Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

It was perfect. Harry and I where skating hand-in-hand around the rink. I was showing him how I could spin and twirl and jump but when he tried, he failed miserably. We took little breaks and got hot chocolate and talked a little bit. When we got back on the ice, fireworks started from behind the buildings down the street. Harry and I never let go of each other, we stood at our place to watch the beautiful fireworks. I wrapped my arms around Harry's torso and he put his arm around my shoulder. A burst of pink and blue was lighting up the sky when I looked up into Harry's gorgeous green eyes. He looked down at me. This was the perfect time- he started to lean in and I did the same. I was crossing my fingers behind his back hoping no one would interrupt again. Before I knew it, Harry's lips were connected with mine. It made my stomach explode with butterflies. I guess crossing your fingers really works now? Our lips were entwined until the loud sound of the fireworks scared me and I jumped. At least it was something right?

"Cat, that was -" harry started until I cut him off

"amazing" I finished his sentence and Quickly kissed him again. Hearing 'oohhhss' from the other boys passing us. We began to ice skate again.

We have been skating for 15 minuets My fingers where entwined with Harrys when my phone started ringing.

"I wont give up on us. Even if the skies get rough." started playing when I looked at the caller ID. Mason. I just wanted him to stop calling me so I answered.

"hello?" I asked annoyed. Harry looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"hi Cat." Mason responded

"what do you want?"

"nothing just- just..turn around."

"What?" I responded stopping in my tracks.

"Turn around please?" I did as told and turned around. Before I knew it I was face to face with Mason.  I slowly backed up and felt tears drip down my face. Doesn't he know how much pain he caused me? How does he even have the nerve to call me? I loved him with all my heart and he cheated on me. I once again felt Harry's arm wrap around my waist.

"Long time no see." Mason stated as I wiped my tears away. What was he even doing here in London?

"Who are you?" Harry spit out while balling up his fists and making his grip on me tighter.

"Mason Jefferson. Who are you?" Mason said crossing his arms.

"You don't need to know that. Why are you here you dirty bastard?!" Harry stated. I told Harry what Mason has done to me. yet, when I told him all I did was break down in tears. It's a really sensitive subject to talk about with me, I would either break down in tears or just plug my fingers in my ears when I heard his name.  I told him how he made me never trust anyone again. How he didn't even try to apologize and left me get beat down by other girls in the halls. Harry didn't say one word when I told him he just comforted me, letting me know it was all over. And that I could trust him.

"It's none of your business Curly. Let me talk to her." Mason said gripping my hand, I gave Harry a reassuring look and he nodded. I skated away with Mason. He needs to do some serious explaining. I am not leaving the premises under any circumstance with this boy. Harry looked beyond pissed, would it be wrong if I said it was hot?

"SHE HAS A NAME DICKHEAD." Harry screamed to Mason over the loud music that was playing. by the time Mason and I where off the ice we sat on a bench nearby. I could feel Harry's glare.

"Can we talk? please cat?" Mason stated pushing my side bangs back.

"don't touch me. and there is nothing to talk about. Why are you here?" I said smacking his hand from my face.

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