Chapter 2

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I pulled my transmitter from my pocket. "Damn." I needed Poison's number, but i didn't have it. I decided to make a broadcast. "Poison, Kobra, Jet, Ghoul, Revolver. Are you out there?" I asked. Nobody answered me. "Guys, pick up, it's and emergency." I told them through the transmitter. I sighed as the dracloids were nearly in. 

I heard my transmitter buzz. "Blue Cyanide." I answered. 

"Blue? Why are you calling through the transmitter. I'm in the next room." He asked, puzzled by my calling.

"Because i'm trying to hold out a whole bunch of dracs trying to come through your front door. I don't know about you but i would really appreciate the help, don't know how much longer i can hold." I waited for Poison to respond but he didn't. I heard a bedroom door open and sighed in relief. To my surprise, it wasn't Poison. It was Revolver and she seemed totally oblivious to the situation. 

"Revolver get down. There's a whole bunch of dracs out here." i whispered frantically. She fell to the floor and pulled out her gun. 

"Move on my count." She ordered me. 

"No wait for Poison." I argued. As i said this i saw him crawling slowly along the floor, behind the sofa. "1...2...3... GO!" I yelled as i leapt away from the door. As i did so Kobra, Jet and Ghoul came out, shooting, killing loads of dracs. I ran to the sofa and pulled my gun out of my bag. I aimed it at the next drac coming through the door and shot him. He landed on the floor with a thud. I killed the next 4 that entered the door. There was no more dracs coming through the door. The guys relaxed and i tensed even more. I locked my eyes on the door. Out the corner of my eye, i saw a drac leaning against the wall, his gun towards his chest. I pulled the trigger but nothing fired. I was out of ammo. The drac turned around and pointed his gun at Poison. Just before the drac pulled the trigger on his shiny white gun, i ran at Poison. As i leaped on him, i felt a stinging pain go through my shoulder. I landed with my back on the floor, my blood leaking everywhere. I was conscious enough to see that Kobra Kid had shot the last dracloid. 

Poison was leant over my body. "Get some bandages. Quickly." He yelled. i lay on the floor holding pressure to my left shoulder. "Are you okay? Stay with us, Blue."

I felt dizzy. "This is why i don't get attached to people. Or let them get attached to me. 'Cause one day they will suddenly disappear without telling you how much you mean to them." 

"What are you on about? Did you hit your head hard when you fell down." He joked.

I started laughing and broke into a fit of coughing. "You guys were the first people to trust me in a long time. I suppose it made me feel special. I see the bond between you guys and makes me want to be part of that. But then everything comes back washing into my mind of what happened and it knocks back every thought. Without giving myself permission to, i started to care about you guys. Some more than others," I looked over at Poison. "And I-I can't let that happen. Not after last time." I gently closed my eyes when Ghoul came running into the room with a first aid kit. 

"You can stay here as long as you want to." Revolver told me.

"Nah, I promised i would go first thing in the morning. I don't know about you but i don't break the promises that i make." I replied sweetly.

"What did you mean by some more than others?'" Poison asked. I eyed him sarcastically, because he was missing something so obvious.

"Duh, she likes you, idiot." Revolver said, mocking him. I started to laugh uncontrollably. As Kobra fixed my arm, my eyelids started drooping. Revolver knelt down on her knees, stroked my hair and said. "Go to sleep. We'll see you when you wake up." 

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