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Just as the letter had promised, a key was buried at the feet of a saint in Rosewater Park. James

clutched the old bronze key in his hand as he traveled west down Nathan Avenue to the Silent Hill

Historical Society. Where Laura was no longer mattered, now that he had this new clue. If the letter

was to be believed, with this key he would be able to solve the mysteries that haunted this bizarre town,

as well as uncover the truth regarding Mary.

Just holding the key poured new energy into James's body and mind; he was even able to walk

without being bothered by the numbness in his legs. On occasion, a monster would stumble out of the

fog and block his path, but they were becoming nothing more than an annoying nuisance. It was only

the same armless creatures and mannequins that he had seen and fought so many times before. James

didn't even consider them to be real threats anymore. Still, as always, the sight of their twisted and

deformed bodies brought the old, familiar feeling of disgust. Every time he beat them to the ground and

bashed them with the steel pipe until they finally stopped moving, it made his mind clearer and more

focused. He even felt a spark of what could only be described as sadistic pleasure.

Finally, James arrived at the small museum. Stepping past the reception desk in the narrow lobby, he

stepped into a display room with walls lined with paintings and photos. Most of them were landscape

paintings or aged pictures of Silent Hill from the past. Only one picture seemed out of place.

[Misty day, remains of the Judgment]

It depicted a giant man, drawn into a scene littered with shadows of people skewered on spears.

"It's him..." James whispered. Though the figure was portrayed as a shadow against an ashen gray sky, its distinctive silhouette was unmistakable. It was the red pyramid monster. How could he explain

something like this being here...? Other paintings were accompanied by descriptions printed underneath

them, but this one had nothing but its title. Not wanting to think about it much, James moved on to the

next room.

There were dozens of photos in faded black, white, and sepia tones, all of them wordlessly telling

the history of Silent Hill. As he browsed through the images, James was drawn to a photo of a very

familiar building. It looked a bit different from its current form, but it was clearly recognizable as

Brookhaven Hospital. He read the caption.

This hospital was built in response to a great plague that followed a wave of immigration to this area.

It was originally little more than a shack, but it gradually grew and grew.

Next to it hung a picture of the former hospital director. Furthermore, there were several enigmatic

photos depicting nothing but a deep hole. He wondered if they were related to the hospital somehow,

but it was impossible to tell as the pictures had no written descriptions. Walking deeper into the

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