chapter 4

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I wake up with someones arms around me. I look up to see a sleeping Chris. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I get up trying not to wake him, putting my pillow in my place. I grab my clothes off my bunk and get dressed. I walk out to see Balz and Ricky grinning at me. "Well good morning to you. How was your evening?" Balz asks taking a sip of his coffee. "It was fine." I say. I know what he's implying but I don't want to explain anything to him. I get a cup of coffee and sit down. A few minutes later Chris walks in and sits across from me. "So, how was your night? Do anything fun?" Balz asks Chris. Ricky just shakes his head and walks out of the room.  "Nope, it was fine." he says glancing at me. "Hey do you want to go get breakfast with me?" I ask him. "Sure let me go get ready." he says running to the back. A few minutes later he comes out and we walk off the bus. After a couple minutes of walking in silence Chris speaks up. "I'm sorry about last night. I just got caught up in the moment and I thought it was what you wanted and I j-" I cut him off by kissing him. "I did. I was just shocked." I say looking down. When we arrive at the breakfast buffet, we both get our food and look for a table. I see Lily waving us over to a table with Haley, Andy, Ashley, Sophia, and Balz. Chris and I walk over to be greeted with smiles. "Good morning you two." Lily says happily. "Balz was just telling us about how he was going to wake you up for breakfast this morning but you weren't in your bunk. Where were you?" Lily asks grinning. I was about to answer when Chris speaks up. "She slept in my bunk because she can't reach hers with her short legs." "Well if you want you can share a bunk with Rick. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Balz says. Chris gives him a death glare. "No, it's OK. I was just really tired last night,  it was a long day." I said. "Well me and the girls are going to go start setting up for today, so we'll see you guys later." Haley says. Sophia kisses Balz and Lily kisses Andy. Andy and Ashley leave so it's just Balz and us. "Is that really why I found you guys in the same bunk last night?" Balz asks. "Yeah, she was too tired to climb to the top so I told her she could just share with me." Chris says. "Ok, I guess  I'll see you guys later then." he says getting up from the table leaving us alone."Is it really that big of a deal that I slept in your bunk last night?" I ask. "Yeah because he knows how I feel about you." he says. We finished eating breakfast and start to walk back to the bus. "Do you think Josh really believes that was the real reason I slept in your bunk?" I ask. "Probably not but who cares." he says grabbing my hand making me blush. "Would you like to go out with me Friday? It's our day off." he asks. "I would love too." I say. "I'm going to go help the girls so I'll see you later." "I'll be by the stand after our set." he says. He kisses my cheek making me smile. I let go of his hand and walk toward the merch table smiling like an idiot. "Hey what's got into you miss cheery?" Devin asks confused. "She slept with Chris last night." Lily says grinning. "I did not. I just slept in his bunk."I say slapping her arm. "So what really happened last night?"Sophia asks. "OK so last night you know how all the guys went to dinner?" I ask. "Yeah we stayed behind." Lily says. "Well Chris didn't go but he didn't come back after their set." "He came to talk to me." Lily interrupts me. "He did? Well after that I was going to go lay in my bunk but the door opened and in walks Chris with a rose. I thought it was weird but I brushed it off. Then he tells me that he has feelings for me and I tell him how I feel and before I even realize what is happening he kisses me. Then when we pull away he acts like it didn't even just happen and asks if I want to watch t.v or something so I just tell him I'm going to bed. Then he goes to his bunk while I try to climb into my bunk. He saw me struggling so he offered for me to sleep in his bunk, so I did." I say. "Aww so are you guys going to date now?" Haley asks. "I don't know but this morning he tried apologizing for last night so I kissed him to shut him up. Then when we were walking back to the bus after breakfast he grabbed my hand and asked me to go out with him Friday." I say smiling. "Aww I'm so happy for you Ali." Lily says. "Just don't make this a big deal alright? This could all just be a big misunderstanding and he could just think of me as a friend." I say. " Ok. We won't talk about it anymore but I highly doubt he just thinks of you as a friend." Lily says. "But can I tell Josh? He still thinks you guys just slept together." Sophia asks. "I don't care really what he thinks." I say. After that we all dropped the subject but I was confused about something. What did Chris talk to Lily about? The stand wasn't really packed today, it was nice. Motionless in White started and everyone went crazy. After their set the guys walked over to do a signing. Balz went to Sophia to kiss her and Chris walked over to me. "Hey beautiful." he says giving me a hug. "Hey." I say smiling. Lily starts to make an aww noise and I stick my tongue out at her. "Sit behind me during the signing." he says. The guys sit down and the girls and I sit behind them. Some of the fans were really sweet. They were so excited to meet the guys and get pictures. "Who is she?"A girl asked Chris pointing to me. "I'm Alison. I'm their merch girl for the summer." I say. "Oh. Can I get a picture with you?" she asks. "Umm I guess." I say. I stand next to her and have Chris take the picture. "Will you be here later?" she asks. "Yeah, I'm here all day." I say. "OK, I'll be back by later. Nice meeting you." she says taking her camera back. I sat back down next to Sophia. "That was weird. How often does that happen to you?" I ask her. "All the time, more now that I'm dating Balz. You'll get used to it." she says. "I hope so. I hate pictures." I say. I over hear a fan talking to Chris. "If that's Balz's girlfriend, then who is she?" "She's one of our merch girls and a really good friend of mine." he says. "OK because you and Ashley are too cute together." she says and I see Chris tense up. "Thank you I'm a lucky guy." So they are together.  I get up and start to walk back to the bus. How could I be that stupid? Of course they are together.  I'm about half way to the bus and someone grabs my hand. "Let me explain." he says. "There's nothing to explain." I say not looking at him. I start walking again but his grip on my hand tightens. "Yes there is. I did date Ashley but that's who made me miserable. We broke up but stayed friends, we just didn't tell fans yet." he says. "Really, because I'm not going to be the other girl." I say turning to look at him. "I promise." he says grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. "Will you come back to the stand with me? We can talk more later." He says. I just nod. He holds my hand as we start to walk back. I can see him glancing at me out of the corner of my eye. I can't believe I overreacted like that, we aren't even dating. Chris stops walking a few feet from the merch stand, behind a trailer and kisses my cheek. "Smile." is all he says before kissing me softly then walking away. I take a minute to calm myself down before returning back to my seat. "Hey are you OK?" Sophia whispers to me. "Yeah, I'm fine Sorry." I say. Chris reaches behind his chair and grabs my hand making my stomach fill with butterflies. After the signing we all decided to go get lunch at a small pizza shop. I sat next to Chris and he holds my hand. "So how are you guys liking tour so far?" Ghost asks. "It's great. I can't wait to see what the rest of tour is like." Lily says. "Me neither." I say. We talked a bit more before our food came and Chris did not let go of my hand once. "Want to have a girl's night tonight? The guys are going out and I'm going to be bored." Lily says. "Sure, that sounds like fun."I say. Haley and Sophia agree. "But now I'm going to be bored." Chris whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." I whisper back. "I'm holding you to that." He says then goes back to his food. After we get back to the venue we decide that we will get our stuff and meet back at the stand and we will go to the BVB bus later. I grab a random outfit and throw it in a bag. I turn around and run right into Chris. "We have a habit of running into each other, don't we?" I say.  "Yeah, I guess we do." He says." Are you coming back later?" "Probably not unless the guys come back early." I say. "If you do you can come and sleep in my bunk if you don't feel like climbing but I still want to talk about earlier." He says. "Ok want to go get breakfast in the morning?" I say. " sure. I'll walk you to the merch tent. I need to go for a walk anyway." he says following me off the bus."Are we still on for our date tomorrow?" he asks. "Yeah, that is if you still want to." I say. "Of course I would. I told you I want to get to know you better and I meant it." he says. We stop when we get to the tent. He pulls me behind the tent. "Well I guess this is good night. See you in the morning." I say. "What, no good night kiss?" He says smirking. I roll my eyes and get on my tiptoes because I'm so short. He leans down closing the space between us and kisses me, making me smile. "Ok, you really need to go now." I say pulling away. " Why? Aren't you gonna miss me?" he says smirking still holding onto my hand. "Yes. Now go before some fan girls see us." I say pushing him." Fine. See you in the morning." He says letting go of my hand. I go into the tent and see Haley and Sophia smirk and shake their heads. "What?" I ask. "O Nothing." they say. I just roll my eyes and go to help a customer. A few minutes later I see  the girl from earlier walk over to the tent. "Hey. I forgot to ask you earlier, what's your name?" I ask. " it's Mackenzie but my friends call me Mack. I was curious are you and Chris together?" she asks. "No he is just a good friend of mine." I say. "Well you guys would be cute together."she says. "Thanks, I guess." "hey what's your instagram so I can tag you in the photo of us from earlier." she says. I write it down on a piece of paper and give it to her. "Thanks." "maybe I'll see you again." I say. She waves and walks away. After an hour passes we decided to head to the bus for the night. We all decided to play marry, fuck, kill after doing shots. "Ok. Haley; kellin, vic, Brendan." Sophia asks. "Hmm.. Marry kellin, fuck.. Brendan, and kill vic, sorry vic." she says. "Lily; Andy, Ashley, Ricky."haley asks. "Well I'll marry Andy, fuck Ashley, and I guess kill Ricky." she says. "suprise,suprise."I mumble under my breath. "Alison." Lily says smirking. o god, here we go. "Hold on ." I say taking another shot. "ok ready." "Chris, Alex from all time low, Ashley." she says smirking. "Kill Ashley, fuck.. Alex, marry Chris." I said."big shocker there."Lily says. I just flip her off and smile sarcastically. "What were you and Chris doing behind the tent earlier." Sophia asks wriggling her eyebrows. "He was just saying that he wanted to meet up for breakfast then said goodnight." "you forgot to mention you gave him a goodnight kiss." haley says. "Alison, when did you say your date with Chris was?" Lily asks. "Tomorrow night and I have no idea what to wear." I say. "We'll help! We can go shopping after breakfast." Sophia says. "Thanks guys. I owe you big time." I say. "Hey Lil what did Chris come to talk to you about last night?" "He was asking questions about you and told me about his plan to talk to you." she says. "What did he want to know?" "stuff. don't worry about it." That went better than I thought. "I'm going to call it a night. See ya in the morning." I say. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I lay down in the back lounge and slowly drift off to sleep.

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