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Okay since I'm nice I'm gonna update anyway meanies omg 101 reads thanls you guys every time i see more reads i try to mkae the chapter i udate awesome 

Blaize POV  

He hugged me while sobbing in Paige shirt I swear I felt so uncomfortable I just had to blurt it out "who are you ? " I said while trying to get away he looked like he was in his early 20's great werid guy hugs stranger I can see it already in on the news wow "I'm your dad's little brother blaize I'm y'alls uncle " he sniffles while letting go I was ready to take him in for a drug test "y'alls Paige and I aren't related and besides Daniel is my ex brother that I have officially disowned " I said he looked at me I realized he did look like my dad from some pictures I've seen I pulled Paige out of my house and closed the door " nope you and Paige are and I can prove it " he said while leading us away from my home ugh he told us to wait here and he called a dude and he said we had to ho to the mother fuckin hospital ugh last time I was there they we gonna kill me and that was this morning

As we we're walking it was nothing but one direction tickets for tommorow nights show ugh how I hate them with passion is just amazing we finally got to the hell hole miracle workers hospital and no that is not what it's called it's name is Mercy hospital yeah mercy my ass  

We walked in and got put in a room with needles and we had to roll are sleeves up great I thought blood test this dude is determined to prove us wrong hmp douche I thought "okay now I'll just stick the needle in your arm here and Walla blood "the nurse said while taking my blood to didn't hurt it just stung a little werid I thought what if we are sisters

************skip to a hour later ***************** 

Okay so we are absolutely loving doctors right now so it turns out we are sisters and he is our uncle great I thought now I have to live with him or the other way around yeah I like that better  He was smirking all the way to my house to find 2 worried teenage boys pacing she. They saw  Percy they flipped out on us but we just ran inside to my room srill shocked when Blake came in and Percy following behind I was worried Blake ran up to me he engulfed me in a hug I was still in shock but no one was gonna say anything right yea that's wat I thought we had to go 'vist Percys wife yay i thought but i was still werided out about how fast he took it all in i mean paige and me we just holding on to each other for dear life you know how i said "you're the only one who excepts me for who i am "  yeah it was half of the truth his sister raven and me were besties you could say yeah you can


"hey raven when are we gonna get out of this hell hole " i said she sighed " as soon as i print out your fake birth certifacte okay?" she said i nodded i was typing away not ready for what was to come . That Night I was in pain sore almost we we're digging for hour to barry all of are remains we planned it carefullly raven had made up her mind she was gonna commit suicide not matter what i siad or did she was crying as she dug we were barrying the ropes , knifes , and blades the plan was she would commit and i would watch plant the note and we would dissaper together and we did it was the logical thing to do run away from the beatings but what blake and lacey dont know is RAVEN ISNT DEAD !!!!!!!  i  watched as she cut her wrist but when they were gonna barry her she got out of her coffin and ran away with me call me crazy but it's the truth the ugly truth 

+++++++++flashback over ++++++++++++++++++

they were calling my name i wasn't listening more like i was starring in space ready to run away for good yeah thats sounds good to me like always i  just pushed past them grabbing my car keys i dont use my car alot cause i prefer walking i dont know why i just do werid yeah so what i really dont care i was walking out and someone pulled me in the bush it was raven she looked diffrent but luckly she didnt change to much we both changed alot she looked hestitent to talk she had bruses on her arms and legs sh was just about to talk when we heard yelling lots of yelling and i was down right scared cause the voices we her dad and mom's when blake saw them they had their fist balled up their faces were red and they looked pissed off like some one cheated out them out of something and i all ready knew me and raven cheated out of death its self

pic on the side is of the changed raven sorry if its short i have a bunch of stuff  to do and my mom took my tablet so yea bye comment people plzzzz 

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