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"It looks kinda like milk."

Laura's face stretched into a smile. She began to laugh as her bright, enamel-white teeth peeked

from behind her small lips. The town was shrouded in a thick fog that blurred everything into white, as

if she were in some sort of magical land. Sometimes Laura liked to think that some scatterbrained god

had carelessly dropped his cup and spilled his morning milk all over the place. The mysterious

atmosphere could be a sign that there were fairies or something hiding out there. The thought made

Laura's heart tremble with excitement. Although usually precocious, the eight-year-old girl jokingly

began to hop and skip along, her skirt fluttering behind her. Slowly and smoothly, the fog flowed and

drifted through the air.

"Come on, hurry up! I'm gonna leave you behind!" Laura shouted over and over again, calling out to

her easygoing friend.

She and her companion were here because they were on a journey to find their friends... Only he

was fat and a bit thickheaded. Sometimes all he did was mope around and he always seemed to be

scowling. But Laura didn't care too much. More importantly, she wanted to see that person again soon.

The person who gave her that letter....

Silent Hill 2 Official NovelWhere stories live. Discover now