rivals to best friend's

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+++okay real quick their will be a sequel btw that doesn't mean the story is gonna end end fast it's gonna end in a long time for now++++

Daniel pov

I just found out something and I'm not to happy about it but I'm not gonna tell 'it' that yeah I called her a it shut up blaize ripped Paige off of hallie Paige looked at me with pure disgusted and blaize with pure hate and hurt she glared at me you can practically feel the madness from them like they were gonna fucking kill me or something jeez chill "get the hell out of my house traitor " blaize hissed "chill out cat " I sneered she flipped me off pfft yeah keep doing that shit whore

I picked hallie up bridal style and walked out with pride and Paige and the bitch slammed the door behind me like I care I put hallie in the back seat and drove to the place we all meet and we got their and we started plotting our revenge on 2 worthless bitches

Paige pov

"a least we have one thing in common " I said sighing "yup their both bitches but I've got a plan " blaize said rubbing her hands together like a evil villain from a movie " what is it ?" I questioned "we are gonna go back to flat kay" Oliver said messing up our hair "okay " we said in unison blaize jumped on the bungee chair I swear she's gonna brake that line one day

"so what's the plan " I said "well you know how hallie just love's her red convertible right " she said I smirked "yeah and " I said while chuckling "2 words spray paint " she said pulling a can out she had a evily grin sneak on her face "by that's not all we get revenge on every single one of them " she said oh I love this girl more and more by the minute

"we are gonna be best friend's just wait " I said smirking and that was the beging of a beautiful relationship blooming further then we thought it would be much further but I just can't let go of the feeling I get when I see blake it makes me feel werid almost like he's gonna do something that hurts her or something I feel like no mater what will be close like this again

Blaize POV sorry for all the changing of povs :(

I was smirking you see me and Paige used to be like rivals now we're all bestie werid anyway "I want I want I want that's GRAVY I want I want I want that's JAY-Z " I sang really loud earning a laugh from paige so I continued " you can be preoccupied diffrent dick every night " I sang " I'll be their in two, I'll be their in two baby pikachu " "don't let the bitches steal your phone " I was Dying right now so was Paige we are on the floor clutching our stomachs gasping for air now and then we stop finally to the sound off a car we both shot up looking outside the window it was Derek and the little group he had formed and none other then my brother was their to oh how I HATE him so much is just amazing how I don't go all ninja on him

I was slightly panicking but I reached my phone out and dialled 911 they answered "hello 911 what's your emergency ?" She said "hello my names Blaize Cross well 2 months ago I was shot and right now both of the people who shot me our at my house and I'm scared they might do something worse " I said my voice shaking a bit "oh no they got out okay we are tracking your cellphone location the police will be they soon " she said and hung up the hell Paige was against the door so was i I didn't know what they wanted at all or what they wanted good thing I didn't hide a spare key like a dumbass under the rug I swear ever heard of a better hiding place much I heard cop car's and Derek yelling at me through the door I got up and saw them all against the car getting patted down I opened my door and one of the dude's outside snooping about what happened recognized me but I didn't recognize him he ran up to us and hugged us both of us I was shocked really I didn't even know the dude

dudes pov

I saw her and Paige together I was happy I finally saw them for the first time in 13 years I shall explain right now I'm Blaize and Paiges Uncle that is there bio dad and their bio mother died in a fire I was heart broken but I didn't and couldn't take care of them so the went to a orphanage and I didn't have custody over them cause of well I'm there uncle and they didn't know me at the time

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So what do you think short yes but today was teen wolf day for me and I'm a bipolar bitch right now cause of you know but anyway I'll try to update

Let's see if you really love my story which I doubt you do

I want at least 5 comments okay if there is 5 I'll try to make the story EVEN more awesome or something like that oh the video of one direction changing the lyrics our right below okay


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