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"Who are you?"
As she says those words I feel my entire world ripping apart around me. I look at her in disbelief.
"Kenna it's me Caden. Your my protector and your an àngelos one of the last of your kind. Kenna you have to remember me after all we've been through."
I don't care anymore. I let the tears fall. People have started to crowd around us.
"You are the world to me and I love you."
I look at Kenna again and she looks sympathetic but mostly confused.
"I'm sorry I made you listen to that. You don't even know who I am or who you are. I-I."
I turn around and leave. The crowd parts as I walk away. In the background I think I hear one girl whimper. I look at her. She is wearing a camp half blood shirt and has part of her hair in a braid with a feather sticking out of it. I look at her for a second more before sighing and walking away for good. There is nothing I can do for her. A pool of tears follows me through the infirmary.
"Caden! Wait up!" I hear a voice. I turn around. It's the black haired boy.
"My name is Percy Jackson. Nice to meet you." He says quickly. "Look Caden, I've known Kenna for a long time, but I could immediately tell by the way she looked at you when she first got you here that she really cares for you. I'm sorry what you have to go through. I couldn't imagine life without my Wise Girl."
"I just don't get it!" I let out a frustrated sigh.
"Why would her own mother do that to her?!"
"I don't know why someone would do that either. Wait did you say mother?" Percy looks at me for a second before I answer.
"Did you not hear her whispering to her mom to stop punishing her?"
"No but now we have a hint of who she might be. Okay so she's either evil or Kenna did something bad. Which I doubt."
"We should make a list of all of the evil ladies."
"Caden... That's a great idea!" he says enthusiastically.
We walk back to Kenna's bed. She is now sitting up in her bed and talking to a few satyrs while stretching one of her wings, testing it to see if they are real. She gasps when she see's me. There is a little spark of hope inside of me that she remembers. But that hope deflates as soon as she starts to speak.
"I'm sorry if I have caused you any pain in the past but I do not remember so I want to apologize now."
"That's okay, but I am going to try and get your memory even if it's the last thing I do."
She looks at me and give a closed mouth smile.
"I'm just scared there will be something that I will not want to see."
She continues to smile. I look at her for a second. What if she doesn't get the nightmares from her mom if she doesn't remember her. Do I really want to bring her back so I can just feel her love? No. I'm being selfish. I should just live out the rest of her life in peace with no more monsters attacking her in her own dreams. I silently smile back at her and walk away crestfallen. Kenna notices.
"What's wrong?"
I wince at the sound of her voice and turn around.
"Nothing to worry about Kenna."
"No really. What's wrong? Is it my fault?" Kenna says worriedly.
"No it could never be your fault. It was actually mine. It's my fault you lost your memory not yours." I walk over to her bed and grab her hand.
"What caused the loss of my memory?" This question shoots me through the heart. How will I answer? What will I say?
"I don't know yet." I lied. I lied to Kenna. I drop her hands and try to get away but something catches my eyes. On her arm is written, I AM RISING in scars. I grab her hand again and stretch out her arm. Am I reading this correctly?
"What's wrong with my arm?"
"I need to get Percy."
I rush out of the infirmary in search of Percy Jackson. I run around camp hoping to find him. I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into something. I fall to the ground an rub my head.
"Sorry." I gasp. It's Percy! With a girl?
"Percy! Kenna-- her arm--she needs help!"
"Come on Annabeth" He grabs her hand and leads her to the infirmary. When she enters the room her face pales and so does Percy's.
"T-Tar-Tarturus. Did he do this? It looks like something he would do. wait, is that? Oh my Gods. Kenna!" Annabeth rushes to her side a holds Kenna's hand in her own. Kenna yanks her hand away.
"Who are you? What is this?" She points to her arm.
"I am rising," Annabeth reads aloud.
"Who do you think it is?"
"I don't know," Percy replies.
"But we do know it's a female," I add.
Percy looks at Annabeth. "We were going to make a list of all female monsters and goddesses."
"Percy, wouldn't it be easier if we go to Olympus and ask if anyone knows who her attacker is."
Then Percy adds, "/mom."
"Wait, MOM?"
"Oh yeaaaah. Forgot to mention it. Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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