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Having successfully escaped to a safe place, for now at least, James sat down on the ground to catch his

breath. What would have happened if he hadn't gotten through the fence? The wire mesh seemed to

tremble in fear as the fog danced through the heavy air. The monsters seemed to sense that their prey

had escaped, and they had all given up and left. There wasn't a wriggling body to be seen anywhere.

Once his heart rate slowed and his cold sweat ceased, James finally got back on his feet. His cheeks

still felt a bit numb, but overall he didn't feel as sick as he had earlier. At least he didn't have to worry

about dying from poison anymore. He was just worried. Woodside Apartments... What was waiting for

him on the other side of that door? At first it just seemed like incredibly good luck that he happened to

stumble upon this place, but what if it was Mary's guidance that brought him here...?

Next to the apartment's entryway sat a beat-up old dumpster filled with the accumulated trash of the

daily lives of residents. James walked over to it and opened the lid. He pulled out a sheet from a bundle

of old newspapers. Before he went inside, he'd need to clean himself up a bit. If Mary really was alive

and waiting for him here, he didn't want to meet her with his boots this filthy. With the old newspaper,

he wiped up the monster's blood the best he could.

He caught sight of the sensational headline:


Curious, James took a closer look at the article. It was printed in what appeared to be a local gossip

magazine. He wasn't sure why, but it drew his attention.

Police announced earlier today that Walter Sullivan, a suspect in the brutal murder of siblings Billy and Miriam Locane in Silent Hill last February, has committed suicide. He was arrested for

the murders on the 18th of this month and was found dead in his cell on the morning of the 22nd


According to the official announcement, Sullivan killed himself by taking the spoon that came with

his evening meal and thrusting it into the left front of his neck near the carotid artery. He

embedded the spoon at least two inches into his neck, blood pouring from the wound. By the time

the guards discovered him, he was already dead. Classmates from Walter Sullivan's hometown of

Pleasant River are quoted as saying, "He didn't seem like the kind of guy who would go around

killing children. He was always pretty quiet at school, but he was a nice person. I met the guy

once, shortly before he was arrested. He said a whole bunch of weird things, 'He's trying to kill me.

To punish me. The red demon. That monster. Please forgive me, I did it wasn't me!' ...Now

that I think about it, he was a bit strange."

As he finished reading, James rubbed his neck. Why was he so fascinated by this? The method of

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