Chapter 2

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a/n Hey guys.. i was bored to i decided to update again. I hope you enjoy this chapter.. some really exciting things will happen soo...KEEP READING! i hope you guys enjoy and sorrry for any mistakes. 

I slowly walked into my apartment building as I watched harry drive off. I walked to the elevator and pressed the button '5' so it would drop me off at the fifth floor, the highest floor at that. I walked out of the elevator as i arrived to my destination. It was only 6 o'clock but it felt like midnight. I haven't eaten anything all day and it was already dark outside. Its the middle of October, October 26. The day I met Harry Styles. I unlocked my apartment door and sat on my couch and started thinking about my day. I got another shower because i was sweaty and dirty from my day at the gym. I got changed into my Spider man pajamas and started cooking some spaghetti- A girls got to eat right? After my spaghetti was done i turned my TV on and started watching The vow and started eating. I checked my phone and i got 1 new text message from Harry:

"I said i would text you...So Hi .x."

"hello." i replied. 

"this is boring, is it okay if I call you?" He asked

"Sure :)" 

After a minute or so my phone started  ringing. 'i wont give up by Jason mraz' started playing_ my favorite song. I started singing along to my ring tone and ignored the fact Harry was calling me. The music stopped and i got an Alert '1 missed call". Then i got another text from Harry. 

' why didn't you answer? you said i could call you."He asked

'yea i did say that, didn't i? Oh and i like my ring tone, that's why."i replied. 

"ha ha, okay? lets try this again." 

My phone started ringing again, of course it was Harry.

"Helloooo?" i said and made an 'o' shape and dragged the word out. 

" Helllooooo Cat." He said copying my actions.

"Sup Styles?" i said doing a little head bop. 

"Listening to Ashton and Josh argue about toothpaste."

"What kind of toothpaste?" i Asked out  of curiosity. 

"I'm not exactly Sure. Let me ask. hold on" He said. 

I waited for a good 3 minutes Until i heard Josh Scream "SHUT UP HARRY YOU DON'T BELONG IN THIS UNIQUE ARGUMENT" I giggled at his bluntness. 

"Sorry Cat, I live with idiots." He said laughing

"It's fine, i live by myself, so i have no worries." i stated

" Hey, *ASHTON STOP TOUCHING ME* sorry. i was wondering if you-*JOSH GET OFF THE TABLE!*    if you wanted to get Coffee tomorrow, with me?" he asked.

"Sure. What time? I have work at 4, so any time before that would be great-

"So 10:30 is good?" He asked. I can see him tilting his head and pursing his lips. 

"yep, you'll pick me up?" i asked putting my hair in a messy bun holding my phone in between my shoulder and ear.

" Yep, i will face time you Cat , Ash and Josh are dancing and i think i might just join them" 

After 10 seconds i was getting a face time from  Harry. 

"HI CAT!" all three of the boys screamed at the same time

"hi!" i screamed back.

"wanna see me and ash dance!?" Harry screamed. 

i put my hand over my mouth laughed and nodded in agreement.

"okay!" they both screamed. They handed josh the phone and he pointed the camera on them. 

"hi cat, Cool kids don't dance" Josh said to me through Harry's phone laughing. 

"Thats exactly why i dont Dance!" i said to Josh. He laughed and pointed the camera to Harry and Ash as they started Dancing to Leave my women alone by Ray Charles.(video in the side bar!) They were dancing like complete idiots, i was practically peeing myself from laughing so hard. I was wiping tears from my eyes and harry took the phone back from Josh. 

"HAHA!  i knew i was a good dancer! proves josh wrong! cool kids do dance! thanks to cat, i now know im a good dancer. Aren't i Cat!?" he rose hi chin and smiled widely. 

"no. Harry. you are not." i smiled. obviously joking with him I heard an unfimalir laugh in the backround. 

"AWW." he pouted and stuck his bottom lips out and made his eyes wide. 

"Who was Laughing in the back round Harry? i don't know that laugh." I said about to put my glasses on. i took my contacts out a minute ago. 

"oh. ha ha. That is Luke. *COME MY CHILD!*" harry pointed to Luke gesturing him to come towards him. Luke sat  beside Harry and said  'hi cat!' into the phone. i waved my hand and put my glasses on.

"HEY YOUR GLASSES ARE CUTE!" Luke screamed and sorta blew my eardrum out. Harry's head shot up with surprised eyes.

"YOU HAVE GLASSES!?" harry yelled. 

"you guys need to calm down with the screaming, my ears hurt" i said and pushed my hair behind my ear. "And yes Harry, i do have glasses."

"okay, so tomorrow at 10:30, Catherine?"

"Yes Harold." i Smiled widely. 

"good" He said. Ash licked his face and made a priceless face. He scrunched his face and Wiped his face, 

"Harry, I'm going to go, i'm tired." i said leaning to my side and putting my hand on my cheek. Harry once again pouted. 

"But, i want you to stayyyyy" he dragged out. "it's only 8:30! I need company!"  he was still pouting with his eyebrows furrowed. 

"fine. No longer than a half hour. and you can blame yourself if i start falling asleep on here. got it?" i smiled and pulled my hair back into a french braid. He shot me a 'thumbs up". We talked on face time for about 2 hours longer than I wanted to. 

*Harrys POV*

She is so incredibly beautiful, she is funny and cute and- i want her to be mine. I don't think she feels the same about me. I didn't want to go to the gym this morning. The boys were begging me to go, now i am thanking them for bringing me along. We hung up about 10 minutes ago, i let her go because she was falling asleep. She stayed up 2 hours longer than she wanted to, and i defiantly blame myself for it. I amazed myself because i actually built up the courage to ask her out for coffee. Wait, i did not think this through. How do i know if she even likes coffee? Will she hate the place we are going to? I want things to be perfect. I know it is not a date- but i am acting like it is one. Se doesn't know that.

A/N thankyou for reading! How will Cat like the date tomorrow? will she discover her true feelings for Harry? WELL, dont ask me and keep reading! 

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