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Silent Hill, a quiet little lakeside resort town. We're happy to have you. Take some time out of your

busy schedules and enjoy a nice restful vacation here. Row after row of quaint old houses, a

gorgeous mountain landscape, and a lake which shows different sides of its beauty with the passing

of the day, from sunrise, to late afternoons, and sunset. Silent Hill will move you and fill you with a

feeling of deep peace. I hope your time here will be pleasant and your memories will last forever!"

That cheap little brochure was the reason Mary and James visited Silent Hill all those years ago.

Already that trip felt like nothing more than a legend from ancient times, with Mary as the mythical

goddess. In those days, his entire life revolved around her, and every day seemed more vivid and

radiant than the last. Back in the days when it felt wonderful just to be alive.

It all began at a house party held by a mutual friend. It was an ordinary enough setting for a first

encounter, but at the moment when their eyes first met, it was like it set off a second big bang that

created an entirely new universe as the setting for their love story. Every day their affection evolved

from a blazing passion to a peaceful and stable relationship.

Nevertheless, even the most beautiful love stories are pervaded by tragedy and this story was no

different. Fate imposed a harsh ordeal on both of them when Mary fell ill. The pain and suffering they

endured during that time still remained with James, slowly eating away at his heart. And as many great

civilizations vanish, their love story came to an end. Ever since then, James had been left alone to

wander the ruined world with only the memories of that ancient story, desperately searching for the

smallest remaining trace of their lost happiness.

"This is the place." He spotted the gate through the mist. There were two entrances to Rosewater

Park, and traveling from the alley behind the apartments had led him to the east entrance.

"Mary...please be here..." James silently prayed without even really knowing why. The odds of his impossible wish coming true were worse than winning the lottery, but still he wished with all his heart

for a miracle. He walked through the gloomy park, his footsteps echoing hollowly on the stone

walkway. Just like the rest of town, this place seemed to be deserted. Suddenly, a shadowy figure

drifted into view. For a split second, James's heart soared and he rushed towards the figure, only for it

to be revealed as a statue atop a pedestal.

"Patrick Chester, son of Edward. He fought and died for the people, for liberty and for all of our

tomorrows. His memory lives on,"

read the plaque underneath the statue depicting a grim-faced solider. The flutter of expectation gave

way to misery as his small hope was dashed. James smiled bitterly, even as a few tears escaped and

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