Chapter 1

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"Cat! Cat! Wakeup! I want to go to the gym! C'mon lazy, get ready!" My best friend Dylan Screamed as she jumped on my bed and shook my shoulders.

"Alright, okay! calm down Blondie!" I said quite annoyed and stretching.

I walked to my bathroom, grabbed my green and black polka dotted towel and yelled to Dylan that I was getting a shower. I put my iPod on the edge of the sink beside my shower and put my Demi Lovato on Shuffle.

After my shower, I threw my hair in a towel  and wrapped my body in one also. I then washed my face with cleanser and brushed my teeth. I walked back into my room and found Dylan lying on my bed playing on my laptop. I then grabbed my  black Victoria's secret leggings, a purple tank top, and my black Nike shoes to wear to the gym. After blow drying my light curly brown hair and pulling it into a ponytail, we headed off to the gym.

We walked about 2 miles to the gym, it was a far way to go, but at least I got exercise. When we arrived I immediately signed in and headed straight for the treadmills. I plugged my ear buds in and set my treadmill timer for 10 minuets.

I was running for exactly 5:34 minutes when I looked up to find a very handsome boy with dark curly brown hair staring at me from across the gym. The mysterious boy and I were staring at each other for a good 10 seconds until I snapped back to reality when Dylan smacked my shoulder. I paused my treadmill time limit.

"huh?" I mumbled asking why she smacked me.

"who were you staring at?" she raised her eyebrow and put her hand on her hip. Typical Dylan. She's  one sassy chick.

"I really don't know... I looked up when I was running and he was staring at me." I explained and pursed my lips together.

"weird. okay I am going to head over to the stationary bikes. Have fun staring cat." She said and bean walking to the bikes.

" I WILL." I raised my head up and let it fall again.

I played my music and  continued running, glaring up at the boy every now and then. When my timer beeped I paused my music and wrapped my ear buds around the device. I walked back to my locker to get my water when I noticed my boxing hand wraps hanging on a hook. I took them out along with my water and took a sip. I looked around the gym and walked to the punching bags with my wraps hanging over my shoulder. I placed my water on a bench close the punching bag, put my wraps on and began my routine.

I have done boxing with my dad every week since I was 6. We stopped after I won the state championship due to my dads back injury and my broken hand. I broke my hand in 3 places during my last match, I fell and landed on it wrong. I won the last round because of a trick my dad taught me, if he had not taught me that I would I have lost badly.

My footsteps each time I punch should move like they should. I kept reminding myself 'light steps, light steps' as it pushes more force towards your punch. I noticed the boy from earlier walking my way and I threw my hardest possible punch , only trying my best to impress him. I hurt my knuckles really bad but I showed no hurt expression. He was two feet from me with a small smile on his face.

"You Box?" he asked with a deep voice. He lifted his head up and pushed his curly hair out of his face. I noticed he  had a few tattoos up his arms.

" uh..yea" I said and took a sip of my water and swiped a piece of loose hair away.

"Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I am Harry Styles"

"Cat Anthony." I said and started to take my wrap of my hands.

" Cat, I like that name, is it short for  something?" He asked, took a sip of his water and leaned against a pole.

"Yup, it is short for Catherine....I also like your name...Harry" I poked him in the stomach which made him laugh. I couldn't help but laugh with him. We looked at each other while laughing.

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