Chapter 5

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I hopped onto Revolver's motorbike as we sped through the deserted zones. On the way there, i was constantly thinking about Poison. Were we going out or was it only to get me stay? But if he wanted me to stay then he would have done that two months ago. What if he knew that i would find a way out, and that i might never see him again? Tears stripped down my face. I managed to calm myself. I reminded myself that i needed to be strong to assure that we would find Broken and bring her back, but also i was going to need it if i was facing Korse. We reached Zone 5, where Broken was staying. We secured the area and saw no dracs and no Korse so we went inside. I walked in one room and found a girl lying on the floor, who appeared to be dead. There was a note on top of her that read:

Too Late. Better Luck Next Time!!


"Revolver, i think i've found her." She came running into the room and saw me checking her pulse. "Revolver," Tears started streaming down my cheek. "I'm so sorry, she's gone." Revolver collapsed on the floor, crying. I crawled over to her crying myself. I didn't like it when people got upset. She ended up sprawled across her body shouting at her to come back. 

It was getting late and i didn't want to go back when it was dark because that was when all of the dracs checked the Zones. "Revolver, wait here while i have a look around, okay." She nodded. I found the stairs and walked up them. There was bloody handprints on the walls, and mould starting to grow on the damp, wooden stairs. I walked into a few rooms searching around. I found a bed, i assumed it must have been Broken's. I went back downstairs to find Revolver. She was still on the floor covering her body as if she was protecting her. I tried to pull her away from Broken so she could get some sleep. If wasn't healthy for her to keep herself awake. It was a struggle at first to get her up there but i finally convinced her that i would just drag her back up no matter how many times she crawled back down. She was led on the bed with my arms wrapped around her. Every so often, she would let out a sob but i would just shush her . Once i was sure she was asleep, i rested my head on her cheek and shut my eyes.

When i woke, Revolver was still asleep. It was the late morning. "Damn it... Revolver, get up, if they find out we've left they're gonna kill us." Revolver slowly rised from the bed. She had bags under her eyes from all of the crying she did last night. There was a buzz coming through the transmitter, but i was afraid to answer it. I had to, i didn't want them thinking we were dead.

I sighed. "Blue Cyanide." An angry voice came through. It was Poison. "How could you even think about risking yourself. You're 15 years old, and Revolver's only 18. You think that your older. Like your more mature but you're not. You better get here now before...Just get back here." I wanted to hurt him for that comment but it was true.

"Poison..." I sniffled.

"What now?" He asked roughly. 

"Broken's dead." There was silence. Nobody had said anything for a while. "Poison, are you there? Are you okay? We were too late. I'm so sorry." I started crying loudly through the transmitter.

"Aww, baby don't start crying this isn't your fault. She would've died anyway, remember? You said he was going to kill her even if you did go." He attempted to sooth me. I sighed. "Just... Just come back now and make sure your quick. Be careful, and just always remember that if anything happens to you, I still love you." I smiled.

"I love you too." I laughed nervouly through the tears which became thicker. With that, the transmitter cut off, and the room fell silent. I turned around to look at Revolver. She was staring at me with wet eyes. I wiped the water marks away from my face. "We'd better get going." My voice broke twice. I stood up and walked down the bloody and mouldy stairs with Revolver right behind me. I put on my helmet when i saw shadows creeping outside the house.

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