Chapter 4

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A/N I just wanted to give you all a heads up. In this story Harry is in One Direction with Zayn, Lou, Niall and Liam. But, they are not Famous. They just do Covers of songs of YouTube. Just trying to clear things up ~Allyson

I ran downstairs and swiftly walked through the entrance doors to Harry's truck. He got of the driver side to open the passenger door for me.

I curtsied and said "Thank you my kind sir" with a giant smile on my face.

He then chuckled, bowed and said "Anytime my Lady". I stepped in the passenger seat as harry shut the door behind me. He ran around the front of the car and jumped in the drivers seat. We both buckled our seatbelts. He put his Ed Sheeran CD in the car radio and tried to start a conversation.

"How has your day been so far?" He asked not taking his eyes of the road.

"well, for a start, I spit Orange juice all over Dylan." I said with a light smirk. He laughed shooting me a quick glance "What? Why" He asked turning the radio down to let me explain.

We pulled up to a Starbucks around 5 minuets later. By the time Harry got out of the car I was already on the pavement. When he looked at me and hung his head and let out an 'awl'

"What's wrong?" I asked.

" I was going to open the car door for" Harry looked at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Awl, Sorry, you can open this one" I said pointed to the front door of the Starbucks we were about to answer.

He looked up and brushed hair out of his face "Yay!" he squealed in a high pitch voice. My blue eyes grew wide in surprise as he skipped to the door. I couldn't help but Laugh at the sight. He effortlessly swung the door open and gestured me to walk in. I started over towards the door and put my hand on his shoulder and tiptoed to kiss his cheek and I let out a 'thank you'. He was a good 5'11 and I was barely 5'4.  His cheeks instantly grew red. I smiled widely and walked inside with Harry following close behind. Harry ordered a coffee and I ordered a hot chocolate.

He pulled out his wallet to pay and I placed my hand on the Wallet.

"You're not Paying Styles"

"Yes I am Anthony"

"No You aren't!" I said in a whisper-yell.

"You aren't winning this one Cat." He said in a deep voice.

I pouted "You don't have to pay."

"I want to." He handed the Cashier the money.

We were given our drinks and we sat at a booth. He sat across from me.

"Thank you for paying Harry" He nodded and mumbled something I didn't catch while taking a sip of his drink. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and looked up to find Harry staring at me. "what?" I asked and took another sip.

"Nothing, Just- just tell me about yourself." He set his coffee down and folded his hands on the table. Okay, now I have to tell him about myself. Breath. Why was I so nervous?

"Alrightttt" I dragged out

" I work at aeropastle on weekday nights, I love penguins, Purple is my favorite color, I watch hockey, a lot, I have 1 older sister Charlie, I sing in the shower, I think applesauce is disgusting, I prefer tea and hot chocolate over coffee, I got hit in head with a baseball bat when I was 14 *shows him the scar on my forehead* and I have never had a real kiss with a boy. and my middle name is Rose"


She caught me staring at her again, great.

"what?" She asked while taking another sip of her drink. O GOD.. Now she wants an explanation. THINK STYLES. Don't tell her you were staring at her because she is beautiful. think. got it.

" nothing, just- just tell me about yourself" crap I stuttered again. but good save. I mentally high fived myself. She basically told me EVERY SINGLE DETAIL about herself. I have only known her for 2 days. But it feels like 2 months. Well, I guess it was time to tell her about myself because she poked me several times.

"Is it my turn?" I asked and she nodded in agreement.

"okay, I have 1 older sister Gemma, My middle name is Edward, My parent are divorced also, I have a very loving stepdad, I have a habit of getting naked, I am from Holmes Chapel, My favorite color is orange, I love the movie love actually, my favorite animal is a turtle, I want a girl who is shorter than me *winks*, I love apple juice, I can juggle."

Cat and I were at the coffee shop until 11:30, I asked her if she wanted to meet some of the lads at my flat, she agreed. I hope she like them, they are not so good at first impressions.

*Cats Pov*

Harry asked me to go back to his flat to meet some of his friends. I agreed but I let him know I had to me back to my place by 3:30 to get ready for work. I got a text from Dylan saying that she locked my door when she left. Thank gosh, I am very cautious about that kind of stuff. We walked back to his truck, it was raining cats and dogs so we decided to run for it, hand-in-hand. He once again opened the passenger door for me. I carefully  stepped in and he shut the door behind me. I carefully watched him run around the front of the truck. He swiftly jumped into the drivers seat. We buckled our seatbelts and drove off. Harry put the radio on and wanted by hunter hays came on. We both sang along with passion and the song slowly came to an end.

"ya know, You don't have to open doors for me, I know how." I said glaring at him while pushing my damp hair behind my ear.

" I know, I was only raised to treat women with that kind if respect." he said gripping the steering wheel tightly turning his knuckles white.

"oh, Well thank you anyway." He nodded and slightly smiled.

* * * *  *  * * * * * * *  * *  *  *

We pulled up to a very large apartment building. He took my hand and led me into the building. He showed me to the elevator and stopped at floor 3. Not letting go of my hand, he led me to his large dorm '4-c'. He opened the door and 7 eyes found us immediately. There Was 7 boys, no girls, I only knew 3 out of the seven, Josh, Ash and Luke, who were playing Fifa. The other 5 were complete strangers.

"Don't look so scared love" Harry whispered into my ear.

"Ya know these 3 idiots."He pointed to Josh,ash and Luke.  The waved not taking there eyes off the game. I let out a shy and week "hi".

"this is Niall" He pointed to a blonde boy with brown roots sticking out here and there, No tattoos unlike the others, He had clear braces running along his teeth. He looked up from his phone and gave me a soft hug. "You must be Cat, Harry was talking about nonstop last night" I hugged him back and looked back to harry who was clearly blushing.  

"And Here is Zayn" Zayn's appearance was nice with Blackish hair and tattoos up his arm. When He hugged me the smell of smoke hit me. Such a turnoff for me, but he was still very handsome.

"This is Liam". He immediately shot up from his spot and embraced me in a bear hug. "Nice to meet you Love!" Liam said with Care. He is very tall. for me anyway. He didn't have as many tattoos as the others but he still had some. HIs hair is short, I like it. He is a sweetheart.

"and here is lo-

"I AM LOUIS!" Louis jumped in and Hugged me tightly. He was very jumpy, his hair was a chocolate brown like Harry's but straight.

"I'm going to call you Lou, it is faster" I said still in a tight hug with Lou. I couldn't breath.

Harry spoke up "Let go, you're crushing her".

I felt so welcome, they were all so nice. They smelt good too. I walked away from Harry and Sat on the couch In between Josh and Ashton. Ashton glanced at me and smiled and went back to his game. Ashton put an arm around my shoulder. I felt butterflies in my stomach, But they were nothing compared to the butterflies Harry gives me. I didn't resist because I was quite comfy. Harry shot Ash a deathly look and I saw Ash' eyes widen. He didn't take his arm off me until Harry walked behind and whispered something . His eyes once again widened and he slowly unwrapped his arm from me.

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