chapter 2

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" Aris where are ya girl time for a walk " as if on que aris came running towards me aris is 2 so she is still as cute as can be I put the leash on her collar and locked my house and we went walking to the forest that everybody stops and awes at it her . Australia in spring it's so beautiful it beats being in the heat but scince this park is private park I get lucky cause I no the owners again old people but they let me in cause ms.rose is one of my favorite old person she lives life to the fullest and I'm her favorite .

we enter the park and I take the leash off knowing aris will stay by me cause she's loyal like that but a other husky comes our way and they instantly started chasing each other.

here I'm safe from bullys so I freely talk what I think I run after aris and I see a boy running to so I guessed it was his dog and boy was I right he reached aris and the at her dog and he looked at aris collar but as soon as he saw it I was all ready their

"sorry about that " I said high enough for him to here

" its okay it's not your fault as soon as domino saw your dog here he ran straight for you if anything I should be sorry " he said with a Aussie accent wow this guy is just wow " come here aris " I said gentally obeying she came

" I'm Blake by the way " said with his deep accent extending his hand for me to shake it " I'm Blaize nice ta meet you Blake " I said while happily excepting his hand his we're big compared to mine and just with my luck out of nowhere is started raining boo

" I gotta get back home " I said but Blake pulled me are over to the gate of the park and aris and domino now on their leashes trailed behind us

" I can't let you walk where you live just in the rain like this I live just a block down " he said trying to convince me to come with him from what I can tell hes laid back he's my age a foot taller then me and he's cute and kinda of a gentleman we walked to his house it was blue and unfortunately for my luck it was close to school .

He shoved the key in and opened the door aris and domino got out of our grasp and they ran inside but someone pulled a straid of my hair l knew who it was the only person who did that was ash I turned around and Blake was staring at me confused and ash punched me in my stomach I felt the pain sting my stomach he was gonna go for my face but I pushed him oh shit why did I do that he fell to the floor but he got up and ran but before that he yelled

" go die in a hole slut"

Blake's pov

"Oh no " she said nearly breaking out in tears "come in your gonna get sick " I said my voice shaking cause I really don't like seeing such a pretty girl cry .

She came in and I closed the door she fell back like she was in a trust fall I caught her she fainted I picked her up bridal style and put her in my room goods thing tommorow is Saturday she would've freaked if she woke up the next morning in a person she met for a minimum 5 minutes house she looked so pretty in her sleep she was like a Angel and her eyes we're just breath taking

**skip to a hour later ******

"Ugh what happened " I herd a soft voice say " you fainted when you pushed that dude what was that all about angel " I said gentally she came over and sat down next to me

" him and some other people treat me like a human punching bag but I don't ever stick up for my self cause cause it'll just get worse " she said quietly " and honestly I'm probably the nicest person you'll meet and yet they hate me " she said sadly I wrapped my arms around her and embraced her in a protective hug she tensoned up but put her arms around me shes so small .

I let her go and she did the same "umm well do want to stay here tonight so he'll won't come after you or something " I said to be honest I hoped she said yes I don't want her telling me they jumped her.

"don't pitty me Blake I hate when people do that it makes me feel like I'm weak " she said slowly .

"I'm not I'm just trying to be a good friend " I said while smiling cheekily and it's true I'm not she practically tackled me when I said that she embrace me in a hug and smiled while speaking " your the first person to actually accept me as a friend or anything really " she said

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