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On the other side of the door leading from the refrigerated warehouse lay the fog-shrouded outside

world. Even after descending deeper underground time after time, somehow, he was back at ground

level. If this was a delusion, then the world was running on dream physics, so something like this

wouldn't be that strange at all. If this was reality, then something about the strange phenomena in Silent

Hill must be distorting the laws of space. Either way, James was relieved to be free from that hellish


But the fact that he had killed another human being remained unchanged. Those memories still

lingered-watching Eddie die before his eyes and knowing that it was all his fault.

It was growing brighter outside. He could see that the warehouse was located on the shore of Toluca

Lake just off a large dock, most likely used for food transportation. From where he stood, he could

even see the Silent Hill Historical Society.

James walked across the pier, the wooden boards creaking underfoot, and his heart feeling

unbearably empty. Taking a small rowboat, he set out across the lake.

"Mary..." The name left his lips like a delicate winter breeze. His destination was only faintly visible

on the opposite shore: Lakeview Hotel. If only he could fill his head with pleasant memories from that

place, maybe it would be enough smother the darkness lurking in his heart. As he continued to row,

staring intently through the fog, James couldn't take his mind off the feeling of his hands gripping the

oars. Those hands were stained with blood. Those hideous hands had taken another's life...

Something splashed against the lake's surface. Out of the corner of his vision, James could see

countless pale hands reaching up from beneath the waves. They surrounded the boat, waiting for the

chance to pull it down to the bottom of the lake. "Come here, come here," they beckoned; an invitation to lure James into the abyss. He tried desperately not to see them, keeping his gaze firmly locked in the

direction of the hotel. It was his beacon to guide him away from temptation. James knew that if he were

to look away for even a moment, he'd find himself drowning in those dark waters.

The curtain of fog was drawn away, and the magnificent hotel slowly emerged. It shined through the

white landscape, illuminated by the light of beautiful memories. James rowed faster.


With its atmosphere as elegant and refined as a noblewoman, the Lakeview Hotel hadn't changed in the

slightest. James climbed the stone steps from the dock up to the garden. Scattered throughout the mist-

dampened, vivid, green grass were several stone fountains...just like when Mary and James had walked

hand in hand through this garden all those years ago. Now James walked toward the entrance alone.

He felt his heart beating out of control in his chest. He was going to meet Mary again soon. Still, he

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