chapter 6

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After our date, Chris and I spent every free minute together; it was perfect. Today is my day to switch bands, that means I won't be working with Sophia and Haley; plus I won't be at the merch table when Chris does his signings. I found out I'll be working with All Time Low for the next week so it won't be that bad. I have never met the guys but I hear they are really great people, I'm also a fan. "So I guess this is goodbye for now." I told Haley. "We'll just have to meet up for breakfast or something soon; I'll also be hanging around the bus all summer so you'll see me." she said hugging me. I went to say goodbye to Sophia and Lily, Lily is going to be working with Falling In Reverse. I went to the MIW's bus to tell Chris and he said he would walk with me to their bus. Once we walked up he stopped me and said, "I have an interview to do but I'll see you later. Be careful and if you need me, call me and I'll be here." I kissed him and said, "I will, good luck at your interview. " He kissed me again then walked away. I knocked on the door and a sweaty skunk haired man answered the door. "Hi, can I help you?" he asked. "Yeah hi, I'm Alison, your merch girl for this week." I said. "Nice to meet you, I'm Jack. Come on in." he said. I walked onto the bus and Zack was sitting with his guitar shirtless and Rian was drumming on the counter next to the couch. "Hey guys, this is Alison she is going to be our new merch girl for the week." he said sitting on the couch. "And I already know who you guys are, I'm a fan of yours." I said. "Nice. I'm going to change, make yourself at home." Rian said. Just then Alex walks into the lounge shirtless. "Did I here we have a new merch girl?" He asked. "Hi." I said waving. "And your name is?" he asked grabbing a shirt off the couch next to Jack and putting it on. "Alison." I said shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you. I have a feeling we'll be good friends." he said smiling. Just then Jack jumped in between us. "Just one rule, back off my man." he said putting his arms around Alex." I know all about Jalex, don't worry." I said giggling. "Oh no, not you too." Alex said laughing. We just sat and talked for a few hours and we have a lot in common. I have a feeling I'm going to like working with them.


"So Ali Cat, how you liking tour life?" Jack asked. "It's great. I'm so glad I got to come." I said. I've been All Time Low's merch girl for about five days now and I'm becoming really good friends with Jack and Alex, much to Chris' dismay. He has been acting weird lately, He hasn't really had time to talk to me and when I go to kiss him he moves and kisses my cheek, he also has been blowing me off. He hasn't been a fan of me spending time with the guys either, especially Alex. "When do you switch bands? We're going to miss you." he said sitting next to me. "Tomorrow but Relax Jacky, you'll still see me around. It's not like I'm going to disappear." I said. Just then Alex walks onto the bus. "Who's disappearing?" he asked laying across Jack and I. "Well good afternoon to you Mr. Gaskarth." I said. "Good afternoon to you Ali Cat. Quick question, what are you doing today?"he asked. "Once again, don't call me that. I'm starting to regret telling you guys that was my nickname growing up. I'm going to be working the merch table soon, then tomorrow is my last day with you guys, for now." I said. "Would you want to go out with us after our set tonight? It can be a celebratory thing, you made it 2 weeks as a merch girl for 2 different bands. That's a pretty big accomplishment" he said. I was going to say yes as Chris texted me.

Chris: Where are you???? Our set's about to start.

Shit I lost track of the time. "I gotta go. Chris' set is about to start but yeah that sounds great. I'll meet you back here around 7?" I said grabbing my stuff. "Great, see you later Ali Cat." he said smirking. I just shook my head. When I got to the stage and showed the guard my pass. I ran to the dressing room to see Ryan and Ricky putting their finishing touches on their makeup. "Hey guys, good luck I know you'll do great as always." I said. "Thanks, Chris should be by side stage. He was looking for you." Ricky said. "Thanks." I said walking out of the dressing room. As I got closer to the side of the stage I could hear giggling. As I reached the source of the noise I could see Chris and Ashley acting a little too friendly. I sat there for a minute watching her make flirty eyes at him. I decided it was time to make myself known. "Hey babe. Good luck out there, I know you'll do great." I said. Chris turned his attention to me looking shocked. "Oh, hey Alison. I'll see you later I have to go get ready." he said kissing my cheek and walking away. "Hi Alison, it's nice of you to come support the guys." she said. "Yeah it's nice of you to be here for them too." I said. She gave me a sarcastic smirk and pushed past me to get closer to the stage. I didn't feel like standing with her through the whole set so I stood on the opposite side of the stage. When the guys ran out Chris looked at Ash and winked at her. I could feel my blood boil, I don't know why she bothers me so much. "Now before we go I want to invite a very special lady out here that means a lot to me. Ladies and gentleman, Ashley Costello." Chris said gesturing for her to come on stage. Then the intro to Angel eyes started. I couldn't stand the way she was looking at him and the way he was looking at her, it was full of lust. When the song ended they hugged and Ashley smirked at me then kissed him on the cheek. When their set ended Chris went straight over to Ashley and hugged her. "You were great, as always." she said. "As were you." he said. "You did great babe." I said breaking up their little love fest. "Oh thanks. I'm surprised you even came." he said. "Why wouldn't I? I'm always here." I said confused. "Well you've been so busy with the boys I didn't think you would have time." he said annoyed. "Well I'm here, so are you ready for lunch?" I asked a little hurt by his comment. "I forgot, Ashley and I were going to go to lunch together but hey now your free to hang out with Jack and the other guy." he said. "I guess I'll see you later then." I said disappointed. He kissed my forehead then grabbed her hand and walked off. What was that all about? I walked to the MIW bus where all the guys were. "Hey guys! You did great, as always." I said. They all said thanks. "So, How is working with All Time Low?" Ghost asks. "It's good but I miss you guys." "We miss you too. Ashley is getting annoying, she never leaves." Ryan said. "Yeah, What's going on with that? He just blew me off for her for the third time this week." I said. Balz and Ricky gave me a sympathetic look like they knew something I didn't. "I'm sure he's just trying to make you jealous." Ghost said. "Why would he do that?" I asked. He hesitated before he began to speak. "You've been spending a lot of time with the All Time Low guys and it's really bothering Chris. He just rambles on and on about how you are probably falling for one of them and that you're better off with one of them and he gets all depressed. Then we have to remind him that your crazy about him and that you're just friends with them. Then he thanks us and runs off to hang with Ash." he said. Chris was jealous of Jack and Alex? Sure they are attractive but we are just friends. I need to talk to him about this later. Just then Haley and Sophia came in looking like they are going to rip someone's head off. They were so mad they didn't see me sitting there. "I can not believe him! He's with that bitch right now. I thought he said he was going to break it off with her after his date with Alison!" Haley said. "I thought so too until I saw them eating each others faces off yesterday. I'm done we need to tell her before he really hurts her. She deserves better." Sophia said. "Well, you kinda just did." Balz said pointing to me. They both turned around to look at me and the anger vanished from their faces and was replaced with sympathy. So Chris and Ashley are STILL together? I can't believe I was stupid enough to believe him. "O honey, I'm sorry. This is not how we were going to tell you. We should have told you sooner." Sophia said. Haley tried to hug me but I didn't move. "Where is he?" is all I could say. "Just calm down a minute Ali, and-" Haley tried to talk but Ricky cut her off. "No Fuck that, she doesn't deserve this! I'm gonna go kick his ass." "Thanks Rick but I need to handle this on my own." I said hugging him. "I'm here for you Ali if you need anything. Chris may be one of my best friends, but your like a little sister to me now. You deserve so much better." he said. I kissed his cheek and headed off the bus to look for Chris. I found him holding her hand and watching Of Mice & Men. Well, Here goes nothing. "Chris we need to talk." I said causing him to turn around shocked. "Uhh hey Ali, What's up?" he said nervously. Ashley gave me a disgusted look. "Alone?" I said annoyed. She rolled her eyes at me and walked away. Chris went to speak but I cut him off. "I know Chris." "What do you mean?" he asked confused. "I know about you and Ash." He looked guilty. "Why didn't you just tell me the truth?" I asked. "I-Uh-I-" he said looking to find words. "Never mind forget it. I can't do this Chris, I'll move all my shit out and don't worry I won't tell Ashley, lets just pretend like the past week never even happened." I said on the verge of tears. "Ali wait, I was going to break up with her but then you started to hang out with the ATL guys and, lets be real, you were going to fall for one of them eventually." he said. "Are you serious? They are my friends, and I fucking love you! I thought I proved that enough. Why would I leave you for one of them? I can't believe I actually thought you were telling me the truth when you said you loved me and would never hurt me." I said letting my tears fall. "Ali wait!" he said turning me around. I stood there waiting for him to say something. "You didn't- you didn't tell anyone about us, right?" he asked. Unbelievable! I couldn't take it anymore, I slapped him so hard my hand hurt. I ran toward the bus without looking back. I got to the bus and immediately started packing up my things. "What happened?" Haley asked. "I'm done! I told him I knew and that I would move my stuff off the bus but all he was worried about was if I told someone about us." I said putting the last of my things in my bag. "Are you serious? I'm sorry Ali, I really am." she said. Ricky walked into the bunk area. "Ali you don't have to go, You can even stay in my bunk." he said hugging me. "Thanks but I don't think that's a good idea." I said. I said goodbye to everyone and headed to the ATL tent with my bags. I'll have to find a bus to crash on tonight until I can see if I can stay with Lily. "Hey Ali." Vinny said hugging me. "Hey." "What's with the bags?" he asked. "Long story." We got to work and after the guys' set, Jack ran over and hugged me. "Sup Ali Cat!" " Hey Jacky." I said fake smiling. "What's wrong?" he asked. "nothing, I'm fine." "Well you know I'm a great listener. You can talk to me if you want." he said. Just then the rest of the guys came over. "Hey Ali." Zack said, Rian just waved. "Hey guys, how was the show?" I asked. "It was great." Alex said coming up behind me to hug me. "What's with the bags?" he asked. "Long story." Just then I got an idea. "Stupid question, Could I possibly crash with you guys tonight?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah, of course. But why?" Jack asked. "It's a long story but it would just be for tonight after that I will be out of your hair." I said. "You are always welcome on our bus, Heck I'm sure the guys would agree, you could move on to the bus for the rest of tour." Alex said. I looked at the rest of the guys and they all nodded. "Really? Thank you so much, just let me know if I overstay my welcome I'll be out in no time." I said hugging the guys. I went to hug Alex but he held on a bit longer. "You know I'm always here if you want to talk. I never liked Chris, if you want to get back at him let me know." he whispered then let me go and winked. "How did you know it was about Chris?" I asked. "Just a guess." he said walking away. As the guys were doing their signing I saw a tall pale figure walking toward the tent and then I saw a girl with red and black hair. Alex must of saw them too because he called me over to him and made me sit on his lap. As Chris walked by, we locked eyes. His look was mixed with hurt and hatred. He stopped right in front of the tent and bent down to kiss Ash; It hurt so bad and he knew it. I got up to go behind the tent and try not to cry. I walked to the bus with the guys after their signing. "Who's ready to party?" Jack yelled running onto the bus. I put my stuff in the back lounge and jumped onto Jack's back. "I am!" I said. He put me down and ran into the bathroom to get ready. Zack and Rian went to the venue's bathrooms and I called the back lounge, Alex still wasn't back from the tent. I was in the middle of getting dressed when the door flew open. Alex just stood there like a deer in headlights. "Um... Do you mind?" I asked covering myself with my shirt. He finally snapped back into reality and shut the door. "I'm sorry I thought that Jack was in there." he said. I put my shirt on and opened the door. "It's fine, I forgot to lock the door. I'm done if you needed to change." I said looking at the floor. He grabs his clothes and heads into the back lounge. That was so embarrassing. A few minutes later the guys were back and we were all just waiting for Jack. "Come on superstar. We need to go." I said. A few minutes later the door opens. "Hey, It takes time to be this beautiful." he said. I just shake my head and follow the guys off the bus. We arrived at a club and found a table while Jack went and got shots. I'm not really much of a drinker but I figured I deserved a night to let go. After a few shots I dragged Jack to the dance floor; After a couple songs he left to use the restroom. I was heading over to the table when this guy grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. This guy looked like he lived and breathed the gym. "Do you mind you're kind of hurting me." I said trying to get out of his grip. "Relax and enjoy it Darling." he said putting his hands on my ass. I kicked him and tried to get away but he tightened his grip on my wrists. "Your going to wish you didn't do that." he said. I closed my eyes and waited for something to happen. "What the hell do you think your doing with my girl?" I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Alex standing next to me. The guy released my wrist and stepped in front of me. "Hey man, she came onto me, your scrawny ass must not be doing it for her." he said getting in Alex's face. "I highly doubt that, dumb jock really isn't her type. Let's go babe." Alex said grabbing me and putting his arm around my waist. "Dude whatever, that skank isn't even worth the time." he said turning around, before I even realized what was happening Alex turned around and went at the guy. I freaked out and ran to get Rian and Zack. Zack ran up to the guy and pulled him off Alex like it was nothing, then punched the guy in the face. "Don't you ever call jerk a skank again or we're going to have serious problems." Alex said as Jack ran up. "What the hell happened?" he asked. "That giant dick over there grabbed Ali and wouldn't take no for an answer, then called her a skank so I jumped on him." Alex said holding his face. "Then I had to step in and save his sorry ass before the guy beat him to a pulp."Zack said. "I think we should call it a night guys and just go chill on the bus."Rian said. We all agreed and we left. Alex put his arm around me as we left and didn't remove it the rest of the way to the bus. We all went inside and decided to watch a movie. Of course it ended up being Home Alone, thanks Jack. "Your eye doesn't look too good Lex." Rian said while handing him a beer. "I'm fine." he said. "I'm really sorry Alex, it's my fault you got hit." I said going to get ice for his face. I came back and sat next to him while putting the ice on his face, he winced. "Look, don't be sorry. I started the fight with him, it wasn't your fault." he said grabbing the ice. I just nodded and went to get up but Alex grabbed my hand. "Where are you going?" he asked. "I was going to go sit on the floor." I said. "Oh no, you owe me. You have to sit with me for the rest of tour." he said pulling me back down into the seat. He put his arm around my shoulder and I leaned back into his chest; It was nice. I looked over at Jack and he mouthed we need to talk. I told Alex I would be back and walked into the bunk area. A few minutes later Jack joined me and pulled me into his bunk and shut the curtain. " What's up Jacky?" I asked. "You and Chris fought didn't you? Is that why you needed a place to stay?" he asked. "Kinda, he was still dating Ashley so I left. He said he was still with her because I had fallen for one of you guys." I said. "He's crazy for not trusting you, but his loss is our gain right?" he said "Yeah I guess, is that what you wanted to talk about?" I asked. "Yeah and what's up with you and Lex? He has not left your side all night. Wait.. Did he tell you?" he asked shocked. "Tell me what?" I asked. "Oh never mind then, forget I said anything. Let's go back, they're going to start wondering what we're doing back here." he said jumping out of the bunk. What was all that about? I'll have to ask Lex later. We walked back into the back and Jack stole my seat so I sat on the floor. I can here Jack and Alex whispering about something, but I can only hear a few words. Asshole why-tell-important-when-you better. Who are they talking about? WI got up and sat on Jack. "Hey, I'm not a cushion." Jack said. "Well, you stole my spot, deal with it." I said sticking my tongue out at him. Jack started to pout making Alex laugh. "Fine." I said getting up. I sat next to Zack and Rian said he was going to go to bed. I ended up falling asleep on Zack's shoulder. I felt someone pick me up but I was too tired to open my eyes. I was put into a bunk and I felt someone kiss my head. "Goodnight Ali." I couldn't recognize who it was but I was soon fast asleep.

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