Chapter Four

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"So what are you gonna do after you have the baby?" My friend Jacelyn asks after the lab.

We're removing our lab coats so we can go grab a bite to eat.

"Well, the baby is due in September so hopefully I can start working in the new year." I say.

Grace and Mackenzie catch up to us as we head out of the school.

"Have you and Trey thought of any names?" Mackenzie asks.

"No. We're still thinking about it but I have a couple of ideas. You guys coming to the baby shower on Saturday?" I ask as we walk down the street.

Four females walking down D.C streets in the middle of May with our futures ahead of us. Final exams are in two weeks then, if I pass, it's graduation. We step into Olive Garden and we're immediately seated by the host.

We place our orders and the waiter is off.

"I wish Alex would just propose." Grace complains about her boyfriend.

"Give it some time. It's not all perfect, y'know." I say while sipping my water.

"I know, but it's just baby fever that you're passing around." Mackenzie says.

I laugh and say,"I got pregnant by accident y'all. Trey just happens to be a great guy."

"Lucky." Jacelyn says.

We all laugh and the subject changes to the upcoming finals and graduation.

"I swear if I don't pass, my father will kill me," Grace says from across the table.

Her father doesn't play. I shrug.

"We can do a study night at my house." I suggest while reaching for my ringing phone in my purse.

Trey's face pops up on my screen.


"Sup, bae? Where you at?" He asks.

"I'm out eating lunch with the girls." I say.

He sucks his teeth.

"Trey, I always see you. What?" I ask.

It's kinda cute that he wants to be with me, but I need to be with other people.

"Just forget it. I'll see you later." He says sadly.

"No, baby. Tell me." I command.

"I have this gala  at my job today. I totally forgot about it. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come." He says.

"Of course I'll come. Damn Trey. I'll call you later. Bye." I say.

"Bye." He says and I hang up.

I sigh and put my phone on the table.

"At least your man calls you to see where you at." Jacelyn says.

I guess I'm pretty grateful for Trey.

Trey comes out in his tuxedo looking handsome as hell. Rolex on his wrist and a fresh cut. I have body-hugging black dress on that brings out my pregnant belly(outfit in picture). My hair is in an updo.

Trey whistles when he sees me all dressed up. He takes my hand and makes me do a circle. I laugh and blush.

"Damn girl. You look amazing. People are gonna be hating." He says.

"You look good, yourself." I say while kissing his cheek.

We stand side by side in front of our full body mirror. We look like a front magazine celebrity couple.

"We look good together." I say.

"We were made for each other." He says with a smile,"Let's get out of here."

I nod and grab my silver clutch.

"You don't think the dress makes me look fat?" I ask Trey before we leave.

"Liberty, your body looks banging in that dress. Don't worry, I'd still hit it and you know that." He says while straightening his bow tie.

I blush red and roll my eyes. Trey opens the front door for me and winks.

"After you, my queen."

"Oh shut up." I say while walking out of the door.

This night is gonna be great. Trey drives to Howard University's banquet hall, and parks the car. The sun is setting and it's the perfect time to take a snap. I take a picture of Trey as he fixes himself AGAIN.

"Trey, who are you trying to impress?" I ask as I take an off guard pic of him.

"The president of the university and everyone important is gonna be there. I have to make a good impression." He says.

"Oh. I see." I say while putting my phone in my clutch.

He intertwined his fingers into mine and we walk hand-in-hand to the large banquet doors. The voices and music get louder as we get closer. Trey's hand begins to sweat. Ew.

"Tremaine, relax."

"I am." He says anxiously.

"No. You're hands are sweating." I complain.

"Sorry." He whispers but by then we're already in the banquet hall.

Fancy is an understatement. One thing you'll find at an HBCU gala is educated and sophisticated black folks. People are dressed to the nines. I grab a water off a server's tray and sip. No alcohol for me or the baby. Trey takes a champagne off another tray.

"There's the chairman of the school, baby." Trey says while pointing to an old African American man who stood with a group of others similar in age.

"Go talk to him." I encourage him.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone." He asks.

His eyes show that he wants to go talk.

"Go, baby. I'm gonna walk around and talk to some old friends." I reassure him.

"Okay. Call me if there's an emergency." He says before kissing my lips and walking smoothly over to the important looking men.

Alone in this packed room, I look around for a familiar face. Guess I'll just take a walk around the party until I find someone. Somebody has to be here.

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