Dallas Winston x Reader (The Outsiders)

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Dally would never tell anyone this, but he is deathly afraid of bugs. Since you've been together for such a long time, you figured this out and blurted it out to the gang one day while hanging at the Curtis' house.

A few days later, Two-Bit put a fake spider on Dally's shoulder, and Dally screamed like a little girl. Everyone was laughing at him, and he glared at you.

"Dal, I just wanted to help you get over your fear," you said sarcastically, barely being able to speak from laughing so hard. Suddenly, Dally's eyes got misty and he chuckled as he said, "Ah, shoot, Y/N... Bugs ain't even the least of my fears... My worst fear is losing you."

A/N: Sorry this one is short, but it's definitely got a lot of fluffy mushy love stuff hahaha! Hope you guys liked it regardless!

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