Chapter 3

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i was stuck. Korse has wanted to kill me ever since he killed my family. I never understood why he wanted me so badly. I saw Kobra come up behind Korse. I stayed on the floor looking at the bald man. When Kobra attacked him from behind.

"Let me go! Grrr!" He growled at the top of his lungs. Kobra had him pinned to the floor.

"Blue, get out of here." Kobra yelled at me. I stood up, looking at Korse as he glared at me. i knelt down to his height.

"This for my family." I slapped him in the face. "You're lucky i didn't kill you, but I've got something better in store for you." I pushed him away from me.

I picked my gun up off the floor making sure that it was fully loaded this time. "Ready." Kobra asked me. I nodded. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me. I was concentrating on keeping alive and shooting at the same time to realise where he was dragging me to. As he dragged me into a car, i saw Ghoul and Revolver shooting out of windows, while Poison was driving. 

"Where are you taking me? I need to stay away from you guys or you'll get hurt. I don't want that to happen so why are you making me go with you?" I shouted while tears were starting to fall down my face. Nobody answered my question. I started crying harder. I curled into a ball as i saw pained looks around me. They understood me, i know they did, but why weren't they listening to me. "Please, let me go. I can't stand to think what he will do you you guys when  he finds me. I can't let you get hurt because of me. He'll kill you or keep you hostage until you tell him where i am. I can't be with you. He just nearly killed me, and when he finds mee he'll kill you too, so just stop." I saw Poison's head twitch in my direction.

"We'll keep you safe Blue Cyanide. Don't worry about him. He won't touch you or us." Revolver tried to reassure me. It wasn't working. I broke into a cry of hyperventilation.

"Calm down Blue. You'll pass out. Stop worrying. Why is staying with us so bad?" Kobra asked me.

I turned to glare at him. "Because i would rather have myself dead or tortured or whatever by myself rather than all of us. I'm not having you hurt for me... That's why." On the way back nobody said anything else. I just looked out the window watching the dusty desert go by. We came to a stop just outside the safehouse. Just before we stopped i already had the door open and when it was slow enough i jumped out and made a break for it. I started running. Unfortunatly, i have the running speed of a snail, so it wasn't long until Poison caught up with me. Asthma sucked, big time. He came from behind me, wrapping his arms around mine. My arms were consrticted and it didn't matter how much i struggled to get away, i always knew he was stronger than me. He started dragging me towards the safehouse, which wasn't that far away from where we were. Poison, who recieved help from Kobra, finally managed to get my inside.

"This is for your own good Blue, why are you making it hard for us?" Poison asked innocently. 

"It may be for my own good, but it's not for any of you and i am NOT being responsible for that." I thought that this would make better sense now that i could explain myself better.

"You're not going to be responsible for anything. I am." He told me. "Now, you're staying here, we have the best protection for you. You'll sleep in my room where i can keep an eye on you."

"You know, when you're asleep, these guys are gonna be asleep too. I can just leave then." I told him smugly. They can now be prepared and know that they won't see me in the morning. He sat down on the edge of the bed and fixed my shoulder back up.

Poison laughed. "That actually would of worked, until you just told me." Dammit Blue. Well, there died that plan.

A whole two months went by without me escaping. They kept me in Poison's room and only let me out when i needed to go to the toilet. I spent most the day crying and most of the night awake due to my nightmares. Occasionally, Proctor would come to check on me to see if i was okay. He agreed with keeping me at their safehouse, so then i wouldn't get hurt. I kept making a point that i might not get hurt physically but i would emotionally, and i'd rather be it be physically. We hadn't seen Proctor in a while, or even spoke to him. It had been at least three weeks. All this time, even after poison told me that he loved me he never made a move. Either he thought i was going to push him back, due to my 'Don't get close to anyone' rule. Or he didn't want to be heart broken, knowing that i will find a way to escape, and that it wouldn't matter to me. Well, it would. I wouldn't leave if he wanted me to stay for the same reasons that i wanted to.

I lay down on his bed asleep. I stirred a couple of times during the night, and when i did, Poison would climb up onto the bed, hug me, tell me everything was okay and would stroke my hair till i fell asleep again. As i was waking up he was stroking my hair. I opened my eyes to discover that he wasn't sat in his usual spot, sat at the side of the bed with his chin resting on his crossed arms. I turned over to find him on the bed with me. I guess i stirred in the night and he fell asleep. 

"Got tired of sleeping in the chair then?" I asked as sweetly and as casually as i could manage. He didn't answer me. He just smiled and winked. He relaxed his rigid position and closed his eyes. He had been out for quite a while. I tried to crawl off the bed but he was using his arms as barracades so i couldn't move. I guess i have to give him some credit, he was really smart. When i moved he jerked his head up. He got up off the bed, and walked towards the door. 

"I'm just outside so don't even bother trying to escape." He warned me.

Kobra came bursting into the room. "You did what?" He came bursting into the room, looking at me with a worried expression. "I thought you said you tied her to the bed so she couldn't get away?"

"I said i was about to. It was just a thought Mikey. Sheesh." I sighed in frustration.

"You can't do that, it's human rights and plus she's not our hostage/prisoner. She's a Killjoy." I looked at him as he was talking. He seemed to care about me too. Not in the same way Poison did. Like i was his little sister who needed protecting.

"Gerard, can i speak to you?" Kobra walked out of the room followed by Poison.

I heard shouted muffles from behind the door. "Stop!" I yelled at them through the closed door. I started crying again. It reminded me too much of my family. The last time i talked to them it was an argument. They continued shouting, as they ignored me. "Stop it, just stop it. I can't take this no more." I led down on the bed crying loudly. Poison and Kobra came into the room. Kobra came over to the bed and hugged me tightly. "I can't take it. Everybody is dying, you won't let me even leave THIS room, and you two are argueing, when you should be looking out for each other. That's how you survive." Poison just stood in the doorway with a pained look on his face until he left slamming the door behind him...

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