pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and break down. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. "I'll tell you later when Andy and Lily go to bed." He nods and we walk into the house. Lily is making popcorn and Andy is sitting on the floor surrounded with pillows and blankets. "What movie are we watching?" Chris asks sitting on the couch. He pats the spot next to him signaling for me to sit next to him. I walk over and sit next to him and he pulls me closer to him as I lay my head on his chest. Lily comes back with popcorn and lays next to Andy putting her head on his chest. She winks at me and I just roll my eyes as the movie starts. I really didn't pay attention to the movie all that much. I kept thinking about my conversation with Nick and how Chris tried comforting me. I don't know why but when he hugged me I felt safe. I glance at Chris and he's looking right back at me. He tightens his hold on me and I scoot closer to him. It feels right being like this. After the film Lily and Andy call it a night and go to bed. Chris lets go of me and looks at me. "Do you want to talk about earlier?" I sigh sitting up. "It was my ex on the phone. He was drunk and was apologizing for everything and saying he wants me back, but I know it's just the alcohol talking." I say. "How do you know he doesn't really mean it?" he asks. "He's done it before. Our relationship really wasn't the best and he would apologize for it every time we would break up. I Believed him the first few times and thought he really loved me. Then he started to be abusive and I was to scared to leave him. It was miserable. Then last month I found him in bed with my slutty cousin. She would fuck anything with a pulse. After that he told me he never really loved me and that I was pathetic. I believed him until I moved in with Lily. I vowed after that to never let myself be that stupid again." I say. I look at Chris and he just looks at me sympathetically." I'm so sorry Alison. No guy should ever lay a hand on a girl expecially you. He is a dumb ass for cheating on you. I promise you no one will hurt you again as along as I'm around." I lay my head back on his chest. "Thanks Chris."I say. He puts his arms back around me and kisses the top of my head. We sit and watch tv not moving from our spots. He starts tracing circles on my arm with his thumb and I slowly drift to sleep.

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