I'm done with this

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I saw the light coming but I refused to let it take me I wasn't going not yet I could here a distant voice the one whom I loved "don't go please please " it sobbed I knew I had to blake we were in the hospital when I heard a conversation I shouldn't have heard "we need to pull the plug she's been in a coma for 2 months it's time for her to go we can't help her I'm sorry son that's how it has to be "a voice said their was more sobbing a started opening my eyes I was full of anger I screamed at the doctors " you know y'all suck at y'alls job you always give up hope for someone to wake up from a coma and yet you sound like you do what the hell !" I screamed Loud enough for them to hear me through the door the snap their heads towards me and Blake was the only one who ran in and not my own flesh and blood danny it hurt how much he hated me all because I did one little thing but then I saw a lean figure slide in knocking on the frame of the door werido I am asked the figure.

"how sweet you wanted to see your rival in the hospital why what did you do to my food Blake is their something on my face why are you still here " I said shooting question quickly the figure laughed bitch I thought he came up to the bed and I saw Oliver my rival since 2nd grade or year 2 whatever and I filled his locker with bras don't ask just keep reading and ever since it's been a never ending prank war we've actually got into a fist fight one time at the mall in this old people store and that is lady's and gentlemen how you get kicked out of the mall for 4 weeks all I could think was awkward then the doctor came in

"saved by the mother fucker who is hopeless " I screamed earning a glare from oli pfft please the doc took out the needles in my arm and I picked up my clothes that Blake brought just in case I woke up it was a white t and I didn't bother looking at the design it was my hat that said obey on it with some vans oh and shorts boy this boy knew how to dress with swag I thought I walked out pushing oli to be shuved by him against so I did the same both of us earned a glare from blake I was glad to be alive and then I realized something I looked at a calender on the wall which was pretty random it was Thursday great I thought I heard Blake and oli whispering to each other but I was the best eavesdroper their was and they had been talking about ma " dude when are you gonna tell her hi didn't go to school those 2 months and that the fact her own brother didn't want nothing to do with her anymore " oli said I was heart broken I was gonna say something but I just kept going on loke I wasn't paying attention

I pulled my phone out and looked for danny and I had three text from him all saying that I was worthless and that he could never see me again cause of what I did bastered I said dangerously low I didn't know but I was thinking out loud " if I made it without him before I'll make it again but when I see that hoe shallow ima beat the absolute shit out of her " I growled I ran out the doors it was 6 am great it was all most time for school I was soon running home and reached the park park I was out of breath oil and Blake were close beige but not paying attention they we're in deep thought so I ran back to my house to be treated by aris and domino licking my legs I was still heart broken so I called up danny and he answerd and I heard a girl in the back ground I was going to make. A scene hehehe and it was going to be bad for my poor brother the girl said "Danny come back I want more " he hussed her up " who's this " he said by now oil was standing in front of me and Blake at my side it was at speaker " danny I thought you said you we're coming over to give me something to scream about I even wore a thong and everthing " I whined I winked at the boys in front of me they we're on the verge of laughing their asses off " Danny who was that slut talking " the girl hissed " excuse me this slut has been fucking with him for a year " I said biting my tongue so I wouldn't laugh " but danny you said I'm out of here " she said heart broken then their was a slap "what hell hallie " he said she slamed the door and I screamed down the phone "ugh that's it were through I knew you we're a fucking cheater ahh " I said Blake was on the ground and oli and with that done I hung up laughing evily

" imagine his face when he realizes it was me " I said and Blake was like crying his eyes off and they both plopped down on the couch next to me I felt werid " I gotta take a fucking shower " I said to noone in particular and ran to my room stripping my clothes off and putting them down on the sink and put my change of clothes under my think rug I had in their just in case oli decides to prank me and I took a relaxing 15 minute shower and just like I though my clothes were gone and I looked under my rug wa la clothes I quickly put on my undergarments and put on my outfit and straighten my hair and put on my black vans and ran to my liven room to see a shocked oli and blake "oh by the way lame prank next time check under the sink "I said lying and I winked at oli he blushed oh Blake was looking jealous so you know what I did I kissed him on the lips real quick just to so me and oli were nothing

I grabbed my green apple and took a bite out of it while on my computer on YouTube looking at my channel and decide to get my crap ready for school and blake and oli had there backpacks on the couch talking away about fifa hmp dorks I thought and to your side ladies and gentlemen is what I'm wearing right now as we speak speak or as you read

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