whores and a fight

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Blaize POV

Oh these little bitches don't know how pissed I am right now they just pissed me out of the way I trapped a disinfecting wipe from on of those pole things and made 1 of them turn around and I wiped like some of her make up of it was fucking funneh " aww what a same not really you spend so much time on your make up to notice that your just a fake bitch who sleeps every where just by looking at your hair you must've been really sluty" I said while dangling the wipe in front of her face and Blake burst out in to laughs trying to catch his breath in between laughs her side kick slapped him oh it's on now bitch I pushed her out of the way and pushed her side kick to the ground "fucking touch one more time and I'll nock that fake nose job off you sluty face " I said sweetly then I realized it was haillie and them oh shit oh shit I'm dead " how dare you push her around " danny yelled while helping her up what the fuck " oh well I don't know she's a fucking whore she slapped my boyfriend , she beats the shit out of me at school till I black out , and did I mention she's a whore ! " I yelled Danny and me were face to face now and haille oh this bitch is goinn down hold my earnings wait I'm not we're any pfft I knew that

" your talking about my girlfriend slut " he growled I was on the verge of tears when I fucking lost it I lunged for that bitch and tackled her ass and she was getting her own medicine danny was yelling at Blake and was about to punch him I got off of her she was unconscious and he was just about to hit Blake so I tackled him hell naw he wasn't touching my man brother or not Blake hasn't beat me in anyway .and danny was tackling back I got up off him and kicked him where the sun doesn't shine and mumbled " some brother you are hmp if you really loved me you would realized she a slut and believe me not her " he looked at me but I was rudely shoved by nikki and you know what I did I shoved her back Iiked fighting back for once and it looks like boxing was paying off after all but I didn't really look like the fighting type cause I was slim

I have high metabolism but I was fucking tuff as shit but when ash and Derek beat me I broke out into sobbs right away cause they sparred now mercy and sometimes my blade would fall out of my bag and they would notice and the would cut my wrist for me but they went to deep but I did to but they literally went for past my limit but when ash would cut me and Derek would beat me I didn't feel a thing cause I felt relif with the shiny blade on my skin but this time was different I was defending my self she was trying to swing at me but I had trading she didn't so i would just step back but she tried to bitch slap me so I punched her and we went down to the floor she clung on to my hair really I ripped out fake extensions and she yellped I heard a voice I hated so much speak but I kept going at it and she had a bloody noise some one ripped me off her and threw me into a tree it was Derek Blake and danny were no where to be seen and I was left helpless to suffer the consciences

Derek was super pissed he slaped me leaving his print but I wasn't standing for this anymore I slapped the mother fucker back he smiled with a red print on his face as well " aww were twins but your the devil I'm the angel " I as I said that he forced his lips on my neck ewwww I was trying to get him off me kicking and punching and screaming my ass off finally I snapped punching harder and kicked him then finally my knight in scratch that the devil with dimples showed up as if they were taking turns but I took my opportunity and ran and I saw Blake and danny arguing and I stopped they didn't notice me I started crying and slowly I fell to the ground whispering the one lullaby that I sang myself to sleep every night

Cutters lullaby :

Go to sleep close your eyes and dream of broken butterflies that tore their wings against a thorn you know the pain that they have borne

Sliver metal shines so bright Scarlett blood that feels so right dream of that blood trickling down and wake up just before you drown

....the moonlight shining off your tears as you bleed out your own worst fears So tonight when you start to cry whisper the cutters lullaby

Hushabye baby your almost dead you don't have a pulse and your pillows red your family hates you your friends let you bleed sleep tight with a knife cause that's all you need

Rockabye baby , broken and scarred you didn't know life would be this hard time to end the pain you so well so down you go baby straight down to hell

I finished singing the world was blurry I stood up and got between danny and Blake who were gonna go at it and started singing again not willing but my mind forced me and I singed softly hoping they would here me

Cutters lullaby :

Go to sleep close your eyes and dream of broken butterflies that tore their wings against a thorn you know the pain that they have borne

Sliver metal shines so bright Scarlett blood that feels so right dream of that blood trickling down and wake up just before you drown

....the moonlight shining off your tears as you bleed out your own worst fears So tonight when you start to cry whisper the cutters lullaby

Hushabye baby your almost dead you don't have a pulse and your pillows red your family hates you your friends let you bleed sleep tight with a knife cause that's all you need

Rockabye baby , broken and scarred you didn't know life would be this hard time to end the pain you so well so down you go baby straight down to hell

And then I flet pain in my sides I saw derek with a gun and the little group ran for there and for what I thought would be the last time singing my beloved poem as I heard ambulances and sirens and started singing. for my last time my last time ever

Cutters lullaby :

Go to sleep close your eyes and dream of broken butterflies that tore their wings against a thorn you know the pain that they have borne

Sliver metal shines so bright Scarlett blood that feels so right dream of that blood trickling down and wake up just before you drown

....the moonlight shining off your tears as you bleed out your own worst fears So tonight when you start to cry whisper the cutters lullaby

Hushabye baby your almost dead you don't have a pulse and your pillows red your family hates you your friends let you bleed sleep tight with a knife cause that's all you need

Rockabye baby , broken and scarred you didn't know life would be this hard time to end the pain you so well so down you go baby straight down to hell

And I saw the light but refused to leave not now when I was just beginning to have a family and a boyfriend and a happy life

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