Chapter 8

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A/N~ Chloe is now Sage!


I bit my lip as i heard him sigh on the other end of the transmitter. "What do you mean you don't know where Revolver is?" He sounded stressed, and i really didn't want to stress him out further so i thought over what i was going to say to him. 

"Well?" He sighed again.

"Um? Well... I really did try to fight for her but there were like seven dracs and i'm really not that strong. I...I...I-" A tear fell silently down my cheek, as i got cut off.

"You what, Blue? Not only did you sneak out and put both you and Revolver in danger but you... I made a promise with her Dad that i would look after her and then you go and put her in danger.... and on top of that, i can't do anything about it." He sighed heavily. More tears came rushing down my face.

"Poison... I-I'm really sorry. I-I'll find her, I pr-promise." I really hated it when peole were angry with me. I only thought i was doing what was best for Revolver.

"Ssh, don't worry, it's okay. Just don't cry. It's just stressful that's all. Just please stop crying." He tried soothing me, but that just made me feel worse.

"It's not though. I just thought i was doing the best for Revolver, but... it just made everything ten times worse. I wish we were back at home." I sighed in defeat. 

"Me too babe, me too" 

"I've got to go, but i'll try and talk to you later, is that okay?" I asked, hoping he'll say 'Yes'. 

"Yeah, of course, anytime. Bye love." 

"Bye." With that, the transmitter cut out. 

I wheeled myself back down the sickening white corridors until i arrived outside Sage's room. I didn't want to disturb them so i waited outside, thinking over what i could do to save Revolver. Hmmm..... If we were to..... I let my thoughts trail off. 

I was pulled out of my plot-plotting by a repetitive rhythm of shoes against the floor, walking towards me. "Well, well, well, what do we have here. The little runt of the litter. Your lucky i still have an ounce of respect for my sister or you'd be gone by now. Long gone." I quickly knocked on the door repetitvely. 

"Yeah, well, if you ask me then you're the runt of the litter. Can't use your mind skills to get information so you have to use some form of tools. I'm guessing you aren't as gifted as Sage or Levi then. Such a disappointment." I sighed dramatically, whilst shaking my head. I smirked as i could practically see the anger radiating off his body. 

Luke saw this and he reached out his hand towards my neck. Behind me, the door opened to reveal a giggling, half-naked Madness. He leaned his body against the door frame. "Now, now Luke. You wouldn't like me handling your Lolita like that would we?" Luke let go of my neck and turned to face Madness. 

"Stay away from Lolita." He growled lowly. 

"Why? She's a good workout. It looks like you need one, too." He giggled as i stifiled a laugh. Sage entered the door way and placed his arm over her shoulders. He bent down to kiss her on the forehead. 

"Hey Luke! You okay?" She asked with a smug look. She definitely heard all of that.

He put on a fake smile. "Just peachy." He managed to say before walking down the deathly corridor. "By the way, Madness, if you ever harm Lolita, it won't just be you who gets hurt. Maybe then that might teach you not to hurt or touch my things!"

I gulped. "Thanks for that Madness." I looked up at him as he giggled once again. He ruffled up my hair. "No problem, kiddo."

"Okay, first things first, never touch my hair. Secondly, i think me and you are gonna have a lot of fun tormenting Luke." He giggled, ONCE AGAIN! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2014 ⏰

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