Chapter 1

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" aw look at her shes just lying their bleeding oh well she deserved it haha let her die their " a voice I dreaded said

"hmm you think she stopped breathing wait why do I care let's go" the second voice said I heard their foot steps walk away I got up and whipped the fake blood off my neck and ran home .

Wait your still her wow no one stays this long with me oh well let me introduce myself I'm Blaize Cross I'm a human punching bag you might say but ya know fall down 7 times get up 8 I don't know what I did for all humanity to hate me the only people who talk to me are old like old I volunteer at the nursing home cause when you think about it old people don't need to go through hell anymore just because the world is cruel I pretty much the nicest person you'll meet but people take that for granted but I can be a bitch when I need to and I rebell against people but never the jocks or populars my beating I get everyday will just get worse what I did to them again I have no idea my figure is petty I'm 5'2 I have long legs dark brown hair crazy blue eyes and I do kinda get tanned I'm from Aussie so I do have a accent but it's kinda faint unless I talk loudly which I rarely do

I'm shy , quite , and I'm kinda like one of those chic nerds but I dress like a normal teen alot my bullys are Ash , hallie , josh , nikki , and Derek the leader is Derek he hates me but I don't know why I barely know any thing about my parents I've had a jod scince I was 12 but it's like mowing lawns and crap like that am kinda famous on YouTube for my singing and writting skills and I do kinda like making parody song but I never sing them cause their stupid and I'm a independent bitch okay even when we have group projects the teacher's already know I hate working with partners so I never have one .

Let's face it when I'm out of Australia no one knows me and I like that people sometimes when I go to Aussie people say I'm beautiful and my eyes are gorgeous but I don't think I'm pretty my eyes yes they are cool I admit that I play the violin , guitar , and I'm a bassist oh and you are ready KNOW I sing my hair is curly at the ends so I have curleys but they are such a bitch to handle oh I'm quite a proper cusser so beware hehe I do have curves so I've been told

I feel like crap sometimes which is alot and I despise make up and anything girly so yes a Tom boy at heart

" I'm home" I whispered but know one lives with me but my puppy husky and me so it's usely quiet I spend most of my time on what I like to call making fake blood so when they beat the crap out of me they always stop when I start bleeding so I use that to my advantage when it gets really bad and when I'm done with that I cut myslef once and then bandaged myself up and play with my puppy so there's my day life at home you satisfied !

Pic on the side is her

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